MetLib User Guide
April 8, 2004
Library Methods
Utility Methods
MetLib, short for Metorological Library, is a collection of Numerical
Python methods that perform meteorological operations on gridded data.
With these tools, forecasters can create derived weather elements such
as vorticity, termperature advection, or moisture convergence from
within the SmartTool framework. These methods should help
forecasters more easily inject science into the process of weather
forecasting with the Graphical Forecast Editor.
As this is the first version of this library, much work remains.
But the library does contain the basic building blocks from which
very complex yet meteorological techniques can be developed. As
the library is used in the field and new additions requested, the
library will continue to grow.
Currently the
MetLib is a prototype and is experimental. Use at your own risk.
Library Methods
This section describes the list of MetLib methods.
centeredDifference(grid, axis)
centeredDifference method calculates a partial derivative along the
specified axis. It uses a centered differencing technique to
calculate the difference in value at each grid point from its
neighboring grid point. This method is not meant to be used in a
SmartTool, but is documented here for completeness. See below for
methods that use the centeredDifference method to calculate
The d_dx method calculates a partial derivative along the x axis.
For most grid projections this is also the west-east direction.
The returned grid represents the gradient of the specified grid
along the x-axis only. These values are not scaled to your
particular GFE domain or grid size. To calculate a true gradient
you will need to divide by a spacingGrid so that your grid spacing is
taken into account.
The d_dy method calculates a partial derivative along the y axis.
For most grid projections this is also the north-south direction.
The returned grid represents the gradient of the specified grid
along the y-axis only. These values are not scaled to your
particular GFE domain or grid size. To calculate a true gradient
you will need to divide by a spacingGrid so that your particular grid
spacing is taken into account.
The d_dz method calculates a partial derivative along the z axis.
For most grid projections this is also the up-down direction.
The returned grid represents the gradient of the specified grid
along the z-axis only. Note that for this method to work
properly you must specify a grid of at least 3-dimensions. If you
specify a grid of smaller dimensions, an error will occur. Also
note that to calculate a true vertical gradient, you must also divide
the result from this method by the appropriate scaling factor.
For example, if your gridded data has a vertical resolution of 25
millibars, then you should divide the result by 25 mb.
The d_dt method calculates a partial derivative along the time
axis. For this method to work properly, you must specify a
4-dimensional grid. If a grid of fewer than 4 dimensions is
specified, an error will be reported. Note that for GFE grids the
time dimension is outer loop dimension. In all cases, you will need to
construct your own 4-dimensional grid before calling this method.
Standard GFE methods only return 3-dimensional grids at best.
The gradient method uses the d_dx and d_dy methods to calculate
the horizontal vector gradient of a scalar grid. The result is returned
as two grids, the dx-component and the dy-component. To
display the gradient on the GFE, you must first convert the x and y
components to a magnitude and direction (just like wind) and specify a
grid of type VECTOR. This method is often referred to as the DEL operator in many books and
journals. The entire implementation appears below:
(d_dx(grid), d_dy(grid))
The divergence method calculates the horizontal
divergence of the specified wind field. Note that the wind field
must be specified in u and v components - NOT magnitude and direction.
Use the SmartScript method MagDirToUV to convert magnitude and
direction to u and v components. The implementation appears below:
u, v = Wind
return d_dx(u) + d_dx(v)
The vorticity method calculates the vorticity of the
specified wind field. Note that the wind field must be specified
in u and v components - NOT magnitude and direction. Use the
SmartScript method MagDirToUV to convert magnitude and direction to u
and v components. The implementation appears below:
u, v = Wind
return d_dx(v) - d_dy(u)
advection(windGrid, scalarGrid)
The advection method calculates the advection of the specified
scalar grid by the specified wind grid. Notee that the wind grid
must be specified as u and v components NOT as magnitude and direction.
Use the SmartScript method MagDirToUV to convert
magnitude and direction to u and v components. The implementation
appears below:
-dot(windGrid, gradient(scalarGrid))
dot(vectorGrid1, vectorGrid2)
The dot method calculates the dot product from the specified vector
grids. Again note that both vector grids must be specified as u
and v components NOT magnitude and direction. The implementation
for dot appears below:
vectorGrid1[0] * vectorGrid2[0] + vectorGrid1[1] * vectorGrid2[1]
Utility Methods
The following methods provide grids that are often useful when making
meteorological calculations.
The method getLatLonGrids returns a tuple of two
grids, the first is the latitude at every grid point while the second
is the longitude at every grid point.
Note that this method requires the
gridLocationof the GFE. You can get this grid by including
the following code:
gridLoc =
from within any SmartTool.
The makeSpacingGrid method calculate the grid size at every grid
point. For most typical GFE domains the value at every grid point
is so close that using a constant value would likely work well.
But for other projections, the distance between your grid points
may vary enough that using this grid produces superior results. A
note of caution: for conformal projections (like Grid211) the
difference between the x-gridSize and the y-gridSize are virtuall
identical. However for non-conformal projections, such as
Mercator, you will want to use a different makeGridSpacing method that
returns two grids, one for the x-gridSize and one for the y-gridSize.
This method will be included in a future version of MetLib.
Note that this method requires the gridLocationof the GFE. You
can get this grid by including the following code:
gridLoc =
from within any SmartTool
Occasionally, you may need the Coriolis accleration in your
calculations. MakeCoriolisGrid returns a grid of Coriolis
acceleration at each gid point. It uses the latitude grid from
Note that this methods requires a grid of latitude at each grid point.
You can get this grid by including the following code:
lonGrid = getLatLonGrids(self.getGridLoc())
from within any SmartTool.
To use any of the MetLib methods, you will need to import the MetLib
module, just like SmartScript. However, because it is a module
and not part of the Tool class, you will not have to prepend "self." in
front of every MetLib method. To import the MetLib module insert
this line into your SmartTool:
from MetLib
import *
That import statement will grant you access to all of the methods
documented above, without having to prepend "self." or "MetLib." in
front of every MetLib method call.
Note that in some of the tools that follow, there are examples that
show you how to access the geographical information so that you can
properly scale your calculations to the appropriate units. These
examples use the GridTimeRange variable for simplicity in creating a
new grid on the GFE that you can see. In cases where D2D data is
accessed, you will need to select a timeRange that contains the
specified D2D model grid in order for the tool to work. If you
load the D2D grid that will be used in the tool, you will be able to
precisely see when the grids are currently available and select the
appropriate timeRange on the GFE.
Below we list a few working SmartTools that use some of the MetLib
ToolType = "numeric"
WeatherElementEdited = "variableElement"
from Numeric import *
# Set up Class
import SmartScript
from MetLib import * #
Here's where MetLib is imported
class Tool (SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, dbss):
SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss)
def execute(self, variableElement, GridTimeRange, T):
"Test SmartTool illustrating
MetLib methods"
grad = gradient(T) # calculate the temperature gridient
# display the gradient as a weather
element created "on the fly"
"TempGradient", "VECTOR", grad, GridTimeRange,
minAllowedValue=-10.0, maxAllowedValue=10.0)
return variableElement
ToolType = "numeric"
WeatherElementEdited = "variableElement"
from Numeric import *
# Set up Class
import SmartScript
from MetLib import *
## For available commands, see SmartScript
class Tool (SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, dbss):
SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss)
def execute(self, variableElement, GridTimeRange):
"Test tool for MetLib
# get the model's 500 mb wind
modelName = self.getSiteID()
+ "_D2D_GFS40"
modelLevel = "MB500"
modelWind =
self.getGrids(modelName, "wind", modelLevel, GridTimeRange)
# get some geo info
gridLoc = self.getGridLoc()
latGrid, lonGrid =
spacingGrid =
coriolisGrid =
# make the calculations and unit
conversions and scaling
u, v =
self.MagDirToUV(modelWind[0], modelWind[1])
vort = (vorticity((u, v)) +
coriolisGrid)/ spacingGrid
vort = vort * 100000 #
scaling factor so display works better
"500MBVorticity", "SCALAR", vort, GridTimeRange,
descriptiveName=None, timeConstraints=None,
precision=1, minAllowedValue=-200,
return variableElement
ToolType = "numeric"
WeatherElementEdited = "variableElement"
from Numeric import *
# Set up Class
import SmartScript
from MetLib import *
## For available commands, see SmartScript
class Tool (SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, dbss):
SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss)
def execute(self, variableElement, GridTimeRange):
"Test tool for MetLib
# get the model's 500 mb temp and wind
modelName = self.getSiteID()
+ "_D2D_GFS40"
modelLevel = "MB500"
modelWind =
self.getGrids(modelName, "wind", modelLevel, GridTimeRange)
modelT =
self.getGrids(modelName, "t", modelLevel, GridTimeRange)
# get some geo info
gridLoc = self.getGridLoc()
latGrid, lonGrid =
spacingGrid =
coriolisGrid =
# make the calculations and unit
u, v =
self.MagDirToUV(modelWind[0], modelWind[1])
tAdvection = advection((u,
v), modelT) / spacingGrid
tAdvection = tAdvection *
3600 * 12 # convert to deg/12 hours
tAdvection =
clip(tAdvection, -200.0, 200.0)
"Tadvection", "SCALAR", tAdvection, GridTimeRange,
descriptiveName=None, timeConstraints=None,
precision=1, minAllowedValue=-200,
return variableElement