
Procedure to re-initialize your Hazard grid based on current events

May 2, 2006

How It Works


Hazard recovery should only be used in case your entire hazard grid is lost or mangled by so many changes that you cannot recover. Attempt to restore from your official database first, if it's current.

The HazardRecovery procedure will analyze the VTEC active table to determine what hazards are in effect for your forecast area. It will then convert the hazards found in this table to gridded format in your hazard grid. When restored all hazards will be depicted by zone or county only.

To run the hazard recover procedure, select the Hazards menu, the select HazardRecovery.

HazardRecovery Menu Image

After selecting HazardRecovery, a warning dialog will display.

Hazard Recovery Warning Image

Upon selecting Ok, your entire Hazards grid will be deleted, and replaced with the current
hazards found in the active table.

How It Works

The Hazard Recovery tool calculates the current set of Hazards in effect (i.e., issued).  It uses the following algorithm:

The procedure then removes all Hazard grids, and then creates the hazards based on the calculated active events and puts them into the Hazards grid.

Note: The HazardRecovery tool only recovers events that are compatible with the current GFE mode.  If the GFE mode is operational, then only "X", "O", and "E" VTEC events will be considered.  If the GFE mode is "TEST", then only "T" VTEC events will be considered.

Note: HazardRecovery has been updated for the 2007 tropical season due to changes in the TCV product.   The TCV product will now only contain coastal zones, thus the HazardRecovery procedure now looks at tropical events issued by your site.