#* CREATED 09-20-2013 BY EVAN BOOKBINDER UPDATED 6-26-14 EVAN BOOKBINDER TO HANDLE MARINE EVENTS Right now DSS for marine events is restricted to IBW SMWs where #set($marine = "true") is explicitly created at the top of the .vm file Mike Dangelo 23 March 2015 Mixed Case Changes dbTable list should include the pointSource objects created in dssEvents.xml *# #if(${marine}) #if (($dss_events_marine)) #set($size = ${list.size($dss_events_marine)}) #if ($size > 0) People attending ## #set($counter = 1) #foreach($dss in $dss_events_marine) #if($counter < $size) ${dss.name}, ## #set($counter = $counter + 1) #elseif($counter == $size) #if($size > 1) and ## #end ${dss.name} ## #end #end should seek safe shelter immediately! #end #end #elseif (($dss_events)) #set($size = ${list.size($dss_events)}) #if ($size > 0) People attending ## #set($counter = 1) #foreach($dss in $dss_events) #if($counter < $size) ${dss.name}, #### #set($counter = $counter + 1) #elseif($counter == $size) #if($size > 1) and ## #end ${dss.name} ## #end #end should seek safe shelter immediately! #end #end