Answers to Quiz Questions

Text Product User Guide -- PART 1

  1. What are the three main steps that the system performs to produce a test product?    Sampling the data, Analyzing the data, creating text from Text Rules.
  2. Where do you find a list of available text products?   Quick-Start Product Set Up Guide.
  3. Where do I find information about a text product such as a description, weather elements needed, edit areas required? In the Documentation section of the Standard file for the product.
  4. What do you need to do to get a product to show up in the Formatter Launcher Dialog? Set its "displayName" in the Site Definition file for the product.
  5. What do you do if you try to run your product and nothing happens? Look for error messages in the Process Monitor. If you find an error message, you may find it listed in the TroubleShooting section.  Whenever you get stuck, you can post a help message to the listserver.
  6. Where can I find information about simple settings and options available for a text product?  In the Documentation section of the Standard file for the product.
  7. Given that the Infrastructure classes are read-only, how can I make my product behave differently from the baseline? By overriding thresholds and variables in your Overrides file.

Text Product User Guide -- PART 2

  1. How are the weather elements and phrases for a narrative product defined? Where can I find this information?  Through Product Component Definitions found in the Standard file for each product.
  2. What do we mean when we say the narrative phrases are "Analysis-Driven"? By changing the analysis in the Product Component Definition, we can change the character of the narrative phrases.
  3. What are the two ways I can change the analysis for a particular weather element to affect the phrasing? Change the analysis method and change the temporal resolution of the analysis.
  4. Where can learn about the various analysis methods available? In the Sample Analysis Reference section.
  5. How would you change the text of the ZFP so weather would appear after sky and before the max/min temp?   Change the order of the phrase methods in the "phraseList" of  the Product Component.
  6. How do I locate the thresholds and variables that I will need to customize my product?  Find the phrase in the Product Component "phraseList" and look it up in the Narrative Phrases Reference.  The thresholds and variables that affect that phrase will be listed there with an indication of the module(s) to search to find them.
  7. Where do I find information about setting up Local Effects? In the Local Effects section.
  8. Suppose I want to learn more about the phrases in the first period of my ZFP product.  How do I locate the Product Component definition for that period? Find the "_issuance_list" in the Standard file for your product.  Study the Narrative Definition to see the layout of Product Components for different issuances.
  9. What do I do if my Headlines are not showing up in the product? Check the "allowedHazards" list in the Standard file for your product and make sure it is listed there. If not, override the "allowedHazards" list in your Overrides file and add it.
  10. Where can I find information regarding trouble-shooting tips and strategies?  In the Trouble-shooting section.
  11. What information should I include when submitting a help request to the  listserver?     IFPS Version number,  Product, Description of problem, entire error message(s), Overrides file.