""" Implements a custom Distutils build_ext replacement, which handles the full extension module build process, from api_gen to C compilation and linking. """ try: from setuptools import Extension except ImportError: from distutils.extension import Extension from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext import sys import os import os.path as op import subprocess from functools import reduce import api_gen def localpath(*args): return op.abspath(reduce(op.join, (op.dirname(__file__),)+args)) MODULES = ['defs','_errors','_objects','_proxy', 'h5fd', 'h5z', 'h5','h5i','h5r','utils', '_conv', 'h5t','h5s', 'h5p', 'h5d', 'h5a', 'h5f', 'h5g', 'h5l', 'h5o', 'h5ds', 'h5ac'] EXTRA_SRC = {'h5z': [ localpath("lzf/lzf_filter.c"), localpath("lzf/lzf/lzf_c.c"), localpath("lzf/lzf/lzf_d.c")]} if sys.platform.startswith('win'): COMPILER_SETTINGS = { 'libraries' : ['h5py_hdf5', 'h5py_hdf5_hl'], 'include_dirs' : [localpath('lzf'), localpath('windows')], 'library_dirs' : [], 'define_macros' : [('H5_USE_16_API', None), ('_HDF5USEDLL_', None)] } else: COMPILER_SETTINGS = { 'libraries' : ['hdf5', 'hdf5_hl'], 'include_dirs' : [localpath('lzf'), '/opt/local/include', '/usr/local/include'], 'library_dirs' : ['/opt/local/lib', '/usr/local/lib'], 'define_macros' : [('H5_USE_16_API', None)] } class h5py_build_ext(build_ext): """ Custom distutils command which encapsulates api_gen pre-building, Cython building, and C compilation. Also handles making the Extension modules, since we can't rely on NumPy being present in the main body of the setup script. """ @staticmethod def _make_extensions(config): """ Produce a list of Extension instances which can be passed to cythonize(). This is the point at which custom directories, MPI options, etc. enter the build process. """ import numpy import pkgconfig settings = COMPILER_SETTINGS.copy() try: if pkgconfig.exists('hdf5'): pkgcfg = pkgconfig.parse("hdf5") settings['include_dirs'].extend(pkgcfg['include_dirs']) settings['library_dirs'].extend(pkgcfg['library_dirs']) settings['define_macros'].extend(pkgcfg['define_macros']) except EnvironmentError: pass try: numpy_includes = numpy.get_include() except AttributeError: # if numpy is not installed get the headers from the .egg directory import numpy.core numpy_includes = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(numpy.core.__file__), 'include') settings['include_dirs'] += [numpy_includes] if config.mpi: import mpi4py settings['include_dirs'] += [mpi4py.get_include()] # Ensure a custom location appears first, so we don't get a copy of # HDF5 from some default location in COMPILER_SETTINGS if config.hdf5 is not None: settings['include_dirs'].insert(0, op.join(config.hdf5, 'include')) settings['library_dirs'].insert(0, op.join(config.hdf5, 'lib')) # TODO: should this only be done on UNIX? if os.name != 'nt': settings['runtime_library_dirs'] = settings['library_dirs'] def make_extension(module): sources = [localpath('h5py', module+'.pyx')] + EXTRA_SRC.get(module, []) return Extension('h5py.'+module, sources, **settings) return [make_extension(m) for m in MODULES] @staticmethod def run_system_cython(pyx_files): try: retcode = subprocess.call(['cython', '--fast-fail', '--verbose'] + pyx_files) if not retcode == 0: raise Exception('ERROR: Cython failed') except OSError as e: print("ERROR: cython exec failed. Is cython not in the path? ", str(e)) raise except Exception as e: print("ERROR: cython exec failed", str(e)) raise def check_rerun_cythonize(self): """ Check whether the cythonize() call produced the expected .c files. If the expected .c files are not found then cython from the system path will be executed in order to produce the missing files. """ missing_c_src_files = [] for c_src_file in [ext.sources[0] for ext in self.extensions]: if not op.isfile(c_src_file): missing_c_src_files.append( c_src_file ) if missing_c_src_files: print("WARNING: cythonize() failed to create all .c files (setuptools too old?)") pyx_files = [os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + ".pyx" for fname in missing_c_src_files] print(" Executing system cython on pyx files: ", str(pyx_files)) self.run_system_cython(pyx_files) def run(self): """ Distutils calls this method to run the command """ from Cython.Build import cythonize # Provides all of our build options config = self.distribution.get_command_obj('configure') config.run() defs_file = localpath('h5py', 'defs.pyx') func_file = localpath('h5py', 'api_functions.txt') config_file = localpath('h5py', 'config.pxi') # Rebuild low-level defs if missing or stale if not op.isfile(defs_file) or os.stat(func_file).st_mtime > os.stat(defs_file).st_mtime: print("Executing api_gen rebuild of defs") api_gen.run() # Rewrite config.pxi file if needed if not op.isfile(config_file) or config.rebuild_required: with open(config_file, 'wb') as f: if config.mpi: import mpi4py from distutils.version import StrictVersion v2 = StrictVersion(mpi4py.__version__) > StrictVersion("1.3.1") else: v2 = False s = """\ # This file is automatically generated by the h5py setup script. Don't modify. DEF MPI = %(mpi)s DEF MPI4PY_V2 = %(mpi4py_v2)s DEF HDF5_VERSION = %(version)s DEF SWMR_MIN_HDF5_VERSION = (1,9,178) DEF VDS_MIN_HDF5_VERSION = (1,9,233) """ s %= {'mpi': bool(config.mpi), 'mpi4py_v2': bool(v2), 'version': tuple(int(x) for x in config.hdf5_version.split('.'))} s = s.encode('utf-8') f.write(s) # Run Cython print("Executing cythonize()") self.extensions = cythonize(self._make_extensions(config), force=config.rebuild_required or self.force) self.check_rerun_cythonize() # Perform the build build_ext.run(self) # Mark the configuration as built config.reset_rebuild()