/* include file containing all AODT library global variables */ #include "../inc/odtlib.h" /* include file containing all AODT library variable definitions */ #include "../inc/odtlibdefs-x.h" int aodtv64_getlocation( float *olat, float *olon, int *opos ) /* return current storm center location to application from AODT library Inputs : none Outputs: AODT library current storm center latitude and longitude values and location positioning method : 1-forecast interpolation 2-laplacian technique 3-warm spot 4-extrapolation Return : -21 : invalid storm center position 21 : user selected storm center position 22 : auto selected storm center position */ { int iret; iret=0; /* set storm center latitude value to return variable */ *olat=odtcurrent_v64->IR.latitude; /* set storm center longitude value to return variable */ *olon=odtcurrent_v64->IR.longitude; /* set storm center positioning flag to return variable */ *opos=odtcurrent_v64->IR.autopos; iret=21; /* user selected image location */ /* check for invalid storm center location values */ if((*olon<-180.)||(*olon>180.)) iret=-21; if((*olat<-90.)||(*olat>90.)) iret=-21; if(*opos>=1) iret=22; return iret; } int aodtv64_setlocation( float ilat, float ilon, int ipos ) /* set current storm center location within from AODT library memory Inputs : AODT library current storm center latitude and longitude values and location positioning method : 1-forecast interpolation 2-laplacian technique 3-warm spot 4-extrapolation Outputs: none Return : -21 : invalid storm center position 21 : user selected storm center position 22 : auto selected storm center position */ { int iret; /* assign current storm center latitude value to AODT library variable */ odtcurrent_v64->IR.latitude=ilat; /* assign current storm center longitude value to AODT library variable */ odtcurrent_v64->IR.longitude=ilon; /* assign current storm center positioning flag to AODT library variable */ odtcurrent_v64->IR.autopos=ipos; if((odtcurrent_v64->IR.longitude<-180.)||(odtcurrent_v64->IR.longitude>180.)) iret=-21; if((odtcurrent_v64->IR.latitude<-90.)||(odtcurrent_v64->IR.latitude>90.)) iret=-21; iret=21; /* user selected image location */ if(ipos>=1) iret=22; return iret; }