/**************************************************************************** * NCSA HDF * * National Comptational Science Alliance * * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign * * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820 * * * * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying * * hdf-java/COPYING file. * * * ****************************************************************************/ package ncsa.hdf.hdflib; /** *
* This class is a container for the parameters to the HDF * NBIT compressed chunked class. *
* In this case, the information is the start bit, len, sign extension * and fill. *
* For details of the HDF libraries, see the HDF Documentation at: * http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu */ public class HDFNBITChunkInfo extends HDFChunkInfo { public int[] chunk_lengths = new int[HDFConstants.MAX_VAR_DIMS]; public int start_bit = 0; public int bit_len = 0; public int sign_ext = 0; public int fill_one = 0; public HDFNBITChunkInfo() { ctype = HDFConstants.HDF_NBIT; }; public HDFNBITChunkInfo( int[] cl, int sb, int bl, int se, int fo) { ctype = HDFConstants.HDF_NBIT; chunk_lengths = cl; start_bit = sb; bit_len = bl; sign_ext = se; fill_one = fo; } }