/***************************************************************************** * Copyright by The HDF Group. * * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. * * All rights reserved. * * * * This file is part of the HDF Java Products distribution. * * The full copyright notice, including terms governing use, modification, * * and redistribution, is contained in the files COPYING and Copyright.html. * * COPYING can be found at the root of the source code distribution tree. * * Or, see http://hdfgroup.org/products/hdf-java/doc/Copyright.html. * * If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from * * help@hdfgroup.org. * ****************************************************************************/ package ncsa.hdf.object; /** * A CompoundDS is a dataset with compound datatype. *

* A compound datatype is an aggregation of one or more datatypes. Each member * of a compound type has a name which is unique within that type, and a datatype * of that member in a compound datum. Compound datatype can be nested, i.e. members * of compound datatype can be some other compound datatype. *

* For more details on compound datatype, see * {@link HDF5 User's Guide} *

* Since Java cannot handle C-structured compound data, data in compound dataset * is loaded in to an Java List. Each element of the list is a data array that corresponds * to a compound field. The data is read/written by compound field. *

* For example, if compound dataset "comp" has the following nested structure, * and memeber datatypes *

 * comp --> m01 (int)
 * comp --> m02 (float)
 * comp --> nest1 --> m11 (char)
 * comp --> nest1 --> m12 (String)
 * comp --> nest1 --> nest2 --> m21 (long)
 * comp --> nest1 --> nest2 --> m22 (double)
* The data object is an Java list of six arrays: {int[], float[], char[], Stirng[], long[] and double[]}. *

* @version 1.1 9/4/2007 * @author Peter X. Cao */ public abstract class CompoundDS extends Dataset { /** * A single character to separate the names of nested compound fields. * An extended ASCII character, 0x95, is used to avoid common characters in compound names. */ public static final String separator = "\u0095"; /** * The number of members of the compound dataset. */ protected int numberOfMembers; /** * The names of members of the compound dataset. */ protected String[] memberNames; /** * Returns array containing the total number of elements of the members of compound. *

* For example, a compound dataset COMP has members of A, B and C as *

     *     COMP {
     *         int A;
     *         float B[5];
     *         double C[2][3];
     *     }
* memberOrders is an integer array of {1, 5, 6} to indicate that * member A has one element, member B has 5 elements, and member C has 6 elements. */ protected int[] memberOrders; /** * The dimension sizes of each member. *

* The i-th element of the Object[] is an integer array (int[]) that * contains the dimension sizes of the i-th member. */ protected Object[] memberDims; /** * The datatypes of compound members. */ protected Datatype[] memberTypes; /** * The array to store flags to indicate if a member of compound dataset is selected for read/write. *

* If a member is selected, the read/write will perform on the member. Applications such * as HDFView will only display the selected members of the compound dataset. *

     * For example, if a compound dataset has four members
     *     String[] memberNames = {"X", "Y", "Z", "TIME"};
     * and
     *     boolean[] isMemberSelected = {true, false, false, true};
     * members "X" and "TIME" are selected for read and write.
*/ protected boolean[] isMemberSelected; /** * Constructs a CompoundDS object with given file, dataset name and path. *

* The dataset object represents an existing dataset in the file. For example, * new H5CompoundDS(file, "dset1", "/g0/") constructs a dataset object that corresponds to * the dataset,"dset1", at group "/g0/". *

* This object is usually constructed at FileFormat.open(), which loads the * file structure and object informatoin into tree structure (TreeNode). It * is rarely used elsewhere. *

* @param theFile the file that contains the dataset. * @param name the name of the CompoundDS, e.g. "compDS". * @param path the path of the CompoundDS, e.g. "/g1". */ public CompoundDS(FileFormat theFile, String name, String path) { this(theFile, name, path, null); } /** * @deprecated Not for public use in the future.
* Using {@link #CompoundDS(FileFormat, String, String)} */ public CompoundDS( FileFormat theFile, String name, String path, long[] oid) { super (theFile, name, path, oid); numberOfMembers = 0; memberNames = null; isMemberSelected = null; memberTypes = null; } /** * Returns the number of members of the compound dataset. * * @return the number of members of the compound dataset. */ public final int getMemberCount() { return numberOfMembers; } /** * Returns the number of selected members of the compound dataset. * * Selected members are the compound fields which are selected for read/write. *

* For example, in a compound datatype of {int A, float B, char[] C}, * users can choose to retrieve only {A, C} from dataset. In this case, * getSelectedMemberCount() returns two. * * @return the number of selected members. */ public final int getSelectedMemberCount() { int count = 0; if (isMemberSelected != null) { for (int i=0; i * For example, for a compound datatype of {int A, float B, char[] C} * getMemberNames() returns ["A", "B", "C"}. * * @return the names of compound members. */ public final String[] getMemberNames() { return memberNames; } /** * Checks if a member of compound is selected for read/write. * * @param idx the index of compound member. * * @return true if the i-th memeber is selected; otherwise returns false. */ public final boolean isMemberSelected(int idx) { if ((isMemberSelected != null) && (isMemberSelected.length>idx)) { return isMemberSelected[idx]; } else { return false; } } /** * Selects the i-th member for read/write. * * @param idx the index of compound member. */ public final void selectMember(int idx) { if ((isMemberSelected != null) && (isMemberSelected.length>idx)) { isMemberSelected[idx] = true; } } /** * Selects/deselects all members. * * @param isSelected The indicator to select or deselect all members. * If true, all members are selected for read/write. * If false, no member is selected for read/write. */ public final void setMemberSelection(boolean isSelected) { if (isMemberSelected == null) { return; } for (int i=0; i * For example, a compound dataset COMP has members of A, B and C as *

     *     COMP {
     *         int A;
     *         float B[5];
     *         double C[2][3];
     *     }
* getMemberOrders() will return an integer array of {1, 5, 6} to indicate that * member A has one element, member B has 5 elements, and member C has 6 elements. * * @return the array containing the total number of elements of the members of compound. */ public final int[] getMemberOrders() { return memberOrders; } /** * Returns array containing the total number of elements of the elected members of compound. * *

* For example, a compound dataset COMP has members of A, B and C as *

     *     COMP {
     *         int A;
     *         float B[5];
     *         double C[2][3];
     *     }
* If A and B are selected, getSelectedMemberOrders() returns an array of {1, 5} * * @return array containing the total number of elements of the selected members of compound. */ public final int[] getSelectedMemberOrders() { if (isMemberSelected == null) { return memberOrders; } int idx = 0; int[] orders = new int[getSelectedMemberCount()]; for (int i=0; i * For example, a compound dataset COMP has members of A, B and C as *
     *     COMP {
     *         int A;
     *         float B[5];
     *         double C[2][3];
     *     }
* getMemeberDims(2) returns an array of {2, 3}, while getMemeberDims(1) * returns an array of {5}, getMemeberDims(0) returns null. * * @return the dimension sizes of of the i-th member, null if the compound * member is not an array. */ public final int[] getMemeberDims(int i) { if (memberDims == null) { return null; } return (int[])memberDims[i]; } /** * Returns an array of datatype objects of compound members. *

* Each member of a compound dataset has its own datatype. The datatype of a * member can be atomic or other compound datatype (nested compound). Sub-classes * set up the datatype objects at init(). *

* @return the array of datatype objects of the compound members. */ public final Datatype[] getMemberTypes() { return memberTypes; } /** * Returns an array of datatype objects of selected compound members. * * @return an array of datatype objects of selected compound members. */ public final Datatype[] getSelectedMemberTypes() { if (isMemberSelected == null) { return memberTypes; } int idx = 0; Datatype[] types = new Datatype[getSelectedMemberCount()]; for (int i=0; i