Each pane of the temporal editor contains one tool that
depends on the type of the data displayed. For example, temperature is
a scalar, so the temporal Adjust Scalar tool is the only tool available
when temperature is displayed. The Adjust Vector tool edits wind data and
the temporal Set Value tool edits weather and obstructions. The table below
lists each of the tools, mouse actions, and functions. Note that you do
not select a tool icon when using the Temporal Editor as you did with the
Spatial Editor since the tool is implied by the specific data type displayed
in the data pane.
Data Type
MB1 Click & MB1 Drag
Adjust Gridpoint Values
MB1 Click & Drag
Adjust Vector Magnitude
Shift MB1 Click & Drag
Adjust Vector Direction
MB1 Click
Set Wx Value to current pickup value
MB1 Click
Set Wx Value to current pickup value |
Button 3 popups are available when using the Temporal Editor tools.
Refer to the Button 3 Popup
Reference Guide for more details.
Select an edit area in the Spatial Editor so that one of the Temporal Editor
pane contains some data.
Move the cursor to the cursor to the far left of the Temporal Editor pane
and MB2 click. Note that the scale zooms in.
Now MB1 click. Note that the scale zooms out.
Now MB2 click two or three times. Then MB1 press and drag up and
down. Note that the scale and the data pan vertically to match your
mouse movements.
The Temporal Editor scale pane offers options via the button 3 popup
menu. These options control the scaling to fit to data and full view. The
full set of Temporal Editor popups are described in the Button
3 Popup Reference Guide.
Now that you know how to manipulate the Temporal Editor pane, it's time
to edit some data temporally.
For the next set of exercises, it is best to set up your GFE so that
both the spatial and temporal editors are visible simultaneously. For all
of the exercises, you'll be asked to define an edit area then edit the
data using the temporal editor. Using the temporal editor is similar to
using the grid point tools. First you define the area over which you want
to edit using edit areas, then you perform the operation.