GFESuite Configurability - BASE, SITE, USER Concept

January 10, 2005

Table of Contents
Data Retrieval Using the BASE, SITE, USER Concept
Data Storage Using the BASE, SITE, USER Concept
The Effect of Multiple Users
What Data Types Do the BASE, SITE, USER Apply To?
Where are These BASE, SITE, and USER Files Located?
How Do I Control Whether I Am a USER or a SITE?
How Do I Make Modifications to the SITE Files?
How Do I Make Modifications to the USER Files?
How Do I Define a New USER?
Are Programs Other Than the GFE Affected by the BASE, SITE, USER Concept?


The GFESuite software uses the concept of site and user overrides. This permits the installed files from the software distribution to not interfere with local modifications.  Installed files are called BASE files.  A site can choose to make changes or override the BASE files by installing the sites's files in the SITE area.  An individual user can override the BASE and SITE definitions by installing custom user files in the USER area.  Files under the BASE directories should NEVER be modified by the site or they will be overwritten on the next upgrade.

Upon request of data from the ifpServer, the server will first look for data in the customized user directory.  If the requested data is found, it is returned.  If not found, the server then looks in the site directory.  If the requested data is found there, it is returned.  If not found, then the server looks in the base directory.  If the requested data is found in the base directory, it is returned.  If not found, an error is returned.

Upon storage of data to the ifpServer, the server will always try to write into the customized user directory.  If it is successful, subsequent reads of the data will always be returned via the customized version of the file.

Data is retrieved from the ifpServer using different identifiers, which identify the name of an entity, but not its location (e.g., BASE, SITE, USER).  When that data is retrieved, the client can then determine where the data was retrieved.

There are some special cases:

Some of the files stored in the server are Python files, and others are non-Python files.  With the non-Python files, you get the choice of a complete override of SITE and BASE files, i.e., you can't do a simple merge.  With the Python files, you can either do a complete override using SITE and BASE or you can use the Python "import" statement to do partial overrides.

Data Retrieval Using the BASE, SITE, USER Concept

The following illustration shows examples of the files that will be retrieved by a user.  The search path for users will always be the USER directory first, then the SITE followed by the BASE.  If the file is not found, an error will be returned.  Files in the SITE override files in the BASE directory.  Files in each USER directory override files in the BASE and SITE.

Non-Python Case

This example applies to non-Python files stored in the server.

This table illustrates the different conditions and what file is retrieved based on a USER, and based on a user called SITE (which is the site administrator).
File Exists in BASE Exists in SITE Exists in USER Returned File by USER Returned File by SITE
a YES NO NO Base Base
b YES YES YES User Site
c NO YES YES User Site
d NO YES NO Site Site
e NO NO YES User <none>
f YES YES NO Site Site


Python Case

Data retrieval for Python files from the server work on essentially the same principal, except that Python files can import other files as shown in the following table and illustration illustration (the black arrows indicate the import path as defined in the actual files, the red arrows indicate the final result):
File Exists in BASE Exists in SITE Exists in USER Returned File by USER (considering imports) Returned File by SITE (considering imports)
m YES NO NO Base m Base m
n YES NO YES - inports m Base m + User n Base n
o NO YES - imports m NO Base m + Site o Base m + Site o
p NO YES - imports m NO Base m + Site p Base m + Site p
q NO NO YES - imports p Base m + Site p + User q <none>
r NO NO YES User r <none>
s NO NO YES - imports n Base m + User n + User s <none>

Note that for the Python "n" case, the BASE "n" is hidden from the USER since there is already an "n" in USER.  Therefore a USER who uses an "import n" statement in one of the files will not see the BASE "n", but will see the USER "n".  There is no way to specify in an import statement whether you want BASE or SITE or USER. In the case of USER "r", no imports were performed at all.

Data Storage Using the BASE, SITE, USER Concept

The following illustration shows examples of the files that will be stored by a user.  The storage path for users is always the USER directory.   If the file is read-only, attempts to store a file with the same name will fail.

This table illustrates the different conditions and what file is stored based on a USER, and based on a user called SITE (which is the site administrator).   File "e" in USER is read-only in this example.  Attempts to write over "e" will fail.  File "a" is located in BASE and a new one is written to USER.  Even though "a" in BASE is read-only, the user may write a file into USER under the same name.
File Exists in BASE Exists in SITE Exists in USER Storage Location for USER Storage Location for SITE
a YES (read-only) NO NO User Base
b YES YES YES User Base
c NO YES YES User Base
d NO YES NO User Base
e NO NO YES (read-only) <ERROR> Base
f YES YES NO User Base

The Effect of Multiple Users

Multiple users, as long as their login name or specified user name are different, are isolated from each other. This allows individuals to create their own special set of edit areas, smart tools,  and GFE configurations without affecting other users.

It is quite possible, and probable, to have two different clients, such as GFEs, running under the same user login name.  This case is not treated as two different users.

The following illustration shows examples of the files that will be stored by two users with different login names.  The storage path for users is always the USERx directory.   If the file is read-only, then attempts to store a file with the same name will fail.

The table illustrates the different conditions and what file is stored based two users, USER1 and USER1.  In this example, there are no read-only files in USER1 or USER2.  Examples are shown for the non-Python files, which don't use the import facility.
File Exists in BASE Exists in SITE Exists in USER1 Exists in USER2 Storage Location for USER1 Storage Location for USER2
a YES (read-only) NO NO NO User1 User2
b YES YES NO YES User1 User2
c NO YES YES NO User1 User2
d NO YES NO NO User1 User2
e NO NO NO NO User1 User2
f YES YES NO NO User1 User2

The following illustration shows examples of the files that will be retrieved by two users.  The search path for users is always the USER directory first, then the SITE followed by the BASE.  If the file is not found, then an error will be returned.  Files in the SITE override files in the BASE directory.  Files in each USER directory override files in the BASE and SITE.

The files in the different USER directories are not seen by all users, just the user that matches the login name.

The table illustrates the different conditions and what file is retrieved based on a user, and based on a user called SITE (which is the site administrator).
File Exists in BASE Exists in SITE Exists in USER Returned File by USER1 Returned File by USER2
a YES NO NO Base Base
b YES YES YES Site User
c NO YES YES User User
d NO YES NO Site Site
e NO NO NO <none> <none>
f YES YES NO Site Site

What Data Types Do the BASE, SITE, USER Apply To?

The BASE, SITE, and USER concepts apply to the types of data shown in the following table. If the BASE, SITE, USER concept is used, then the site can override the initial installation files (BASE), and an individual user can override the sites's files.  If there is a "Python 'import' capability" for a particular data type, that permits partial overrides by using the Python "import" statement to pull in additional files.
Data Type Uses BASE, SITE, USER Concept Python "import" capable
Sample Sets YES NO
Color Tables YES NO
Edit areas (a.k.a. REFERENCE sets) YES NO
Edit Tools YES YES
Procedures YES
Text Utilities
Utilities (e.g., Smart Scripts)
Edit Area Groups YES NO
Weather Element Groups (BUNDLE) YES NO
Combo (Zone Combiner saved configurations, and color table)
NO - this is a special case that does not use the BASE/SITE/User concept.  All files are written into the SITE-level regardless of user.
Combo (Zone Combinations used by products)
NO - this is a special case that does not use the BASE/SITE/User concept.  All files are written into the SITE-level regardless of user. YES
Text Formatters
Selection Time Range by name YES NO
Grid Data NO NO
Map Background Data NO NO
Topography Data NO NO
Server Configurations Partially. Base and Site are supported, but are implemented in a different technique than is described here. For information, see the server configuration guide. YES
GFE Configurations YES. The implementation is done differently than described here.  For information, see the GFE configuration guide. YES
Virtual Parm Modules
GHG Monitor Configuration

Where are These BASE, SITE, and USER Files Located?

The location of the server configuration files are shown in the table below:
File Purpose Part of Standard Release RPP File Location AWIPS File Location
BASE files
~/release/data/databases/BASE/* /awips/GFESuite/primary/data/databases/BASE/*
SITE customized files
~/release/data/databases/SITE/* /awips/GFESuite/primary/data/databases/SITE/*
USER customized files
~/release/data/databases/username/* /awips/GFESuite/primary/data/databases/username/*

The BASE files should never be modified.  SITE modifications are done in the SITE directories.  User modifications are done in each individual user directory structure.

How Do I Control Whether I Am a USER or a SITE?

Many of the files supported in this hierarchical scheme are written/controlled from the GFE.  Starting the GFE with the correct command line switch will set the user name appropriately.  Use the user name "SITE" to become the site administrator.  The command line for the GFE includes a "-u" switch to indicate a specific user.  If no user name is specified, then the user's login name will be used for the user identifier.

Example of starting the GFE to be user "xyz":

runGFE -u xyz

Example of starting the GFE to be the site administrator:

runGFE -u SITE

How Do I Make Modifications to the SITE Files?

Making modifications to the SITE files can be accomplished two ways:
  1. Start the GFE with the "-u SITE" switch.  The GFE will access the server in SITE administrator mode.
  2. Go to the UNIX file system and edit, copy, move, or delete files from under the SITE/* directory.  You can copy files from the BASE/* directories, but make NO changes to the BASE/* directories or files.

How Do I Make Modifications to the USER Files?

Making modifications to the USER files are simply accomplished by starting the GFE with the correct user identifier.  If your login name is the correct user identifier, then simply start the GFE with:


If the login name is not the correct user identifier, start the GFE by specifying the appropriate user identifier on the command line:

runGFE -u username

How Do I Define a New USER?

There are no special files to set up a new user.  The GFESuite will simply use the new user specified on the command line.

Are Programs Other Than the GFE Affected by the BASE, SITE, USER Concept?

All other GFESuite programs, including ifpIMAGE, and ifpAG, use the BASE, SITE, USER concept.  These programs take a "-u" switch to specify the user name.  By default, if the user name is not specified, in which case the SITE user name is used.

Since these other programs are typically product generation programs, it is unlikely that you would want individual user configurations to affect the output.  Therefore the default is SITE.

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