GFE Startup Information

February 16, 2012

Table of Contents

Command Line Options
Standard Startup of GFE
Special Configuration Files
Special GFE Startup Modes for TEST and PRACTICE

Command Line Options [-server serverURL] [-mode TEST|PRACTICE|OPERATIONAL] [-site xxx] [-u user] [-component componentName] [-perspective perspecitiveName] [-noredirect]

Command Line Option Optional? Meaning
-server serverURL YES Overrides the http server URL in the localization preferences.
The URL should match the HTTP_SERVER setting in /awips2/edex/bin/setup.env of the desired server.
-mode TEST|PRACTICE|OPERATIONAL YES Causes CAVE to be started in the specified mode. OPERATIONAL by default.
-site xxx YES Overrides the localization site preference setting forcing CAVE to start as the specified site.
-u user YES Overrides the user workstation login with the specified user id. Note: SITE is NOT a user id in AWIPS2.
-component componentName YES Used to start specialized CAVE sessions like textWS, avnMenu, ServiceBackup, etc.
-perspective perspecitiveName YES Causes CAVE to start in the specified perspective, i.e, GFE, D2D, etc. No perspective buttons will be displayed. You must use the CAVE->Perspective menu to change perspectives.
-noredirect YES Causes stdout and stderr to not be redirected but instead display in the terminal window for debugging use.

Standard Startup of GFE

GFE is normally started with the appLauncher menu activated by clicking anywhere on an AWIPS workstation desktop.

To start GFE via the command line execute the /awips2/cave/ script with the switch -component GFE. When this is done, the GFE begins and contacts EDEX. If EDEX cannot be contacted successfully, an error dialog is presented to the user.

In normal situations once the server has been contacted, the user is presented with the GFE start up dialog. GFE will query EDEX and determine the available list of configuration files that are available to the user. The standard "gfeConfig" is shipped with the system. The site may have overridden it and users may override them too. See the base, site, user concepts guide for information. The gfe configuration file can be tailored to the site's or user's needs. See the gfe configuration guide for details. The user selects the appropriate configuration file from the list. The user is not allowed to enter a new configuration file since gfe requires an existing configuration file to start.

The user positions the cursor over the Ok button and clicks. GFE will now start and just the splash screen will be shown:

If the GFE does not come up properly, a bad configuration file is likely the cause.

Special Configuration Files

GFE comes with some special configuration files which can be used to modify special grids. If a GFE is started using one of these files, then various special weather elements can be edited.


Starting the GFE with this config file allows for the editing of the topo grid. You can use the standard startup, and enter EditTopo into the configuration entry field of the startup dialog.

Once the GFE is running, there will be no weather elements appearing in the grid manager. One weather element will be loaded, of a persistent nature, into the spatial editor. This element is called Topo SFC Topo_EditTopo. You can edit the topography and once saved, the remainder of the GFESuite system will see the modified topography when those programs are started.

Special GFE Startup Modes for Test and Practice

The GFE may be started with three special modes. These modes allow for product testing and GFE practice. This section defines the behavior of the GFE in these modes.

TEST mode

Starting the GFE with a -mode TEST switch will place the GFE in TEST mode. All products issued in this mode will be issued with TEST mode enabled. The forecaster edits a Test database instead of a Fcst database, thus no impact is made on formal operations.

Test mode on products means that products that normally have VTEC will have the "T" code enabled, regardless of the definition in the VTECMessageType file (as long as there is a definition for the product in the VTECMessageType file). Test products mean that the MND header will contain the "...TEST..." and so will any headlines in the product.

The characteristics of the GFE is changed while in TEST mode:

An example of the GFE in TEST mode is shown below:

TEST mode


Starting the GFE with a -mode PRACTICE switch will place the GFE in PRACTICE mode. In this mode the following characteristics are changed:
The background of the GFE in Practice mode appears orange:
Practice Mode