# radarInfo.txt # # Information about radar products. Fields are: # # ID = product ID number # Lvls = # of data levels # Lyr = layer: 0, 1, 2, 3 = none, lo, med, high # Resol = resolution in km # Range = ? # Mnemo = mnemonic, duh. (or 'Finding Mnemo.') # Name = label used in user interface. # Formatted Name = a label with formatting placeholders and a special format for modes. # Mode format: MODE=:[;MODE=:...] # Formatting Placeholders: {S} site, {T} tilt, {B} bit, {U} unit, {Sg} segment, {H} hours, # {P} page, {P#} page count, or {Ctp} cell trends point. # example: {S} {T} Reflectivity ({U}) would display something like 'koax 0.5 Reflectivity (dBZ) # Formatted Abrev. Name = an abreviated form of the Formatted Name. Used for blended products # Format = format # Elv = does elevation apply, boolean # Alt = does altitude apply, boolean # Azm = does azimuth/range apply, boolean # Spd = does speed/direction apply, boolean (speed = 0.0-99.9) # Dsp = Series of single character flags display code uses # V = Treat as velocity data, allow shear sampling and vrShear # Z = 16 bit data has predefined Storm/Clear dBZ ranges. # m = Apply multiplier to 8 bit style info. # Leading number is default mult; V assumes default of 5. # S = Rescale existing data style info by scaling coefficients. # Multiply output of scaling coefficients by leading number, if present, # to get data values for image counts. # X = does cross-section apply, boolean # hrs = does hour/span apply, boolean # bsp = does big speed/direction apply, boolean (speed = 0.0-999.9) # mas = does map type and segment number apply, boolean # aid = AWIPS ID (enumeration removed from Radar.H) # dAz = Azimuth resolution in deg. Def to 1 for Radial 0 for others. # # All booleans must be "y" for true, anything else for false. # #ID|Lvls |Lyr|Resol |Range|Mnemo|Name |Formatted Name |Formatted Abrev. Name |Format |Elv|Alt|Azm|Spd|Dsp |X |hrs|bsp|mas|aid|unit |compr 2 |0 |0 |0.0 |0 |GSM |NEXRAD Unit Status Msg |{S} NEXRAD Unit Status Msg |{S} NUSM |XY | | | | | | | | | |20 | | 3 |0 |0 |0.0 |0 |PRR |Product Request Resp |Product Request Resp |PRR |PRR | | | | | | | | | |21 | | 8 |0 |0 |0.0 |0 |PTL |Product List |Product List |PTL |PTL | | | | | | | | | |66 | | 12 |0 |0 |0.0 |0 |CPM |Command Parameter Msg |Command Parameter Msg |CPM |CPM | | | | | | | | | |0 | | 14 |0 |0 |0.0 |0 |CCM |Command Control Msg |Command Control Msg |CCM |CCM | | | | | | | | | |0 | | 180|256 |0 |0.15 |90 |Z |Reflectivity |{S} {T} Reflectivity ({U}) {B}bit |{S} {T} Z {B}bit |Radial |y | | | |Z | | | | |0 |dBZ/10 | y 181|16 |0 |0.15 |90 |Z |Reflectivity |{S} {T} Reflectivity ({U}) {B}bit |{S} {T} Z {B}bit |Radial |y | | | |Z | | | | |0 |dBZ | 186|256 |0 |0.30 |460 |Z |Long Range Refl |{S} {T} Long Rng Refl ({U}) {B}bit |{S} {T} TDWR LR Z {B}bit |Radial |y | | | |Z | | | | |0 |dBZ/10 | y 187|16 |0 |0.30 |460 |Z |Long Range Refl |{S} {T} Long Rng Refl ({U}) {B}bit |{S} {T} TDWR LR Z {B}bit |Radial |y | | | |Z | | | | |0 |dBZ | 94 |256 |0 |1.0 |460 |Z |Reflectivity |{S} {T} Reflectivity ({U}) {B}bit |{S} {T} Z {B}bit |Radial |y | | | |Z | | | | |0 |dBZ/10 | y 153|256 |0 |0.25 |460 |HZ |Reflectivity |{S} {T} Reflectivity ({U}) {B}bit |{S} {T} Z {B}bit |Radial |y | | | |Z | | | | |0 |dBZ/10 | y 16 |8 |0 |1.0 |230 |Z |Reflectivity |{S} {T} Refl {B}bit ({U}) |{S} {T} Refl {B} |Radial |y | | | |Z | | | | |0 |dBZ | 17 |8 |0 |2.0 |460 |Z |Reflectivity |{S} {T} Refl {B}bit ({U}) |{S} {T} Refl {B} |Radial |y | | | |Z | | | | |0 |dBZ | 18 |8 |0 |4.0 |460 |Z |Reflectivity |{S} {T} Refl {B}bit ({U}) |{S} {T} Refl {B} |Radial |y | | | |Z | | | | |0 |dBZ | 19 |16 |0 |1.0 |230 |Z |Reflectivity |{S} {T} Reflectivity ({U}) {B}bit |{S} {T} Z {B}bit |Radial |y | | | |Z | | | | |0 |dBZ | 20 |16 |0 |2.0 |460 |Z |Reflectivity |{S} {T} Reflectivity ({U}) {B}bit |{S} {T} Z {B}bit |Radial |y | | | |Z | | | | |0 |dBZ | 21 |16 |0 |4.0 |460 |Z |Reflectivity |{S} {T} Reflectivity {B}bit ({U}) |{S} {T} Refl {B} |Radial |y | | | |Z | | | | |0 |dBZ | 99 |256 |0 |0.25 |300 |V |Velocity |MODE=V:{S} {T} Velocity ({U}) {B}bit;MODE=SRM8:{S} {T} Storm Rel Vel {B}bit ({U}) |MODE=V:{S} {T} V {B}bit;MODE=SRM8:{S} {T} SRM |Radial |y | | | |Vm | | | | |1 |(m/s)/10| y 154|256 |0 |0.25 |300 |HV |Velocity |MODE=V:{S} {T} Velocity ({U}) {B}bit;MODE=SRM8:{S} {T} Storm Rel Vel {B}bit ({U}) |MODE=V:{S} {T} V {B}bit;MODE=SRM8:{S} {T} SRM |Radial |y | | | |Vm | | | | |1 |(m/s)/10| y 182|256 |0 |0.15 |90 |V |Velocity |MODE=V:{S} {T} Velocity ({U}) {B}bit;MODE=SRM8:{S} {T} Storm Rel Vel {B}bit ({U}) |MODE=V:{S} {T} V {B}bit;MODE=SRM8:{S} {T} SRM |Radial |y | | | |Vm | | | | |1 |(m/s)/10| y 183|16 |0 |0.15 |90 |V |Velocity |{S} {T} Velocity ({U}) |{S} {T} V |Radial |y | | | |V | | | | |1 |kts | 22 |8 |0 |0.25 |60 |V |Velocity |{S} {T} Vel {B}bit ({U}) |{S} {T} Vel {B} |Radial |y | | | |V | | | | |1 |kts | 23 |8 |0 |0.50 |115 |V |Velocity |{S} {T} Vel {B}bit ({U}) |{S} {T} Vel {B} |Radial |y | | | |V | | | | |1 |kts | 24 |8 |0 |1.00 |230 |V |Velocity |{S} {T} Vel {B}bit ({U}) |{S} {T} Vel {B} |Radial |y | | | |V | | | | |1 |kts | 25 |16 |0 |0.25 |60 |V |Velocity |{S} {T} Velocity {B}bit ({U}) |{S} {T} Vel {B} |Radial |y | | | |V | | | | |1 |kts | 26 |16 |0 |0.50 |115 |V |Velocity |{S} {T} Velocity ({U}) |{S} {T} V |Radial |y | | | |V | | | | |1 |kts | 27 |16 |0 |1.00 |230 |V |Velocity |{S} {T} Velocity ({U}) |{S} {T} V |Radial |y | | | |V | | | | |1 |kts | 184|256 |0 |0.15 |90 |SW |Spec Width |{S} {T} Spectrum Width ({U}) {B}bit |{S} {T} SW {B}bit |Radial |y | | | |5m | | | | |2 |(m/s)/10| y 185|8 |0 |0.15 |90 |SW |Spectrum Width |{S} {T} Spec Width ({U}) |{S} {T} Spec Width |Radial |y | | | | | | | | |2 |kts | 28 |8 |0 |0.25 |60 |SW |Spectrum Width |{S} {T} Spectrum Width ({U}) {B}bit |{S} {T} SW {B}bit |Radial |y | | | | | | | | |2 |kts | 29 |8 |0 |0.50 |115 |SW |Spectrum Width |{S} {T} Spectrum Width ({U}) {B}bit |{S} {T} SW {B}bit |Radial |y | | | | | | | | |2 |kts | 30 |8 |0 |1.0 |230 |SW |Spectrum Width |{S} {T} Spectrum Width ({U}) {B}bit |{S} {T} SW {B}bit |Radial |y | | | | | | | | |2 |kts | 155|256 |0 |0.25 |300 |HSW |Spec Width |{S} {T} Spectrum Width ({U}) {B}bit |{S} {T} SW {B}bit |Radial |y | | | |5m | | | | |2 |(m/s)/10| y 31 |16 |0 |2.0 |460 |USP |User Select Precip |{S} User Selectable Precip ({U}) |{S} USP |Radial | | | | | | |y | | |47 |in | 32 |256 |0 |1.0 |230 |DHR |Digital Hybrid Scan Refl |{S} Hybrid Scan Refl ({U}) |{S} DHR |Radial | | | | | | | | | |48 |dBZ/10 | y 33 |16 |0 |1.0 |230 |HSR |Hybrid Scan Reflectivity |{S} {B} bit Hyb Scan Refl ({U}) |{S} HSR |Radial | | | | | | | | | |64 |dBZ | 34 |8 |0 |1.0 |230 |CFC |Clutter Filter Control |{S} Clutter Filter Control Segment {Sg} ({U}) |{S} CFC seg {Sg} |Radial | | | | | | | | |y |50 | | 35 |8 |0 |1.0 |230 |CZ |Composite Refl |MODE=CZ-1km:{S} Composite Refl ({U}) {B}bit;MODE=CZ-3bit:{S} Comp Refl {B}bit ({U}) |MODE=CZ-1km:{S} Comp Refl {B}bit;MODE=CZ-3bit:{S} Comp Refl |Raster | | | | |Z | | | | |4 |dBZ | 36 |8 |0 |4.0 |460 |CZ |Composite Refl |MODE=CZ-1km:{S} Composite Refl ({U}) {B}bit;MODE=CZ-3bit:{S} Comp Refl {B}bit ({U}) |MODE=CZ-1km:{S} Comp Refl {B}bit;MODE=CZ-3bit:{S} Comp Refl |Raster | | | | |Z | | | | |4 |dBZ | 37 |16 |0 |1.0 |230 |CZ |Composite Refl |MODE=CZ-1km:{S} Composite Refl ({U}) {B}bit;MODE=CZ-4bit:{S} 1km Composite Ref ({U});MODE=CZ-Pg:{S} Comb Att Table Page {P}/{P#};MODE=CZ-alt:{S} Comp Refl {B}bit ({U});MODE=VIL:{S} VIL/Comp Ref ({U})|MODE=CZ-1km:{S} Comp Refl {B}bit;MODE=CZ-4bit:{S} 1km Comp Ref;MODE=CZ-Pg:{S} CZ 1km Pg {P}/{P#};MODE=CZ-alt:{S} Comp Refl;MODE=VIL:{S} VIL/Comp|Raster | | | | |Z | | | | |4 |dBZ | 38 |16 |0 |4.0 |460 |CZ |Composite Refl |MODE=CZ-1km:{S} Composite Refl ({U}) {B}bit;MODE=CZ-4bit:{S} 4km Composite Ref ({U});MODE=CZ-Pg:{S} Comb Att Table Page {P}/{P#};MODE=CZ-alt:{S} Comp Refl {B}bit ({U});MODE=VIL:{S} VIL/Comp Ref ({U})|MODE=CZ-1km:{S} Comp Refl {B}bit;MODE=CZ-4bit:{S} 4km Comp Ref;MODE=CZ-Pg:{S} CZ 4km Pg {P}/{P#};MODE=CZ-alt:{S} Comp Refl;MODE=VIL:{S} VIL/Comp|Raster | | | | |Z | | | | |4 |dBZ | 41 |16 |0 |4.0 |230 |ET |Echo Tops |{S} Echo Tops ({U}) |{S} Echo Tops |Raster | | | | | | | | | |6 |ft*1000 | 135|256 |0 |1.0 |460 |EET |Enhanced Echo Tops |{S} Enhanced Echo Tops ({U}) |{S} Enh Echo Tops |Radial | | | | | | | | | |44 |ft*1000 | y 43 |16 |0 |1.0 |230 |SWR |Svr Wx Anal - Ref |Svr Wx Anal - Ref |SWR |Radial |y | |y | | | | | | |52 | | 44 |16 |0 |0.25 |230 |SWV |Svr Wx Anal - Vel |Svr Wx Anal - Vel |SWV |Radial |y | |y | |V | | | | |53 | | 45 |8 |0 |0.25 |230 |SWW |Svr Wx Anal - SW |Svr Wx Anal - SW |SWW |Radial |y | |y | | | | | | |54 | | 46 |16 |0 |0.5 |230 |SWS |Svr Wx Anal - Shear |Svr Wx Anal - Shear |SWS |Radial |y | |y | | | | | | |55 | | 47 |0 |0 |4.0 |230 |SWP |Severe Wx Prob |Severe Wx Prob |SWP |Graphic| | | | | | | | | |37 | | 48 |8 |0 |0.0 |0 |VWP |VAD Wind Profile |{S} VAD Wind Profile ({U}) |{S} VAD Winds |XY | | | | | | | | | |40 |kts | 50 |16 |0 |1.0 |230 |RCS |Ref X-Sect |{S} Xsect Refl ({U}) |{S} Refl xsect |XY | | | | | |y | | | |56 |dBZ | 51 |16 |0 |0.5 |230 |VCS |Vel X-Sect |{S} Xsect Vel ({U}) |{S} Vel xsect |XY | | | | | |y | | | |57 |kts | 55 |16 |0 |0.5 |230 |SRR |Storm Rel Vel Region |{S} {T} SWA Storm Rel Vel - Region ({U}) |{S} {T} SWA SRR |Radial |y | |y |y |V | | | | |62 |kts | 56 |16 |0 |1.0 |230 |SRM |Storm Rel Velocity |{S} {T} Storm Rel Vel {B}bit ({U}) |{S} {T} SRM 4 |Radial |y | | | |V | | |y | |3 |kts | 57 |16 |0 |4.0 |230 |VIL |Vert Integ Liq |{S} Vert Integrated Liquid |{S} VIL |Raster | | | | | | | | | |5 |kg/m² | 134|256 |0 |1.0 |460 |DVL |Digital Vert Integ Liq |{S} Dig Vert Int Liquid |{S} {B}bit VIL |Radial | | | | |S | | | | |43 |kg/m² | y 58 |0 |0 |0.0 |345 |STI |Storm Track |{S} Storm Track Information {P}/{P#} | |Graphic| | | | | | | | | |13 | | 59 |0 |0 |0.0 |230 |HI |Hail Index |{S} Hail Index {P}/{P#} |{S} Hail Index {P}/{P#} |Graphic| | | | | | | | | |14 | | 60 |0 |0 |0.0 |230 |M |Legacy Meso |{S} Legacy Meso {P}/{P#} |{S} Legacy Meso {P}/{P#} |Graphic| | | | | | | | | |15 | | 61 |0 |0 |0.0 |230 |TVS |Tornadic Vortex Sig |{S} Tornadic Vortex Sig {P}/{P#} |{S} TVS {P}/{P#} |Graphic| | | | | | | | | |16 | | 62 |0 |0 |0.0 |460 |SS |Storm Structure |{S} Cell Trends {Ctp} |{S} Cell Trends {Ctp} |Graph | | | | | | | | | |17 | | 65 |8 |1 |4.0 |460 |LRM |Layer 1 Max Refl |{S} Layer 1 Max Refl ({U}) |{S} Lyr 1 Max |Raster | | | | | | | | | |9 |dBZ | 66 |8 |2 |4.0 |460 |LRM |Lyr 2 Comp Ref Max |{S} Layer 2 Max Refl ({U}) |{S} Lyr 2 Max |Raster | | | | | | | | | |9 |dBZ | 67 |8 |1 |4.0 |460 |APR |Lyr 1 Comp Ref Max |{S} Layer Max Refl--No AP ({U}) |{S} Lyr Max APR |Raster | | | | | | | | | |65 |dBZ | 74 |0 |0 |0.0 |460 |RCM |Radar Coded Message |Radar Coded Message |RCM |Text | | | | | | | | | |39 | | 75 |0 |0 |0.0 |0 |FTM |Free Text Message |Free Text Message |FTM |Text | | | | | | | | | |19 | | 77 |0 |0 |0.0 |0 |PTM |PUP Text Message |PUP Text Message |PTM |Text | | | | | | | | | |83 | | 78 |16 |0 |2.0 |460 |OHP |One Hour Precip |{S} One Hour Precip ({U}) |{S} 1hr precip |Radial | | | | | | | | | |7 |in | 79 |16 |0 |2.0 |460 |THP |Three Hour Precip |{S} Three Hour Precip ({U}) |{S} 3hr precip |Radial | | | | | | | | | |8 |in | 80 |16 |0 |2.0 |460 |STP |Storm Total Precip |{S} Storm Total Precip ({U}) |{S} Storm Ttl prec 84 |Radial | | | | |m | | | | |11 |in | 138|256 |0 |2.0 |460 |STP |Storm Total Precip |{S} Storm Total Precip ({U}) |{S} Storm Ttl prec 84 |Radial | | | | |m | | | | |11 |in/100 | y 81 |256 |0 |4.0 |230 |DPA |Digital Precip Array |{S} Hourly Digital Precip Array ({U}) |{S} DPA |Raster | | | | | | | | | |41 | | 82 |8 |0 |40.0 |230 |SPD |Supplemental Precip Data |Supplemental Precip Data |SPD |Text | | | | | | | | | |42 | | 83 |0 |0 |0.0 |0 |IRM |Intermediate Radar Message|Intermediate Radar Message |IRM |Text | | | | | | | | | |82 | | 84 |8 |0 |0.0 |0 |VAD |Velocity Azimuth Disp |{S} Velocity Azimuth Disp ({U}) |{S} VAD |XY | |y | | | | | | | |12 |dBZ | 85 |8 |0 |1.0 |230 |RCS |Ref X-Sect |{S} Xsect {B}-bit Refl ({U}) |{S} {B}-bit Refl xsect |XY | | | | | |y | | | |56 |dBZ | 86 |8 |0 |0.5 |230 |VCS |Vel X-Sect |{S} Xsect {B}-bit Vel ({U}) |{S} {B}-bit Vel xsect |XY | | | | | |y | | | |57 |kts | 87 |16 |0 |2.0 |230 |CS |Combined Shear |Combined Shear |CS |Raster | | | | | | | | | |33 | | 90 |8 |3 |4.0 |460 |LRM |Lyr 3 Comp Ref Max |{S} Layer 3 Max Refl ({U}) |{S} Lyr 3 Max |Raster | | | | | | | | | |9 |dBZ | 93 |256 |0 |1.0 |115 |DBV |ITWS Digital Velocity |{S} {T} ITWS Dig Vel ({U}) |{S} {T} ITWS Vel |Radial |y | | | |V | | | | |84 |(m/s)/10| 95 |8 |0 |1.0 |230 |CZE |Comp Refl Edited for AP |Comp Refl Edited for AP |CZE |Raster | | | | |Z | | | | |86 |dBZ | 96 |8 |0 |4.0 |460 |CZE |Comp Refl Edited for AP |Comp Refl Edited for AP |CZE |Raster | | | | |Z | | | | |86 |dBZ | 97 |16 |0 |1.0 |230 |CZE |Comp Refl Edited for AP |Comp Refl Edited for AP |CZE |Raster | | | | |Z | | | | |86 |dBZ | 98 |16 |0 |4.0 |460 |CZE |Comp Refl Edited for AP |Comp Refl Edited for AP |CZE |Raster | | | | |Z | | | | |86 |dBZ | 100|0 |0 |0.0 |0 |VSDT |VAD Site Adapt Params |VAD Site Adapt Params |VSDT |Text | | | | | | | | | |23 | | 101|0 |0 |0.0 |0 |STIT |Storm Track Alpha block |Storm Track Alpha block |STIT |Text | | | | | | | | | |24 | | 102|0 |0 |0.0 |0 |HIT |Hail Index Alpha block |Hail Index Alpha block |HIT |Text | | | | | | | | | |25 | | 103|0 |0 |0.0 |0 |MT |Mesocyclone Alpha block |Mesocyclone Alpha block |MT |Text | | | | | | | | | |26 | | 104|0 |0 |0.0 |0 |TVST |TVS Alpha block |TVS Alpha block |TVST |Text | | | | | | | | | |27 | | 105|0 |0 |0.0 |0 |CST |Combined Shear Params |Combined Shear Params |CST |Text | | | | | | | | | |28 | | 107|0 |0 |0.0 |0 |OHPT |1hr Rainfall Params |1hr Rainfall Params |OHPT |Text | | | | | | | | | |30 | | 108|0 |0 |0.0 |0 |THPT |3hr Rainfall Params |3hr Rainfall Params |THPT |Text | | | | | | | | | |31 | | 109|0 |0 |0.0 |0 |STPT |Storm Total Params |Storm Total Params |STPT |Text | | | | | | | | | |32 | | 113|13 |0 |0.5 |300 |PRM |Power Removed Control |{S} {T} Power Removed Control |{S} PRM |Radial |y | | | | | | | | |0 | | y 132|16 |0 |1.0 |230 |CLR |Clutter Likelihood Refl |{S} {T} Refl Clutter Likelihood ({U}) |{S} {T} Refl Clut Prob |Radial |y | | | | | | | | |89 |% | 133|16 |0 |1.0 |230 |CLD |Clutter Likelihood Dopp |{S} {T} Vel Clutter Likelihood ({U}) |{S} {T} Vel Clut Prob |Radial |y | | | | | | | | |90 |% | 136|256 |0 |4.0 |0 |SO |SuperOb |SuperOb |SO |SuperOb| | | | | | | | | |82 | | y 137|16 |9 |1.0 |230 |ULR |User Selectable Lyr Refl |{S} User Sel Layer Ref ({U}) |{S} ULR |Radial | | | | | | | | | |88 |dBZ | 139|0 |0 |0.0 |230 |MRU |Rapid Update Mesocyclone |{S} Meso Rapid Update Page {P}/{P#} |{S} MRU All {P}/{P#} |Graphic|y | | | | | | | | |91 | | 140|0 |0 |0.0 |230 |GFM |Gust Front MIGFA |{S} Gust Front MIGFA |{S} GFM |Graphic| | | | | | | | | |28 | | 141|0 |0 |0.0 |230 |MD |Mesocyclone |{S} Mesocyclone {P}/{P#} |{S} Mesocyclone {P}/{P#} |Graphic| | | | | | | | | |92 | | 143|0 |0 |0.0 |230 |TRU |TVS Rapid Update |{T} {S} TVS Rapid Update Page {P}/{P#} |{S} TRU All Pg {P}/{P#} |Graphic|y | | | | | | | | |93 | | 149|0 |0 |0.0 |230 |DMD |Digital Mesocyclone Data |{S} {T} Digital Mesocyclone Data {P}/{P#} |{S} {T} DMD {P}/{P#} |Graphic|y | | | | | | | | |94 | | y 144|16 |0 |1.0 |230 |OSW |1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv |{S} One Hour Snow Water Eq ({U}) |{S} OSW |Radial | | | | | | | | | |70 |in | 145|16 |0 |1.0 |230 |OSD |1-Hour Snow Depth |{S} One Hour Snow Depth ({U}) |{S} OSD |Radial | | | | | | | | | |71 |in | 146|16 |0 |1.0 |230 |SSW |Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv|{S} Storm Total Snow Water Eq ({U}) |{S} SSW |Radial | | | | | | | | | |72 |in | 147|16 |0 |1.0 |230 |SSD |Storm Tot Snow Depth |{S} Storm Total Snow Depth ({U}) |{S} SSD |Radial | | | | | | | | | |73 |in | 150|16 |0 |1.0 |230 |USW |User Sel Snow-Water Equiv |{S} User Sel Snow Water Eq ({U}) |{S} USW |Radial | | | | | | |y | | |74 |in | 151|16 |0 |1.0 |230 |USD |User Sel Snow Depth |{S} User Sel Snow Depth ({U}) |{S} USD |Radial | | | | | | |y | | |75 |in | 152|0 |0 |0.0 |0 |RSS |RPG System Status |RPG System Status |RSS |Generic| | | | | | | | | |95 | | y 300|256 |0 |1.0 |460 |Z |Level II Reflectivity |Level II Reflectivity |Z |Radial |y | | | |Z | | | | |0 |dBZ/10 | 301|256 |0 |0.25 |230 |V |Level II Velocity |Level II Velocity |V |Radial |y | | | |Vm | | | | |1 |kts | 159|256 |0 |0.25 |300 |ZDR |Diff Reflectivity |{S} {T} Diff Reflectivity ({U}) {B}bit |{S} {T} ZDR |Radial |y | | | |S | | | | |29 |dB | y 158|16 |0 |1.0 |230 |ZDR |Diff Reflectivity |{S} {T} Diff Reflectivity ({U}) {B}bit |{S} {T} ZDR |Radial |y | | | | | | | | |29 |dB | 161|256 |0 |0.25 |300 |CC |Correlation Coeff |{S} {T} Correlation Coefficient |{S} {T} CC |Radial |y | | | |S | | | | |34 | | y 160|16 |0 |1.0 |230 |CC |Correlation Coeff |{S} {T} Correlation Coefficient |{S} {T} CC |Radial |y | | | | | | | | |34 | | 167|256 |0 |0.25 |300 |SDC |Raw CC |{S} {T} Raw CC |{S} {T} SDC |Radial |y | | | |S | | | | |34 | | y 163|256 |0 |0.25 |300 |KDP |Specific Diff Phase |{S} {T} {B}bit Specific Diff Phase ({U}) |{S} {T} KDP |Radial |y | | | |S | | | | |35 |deg/km| y 162|16 |0 |1.0 |230 |KDP |Specific Diff Phase |{S} {T} {B}bit Specific Diff Phase ({U}) |{S} {T} KDP |Radial |y | | | | | | | | |35 |deg/km| 168|256 |0 |0.25 |300 |SDP |Raw PHIDP |{S} {T} {B}bit Raw PHIDP ({U}) |{S} {T} SDP |Radial |y | | | |S | | | | |35 |deg | y 165|256 |0 |0.25 |300 |HC |Hydrometeor Class |{S} {T} Hydrometeor Class {B}bit |{S} {T} HC |Radial |y | | | | | | | | |36 |/10 | y 164|16 |0 |1.0 |230 |HC |Hydrometeor Class |{S} {T} Hydrometeor Class {B}bit |{S} {T} HC |Radial |y | | | | | | | | |36 | | 177|256 |0 |0.25 |230 |HHC |Hybrid Hydrometeor Class |{S} Hybrid Hydrometeor Class |{S} Hybrid Hydro Class |Radial | | | | | | | | | |68 |/10 | y 176|65536|0 |0.25 |230 |DPR |Digital Inst Precip Rate |{S} Dual Pol Inst Precip Rate ({U}) |{S} DPR |Radial | | | | | | | | | |45 |in/h | y 169|16 |0 |2.0 |230 |OHA |One Hour Accum |{S} Dual Pol One Hour Accum ({U}) |{S} OHA |Radial | | | | | | | | | |46 |in | 171|16 |0 |2.0 |230 |STA |Storm Total Accum |{S} Dual Pol Storm Total Accum ({U}) |{S} STA |Radial | | | | | | | | | |51 |in | 172|256 |0 |0.25 |230 |STA |Storm Total Accum |{S} Dual Pol Storm Total Accum ({U}) |{S} STA |Radial | | | | |0.01S| | | | |51 |in/100 | y 173|256 |0 |0.25 |230 |DUA |User Select Accum |{S} Dual Pol User {H} Accum ({U}) |{S} DUA |Radial | | | | |0.01S| |y | | |58 |in/100 | y 174|256 |0 |0.25 |230 |DOD |One Hour Diff |{S} One Hour [Dual Pol-Legacy] ({U}) |{S} DOD |Radial | | | | |0.01S| | | | |60 |in/100 | y 175|256 |0 |0.25 |230 |DSD |Storm Total Diff |{S} Storm Total [Dual Pol-Legacy] ({U}) |{S} DSD |Radial | | | | |0.01S| | | | |59 |in/100 | y #???|256 | 0 | 0.25 | 300 | DP | Differential Phase | Radial | y | | | | Z | | | | |61 | #???|256 | 0 | 0.25 | 230 | PRE | Inst Precip Rate | Radial | y | | | | Z | | | | |63 | 166|0 |0 |0.0 |230 |ML |Melting Layer |{S} {T} Melting Layer |{S} {T} ML |Graphic|y | | | |Z | | | | |67 | | 170|256 |0 |0.25 |230 |DAA |One Hour Unbiased Accum |{S} Dual Pol Unbiased One Hour Accum ({U}) |{S} DAA |Radial | | | | |0.01S| | | | |69 |in/100 | y 196|0 |0 |0.0 | 50 |MBA |Microburst AMDA |{S} Microburst AMDA |{S} MBA |Graphic| | | | | | | | | |28 | | 202|0 |0 | 0.0 |0 |SCL |Shift Change Checklist |Shift Change Checklist |SCL |Generic| | | | | | | | | |0 | | y 500|8 |0 |0.463 |463 | Z |Reflectivity |{S} Reflectivity ({U}) |{S} Z |Radial | | | | | | | | | |64 |dBZ | 550|8 |0 |0.926 |111 | Z |Reflectivity |{S} Reflectivity ({U}) |{S} Z |Radial | | | | | | | | | |64 |dBZ |