-- called by updateWarningTables.sh to alter the warning and practicewarning tables -- and to create indexes and sequences for the activetable tables DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS practice_activetableseq; DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS activetableseq; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS activetable_officeid_phensig_idx; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS practice_activetable_officeid_phensig_idx DROP INDEX IF EXISTS practicewarning_office_phensig_index DROP INDEX IF EXISTS warning_office_phensig_index ALTER TABLE warning DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS ugczones; ALTER TABLE practicewarning DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS ugczones; CREATE INDEX activetable_officeid_phensig_idx ON activetable USING btree (officeid COLLATE pg_catalog."default", phensig COLLATE pg_catalog."default"); CREATE INDEX practice_activetable_officeid_phensig_idx ON practice_activetable USING btree (officeid COLLATE pg_catalog."default", phensig COLLATE pg_catalog."default"); CREATE SEQUENCE activetableseq INCREMENT 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807 START 1 CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE activetableseq OWNER TO awips; CREATE SEQUENCE practice_activetableseq INCREMENT 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807 START 1 CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE practice_activetableseq OWNER TO awips; CREATE INDEX practicewarning_office_phensig_index ON practicewarning USING btree (officeid COLLATE pg_catalog."default", phensig COLLATE pg_catalog."default"); CREATE INDEX warning_office_phensig_index ON warning USING btree (officeid COLLATE pg_catalog."default", phensig COLLATE pg_catalog."default"); ALTER TABLE warning ADD COLUMN ugczones text; ALTER TABLE practicewarning ADD COLUMN ugczones text;