c ===================================================================== c pgm: prbug (sname,itrace,idb,ibug) c c in: sname .... name of input routine c in: itrace .... trace flag c in: idb .... debug level of calling routine c out: ibug .... debug output switch c ===================================================================== c subroutine prbug (sname,itrace,idb,ibug) c c....................................................................... c c routine prints trace output and sets debug indicator c c....................................................................... c Initially written by c Tim Sweeney, HRL Mar 1997 c....................................................................... c character*(*) sname c include 'ffg_inc/iuws' include 'ffg_inc/gdebug' C C ================================= RCS keyword statements ========== CHARACTER*68 RCSKW1,RCSKW2 DATA RCSKW1,RCSKW2 / ' .$Source: /fs/hseb/ob72/wfo_rfc/precip_proc/source/gribit/src/RCS/prbug.f,v $ . $', ' .$Id: prbug.f,v 1.1 2006/05/03 13:43:59 gsood Exp $ . $' / C =================================================================== C c ccc write (iutw,10) sname if (igtrac.ge.itrace) write (iud,10) sname 10 format (' ENTER ',a ) c ibug = 0 if (igdbug.ge.idb) ibug = igdbug c return c end