SUBROUTINE LC_ABND ( area, iartyp, rlatll, rlonll, rlatur, + rlonur, stn, nstn, stcn, cdproj, cenlat, + cenlon, iret ) C************************************************************************ C* LC_ABND * C* * C* This subroutine translates a GEMPAK subarea. For area types 1-3, * C* the latitude/longitude bounds are returned. For area type 1, CDPROJ * C* contains the default projection string, and CENLAT & CENLON contain * C* the centroid location. For area type 2, STN contains the center * C* station. For area type 6, STN contains the list of stations. For * C* area types 5 and 7, the state or country is returned in STCN. Area * C* types 2 and 3 may be followed by a number of * or - to contract or * C* expand the region. * C* * C* LC_ABND ( AREA, IARTYP, RLATLL, RLONLL, RLATUR, RLONUR, STN, NSTN, * C* STCN, CDPROJ, CENLAT, CENLON, IRET ) * C* * C* Input parameters: * C* AREA CHAR* Area name * C* * C* Output parameters: * C* IARTYP INTEGER Area type * C* -1 = none * C* 1 = area name * C* 2 = center on station * C* 3 = lat/lon bounds * C* 4 = DSET * C* 5 = @ST * C* 6 = @STN1;...;STNN * C* 7 = @CN:C * C* RLATLL REAL Lower left latitude * C* RLONLL REAL Lower left longitude * C* RLATUR REAL Upper right latitude * C* RLONUR REAL Upper right longitude * C* STN (NSTN) CHAR* Stations * C* NSTN INTEGER Number of stations * C* STCN CHAR* State/country * C* CDPROJ CHAR* Default projection string * C* CENLAT REAL Centroid latitude * C* CENLON REAL Centroid longitude * C* IRET INTEGER Return code * C* 0 = area found * C* -1 = invalid area name * C* -3 = station file open error * C** * C* Log: * C* I. Graffman/CSC 3/82 Original * C* M. Koslowski/CSC 4/83 Modified to accept stations, * and - * C* M. Goodman/RDS 12/84 Fixed @xx processing * C* M. desJardins/GSFC 4/86 Removed sort of latitudes,longitudes * C* I. Graffman/RDS 11/87 Added :C for country * C* I. Graffman/RDS 5/88 Remove STNLST * C* M. desJardins/GSFC 6/88 Cleaned up * C* M. desJardins/GSFC 8/88 Added #clat;clon;dlat;dlon * C* L. Williams/EAI 5/94 Added "+" symbol to zoom factor * C* S. Jacobs/NMC 7/94 Added SFSTBL to call to LC_FSTN * C* D. Keiser/GSC 12/95 Changed SFSTBL to 'sfstns.tbl' * C* G. Krueger/EAI 6/96 Add corner points, default projection * C* K. Tyle/GSC 7/96 Added case for AREA = GAREA * C************************************************************************ INCLUDE 'GEMPRM.PRM' C CHARACTER*(*) area, stn(*), stcn, cdproj C* REAL rltln (4) CHARACTER loc*132, c*1 C------------------------------------------------------------------------ C* Initialize. C iartyp = -1 rlatll = 0.0 rlonll = 0.0 rlatur = 0.0 rlonur = 0.0 iret = -1 stn(1) = ' ' stcn = ' ' nstn = 0 cdproj = ' ' cenlat = 0.0 cenlon = 0.0 C C* Translate area name to upper case and find length. C CALL ST_LCUC ( area, loc, ier ) CALL ST_LSTR ( loc, lens, ier ) C C* No name was entered if length of string was 0. C IF ( lens .eq. 0 ) RETURN C C* Check to see if DS or DSET was entered. C IF ( ( loc .eq. 'DS' ) .or. ( loc .eq. 'DSET' ) ) THEN rlatll = -90. rlonll = -180. rlatur = 90. rlonur = 180. iartyp = 4 iret = 0 RETURN ELSE IF ( loc .eq. 'GAREA' ) THEN CALL GQBND ( 'M', rlatll, rlonll, rlatur, rlonur, iret ) iartyp = 1 RETURN ENDIF C C* Check if latitudes and longitudes were explicitly entered. C* If the first character is #, then clat;clon;dlat;dlon were C* entered. C* Code to sort latitudes and longitudes removed to allow drawing C* world maps. C IF ( loc (1:1) .eq. '#' ) THEN is = 2 ELSE is = 1 END IF ccc print*, ' ENTER LC_ABND 1 ---> ', loc(is:),'XXXXXXend' CALL ST_RLST ( loc (is:), ';', RMISSD, 4, rltln, num, ier ) ccc print*, ' ENTER LC_ABND 2 ---> ', ier, num IF ( ( ier .eq. 0 ) .and. ( num .eq. 4 ) ) THEN IF ( is .eq. 1 ) THEN rlatll = rltln (1) rlonll = rltln (2) rlatur = rltln (3) rlonur = rltln (4) cenlat = (rlatll + rlatur) / 2. cenlon = (rlonll + rlonur) / 2. ELSE rlatll = rltln (1) - rltln (3) rlatur = rltln (1) + rltln (3) rlonll = rltln (2) - rltln (4) rlonur = rltln (2) + rltln (4) cenlat = rltln (1) cenlon = rltln (2) END IF IF ( cenlat .gt. 25. ) THEN cdproj = 'NPS' ELSE IF ( cenlat .lt. -25. ) THEN cdproj = 'SPS' ELSE cdproj = 'MER' END IF iartyp = 3 iret = 0 RETURN ENDIF C C* Check for @ followed by state or station list. C IF ( loc (1:1) .eq. '@' ) THEN C C* Check if the 2:3 characters are numbers C CALL ST_CRNM ( loc (2:3), stnum, ierr ) C C* If 3 characters total were entered, this is @ST. C IF ( ( lens .eq. 3 ) .and. ( ierr .ne. 0 ) ) THEN iartyp = 5 iret = 0 stcn = loc (2:3) RETURN C C* Check for @CN:C. C ELSE IF ( ( lens .eq. 5 ) .and. ( ierr .ne. 0 ) .and. + ( loc (4:5) .eq. ':C' ) ) THEN iartyp = 7 iret = 0 stcn = loc (2:3) RETURN C C* Otherwise, this is a station list. C ELSE C C* Note that a maximum of LLMXST stations will be read. C CALL ST_CLST ( loc (2:), ';', ' ', LLMXST, stn, nstn, + ier ) iartyp = 6 iret = 0 RETURN END IF END IF C C* Have eliminated special cases. Now find area using area name. C C* Check for zoom factors. C izoom = 0 i = lens c = loc (i:i) C DO WHILE ( ( c .eq. '*' ) .or. ( c .eq. '-' ) .or. + ( c .eq. '+' ) ) IF ( ( c .eq. '*' ) .or. ( c .eq. '+' ) ) + izoom = izoom + 1 IF ( c .eq. '-' ) izoom = izoom - 1 loc (i:i) = ' ' i = i - 1 IF ( i .gt. 0 ) THEN c = loc (i:i) ELSE c = ' ' ENDIF ENDDO C C* Check for area in the geographic file list. C CALL TB_FGEO ( loc, tlatll, tlonll, tlatur, tlonur, cdproj, + cenlat, cenlon, ier ) IF ( ier .eq. 0 ) THEN iartyp = 1 iret = 0 ELSE C C* Check for area in the station file. C CALL LC_FSTN ( 'sfstns.tbl', loc, cenlat, cenlon, ier ) IF ( ier .eq. 0 ) THEN diflat = 4.0 diflon = 7.0 iartyp = 2 stn(1) = loc IF ( cenlat .gt. 25. ) THEN cdproj = 'NPS' ELSE IF ( cenlat .lt. -25. ) THEN cdproj = 'SPS' ELSE cdproj = 'MER' END IF iret = 0 ELSE IF ( ier .eq. -3 ) THEN iret = -3 ENDIF ENDIF C C* If area has been found--compute bounds with zoom factors. C IF ( iartyp .gt. 0 ) THEN IF ( izoom .le. 0 ) THEN zoomul = 2 ** (-izoom) ELSE zoomul = 1. / (2 ** izoom) ENDIF IF ( iartyp .eq. 1 ) THEN zmofst = (1. - zoomul) / 2. rlatll = tlatll + (tlatur - tlatll) * zmofst rlatur = tlatur - (tlatur - tlatll) * zmofst rlonll = tlonll + (tlonur - tlonll) * zmofst rlonur = tlonur - (tlonur - tlonll) * zmofst ELSE rlatll = cenlat - zoomul * diflat rlatur = cenlat + zoomul * diflat rlonll = cenlon - zoomul * diflon rlonur = cenlon + zoomul * diflon ENDIF ENDIF C* RETURN END