ifpBreakAllLocks User's Guide

August 1, 2003

The ifpBreakAllLocks program is part of the GFESuite software.  It can be used to break all the locks on all the Weather Elements in the identified ifpServer. WARNING: This operation may result in the loss of data so the program should be used with caution.

Running the program

Command Line Switches

The command line syntax is:

ifpBreakAllLocks -h hostname -p rpcPortNumber [-a] [-d databaseID]
Command Switch Optional or Mandatory? Description
-h Mandatory (see Note) Host name upon which the ifpServer is running
-p Mandatory (see Note) RPC port upon which the ifpServer is running
Specifies that all databases will have their locks removed.  Either the -a or -d switch is required.
-d databaseID
Specifies the database that will have the locks removed.  There may be more than one -d switch present.  Either the -a or -d switch is required.
Note: The -h and -p switches are predefined when running in an installed GFESuite environment.  They are defined to the values specified when installing the software.  If you wish to connect to a different ifpServer, then the switches will need to be specified.  If environment variables ${CDSHOST} or ${CDSPORT} are defined, then the default server and port will be determined from the environment variables, unless overridden with the user specified -h and -p switches. Either the -a or -d switch is required.

Sample Output

13:14:01.220 BreakAllLocks.py 37 EVENT:  Break All Locks starting
13:14:01.234 Client.C 146 EVENT: Establishing connection to server on polaris:98000000 ver=20020314
13:14:01.251 Client.C 162 EVENT: Connection complete to server on polaris
13:14:04.140 BreakAllLocks.py 20 EVENT:  Lock:  T_SFC:BOU_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 (Mar 30 02 08:00:00 GMT, Mar 30 02 09:00:00 GMT) mark@camper.fsl.noaa.gov:gfe:7781:0
13:14:04.148 BreakAllLocks.py 20 EVENT:  Lock:  T_SFC:BOU_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 (Mar 30 02 17:00:00 GMT, Mar 30 02 18:00:00 GMT) mark@camper.fsl.noaa.gov:gfe:7781:0
13:14:04.152 BreakAllLocks.py 20 EVENT:  Lock:  T_SFC:BOU_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 (Mar 31 02 02:00:00 GMT, Mar 31 02 03:00:00 GMT) mark@camper.fsl.noaa.gov:gfe:7781:0
13:14:04.156 BreakAllLocks.py 20 EVENT:  Lock:  T_SFC:BOU_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 (Mar 31 02 13:00:00 GMT, Mar 31 02 14:00:00 GMT) mark@camper.fsl.noaa.gov:gfe:7781:0
13:14:05.810 BreakAllLocks.py 37 EVENT:  Break All Locks Finished

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