Grid Manager Tool

Grid Manager Pop-up Menu
Grid Manager Buttons  

The Grid Manager contains many functions to manipulate whole grids, but generally not the gridded values inside them. Using the Grid Manager you can:
All of this functionality is accomplished by a single tool - the Grid Manager Tool, which is always available. The table below lists each action and the function it performs. The table substitutes the abbreviation MB1 and MB2 for Mouse Button 1 and Mouse Button 2, respectively.

Grid Manager Pop-up Menu

In addition to the main Grid Manager edit tool actions, the Mouse Button 3 (MB3) pop-up menu offers many more edit operations. When using these operations, keep in mind that they apply to a single grid (or place-holder for a grid) - the grid under the cursor - when you perform the operation.  Operations include deleting, fragmenting, splitting, copying, and pasting a grid.  Other edit operations permit assigning values to a grid, creating a grid from scratch, and running selected smart tools on the grid.  Refer to the Grid Manager Button 3 Popups documentation for more details.

Grid Manager Buttons

The buttons that control the Grid Manager are on the left of the GFE ToolBar. These buttons control various display modes of the Grid Manager and Spatial Editor, as well as specifically controlling the layout of the GFE.  Refer to the GFE Toolbar documentation for more details.