GFE/ifpIMAGE Configuration File
System Time Range Configuration

The system time range configuration defines the range of the temporal editor and grid manager in time.  If no grids are present in any of the weather elements, then the temporal editor and grid manager will use the default starting and ending times based on the current system time.  Units are in hours For example, if the beforeCurrentTime is set to 48 (2 days) and the afterCurrentTime is set to 168 (7 days), then the grid manager scroll limits will be 2 days in the past and 7 days into the future.

The actual scollable limits are modified if there are grids and/or locks present. The scrollable limits will be expanded by the inventory of grids and the occurance of locks (for the mutable database).

These varables are applicable to the GFE configuration file only.

SystemTimeRange_beforeCurrentTime = 48
SystemTimeRange_afterCurrentTime = 168


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