<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.79 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.4.9-34smp i686) [Netscape]"> </head> <body> <!-- <hr> --> <font color="#3333FF"><font size=+4>GFE Techniques and Skills</font></font> <p>Here is a listing of various techniques and skills which you need to develop in order to gain the most utility from the gridded forecast editor software package. This list is arranged by subject, but using the GFE software requires thorough knowledge of a wide variety of operations. Through repetition, executing each of these skills and techniques should become second nature, like calling up a satellite picture on D2D. <p>This document is intended for forecasters who have been thoroughly trained on the operational use of the GFE; it it not for the novice. Each forecaster should be able to demonstrate a mastery of each of these skills before attempting to use the GFE for complete operational forecasts. <br> <p><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Edit Area actions</font></font> <br> <ol> <li> Draw a freehand Edit Area. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditAreaActions.html#DrawFreehandEditArea">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Select an Edit Area that includes four different forecast zones of your choice. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditAreaActions.html#SelectFourZones">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Select an Edit Area based on a given elevation. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditAreaActions.html#SelectElevationArea">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Select an Edit Area that includes locations where the dew point is above a value that you specifiy. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditAreaActions.html#SelectBasedOnDewpoint">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Select an Edit Area that covers locations with a certain type of weather. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditAreaActions.html#SelectBasedOnWeather">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Save an Edit Area in a Quick Set button, clear the Edit Area and restore it with the same Quick Set button. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditAreaActions.html#MakeNewQucikset">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Zoom the Spatial Editor so that only a portion of your CWA is displayed. Hint: there are two ways to do this. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditAreaActions.html#ZoomSpatialEditor">Solution</a></font></li> </ol> <font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Grid Manager actions</font></font> <br> <ol> <li> Stretch the valid time of any grid block. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTGridManager.html#StretchAGrid">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Copy the contents of one grid block into another grid block. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTGridManager.html#CopyGrid">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Select a time range and list of parameters, then copy data from a selected model into the FCST database. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTGridManager.html#SelectTimeRange">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Create a grid from Scratch. Stretch the valid time of that grid and split it into more than one grid. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTGridManager.html#CreateFromScratch">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Assign a "null" value to an entire grid. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTGridManager.html#AssignNullValue">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Select several grids and use Time Shift to move the grids to another time period. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTGridManager.html#TimeShiftGrids">Solution</a></font></li> </ol> <p><br><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Loading Weather Elements</font></font> <ol> <li> Load the temperatures, dew points and winds from each of the short and medium range models into the Grid Manager. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTLoadWEs.html#LoadTemps">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Load all of the Fire Weather parameters into the Grid Manager. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTLoadWEs.html#LoadFireWx">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Load all of the Public weather parameters into the Grid Manager. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTLoadWEs.html#LoadPublicWEs">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Create a new Weather Element Group that contains QPF, Wx, Sky, and SnowAmt <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTLoadWEs.html#CreateNewWEGroup">Solution</a></font></li> </ol> <p><br><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Editing actions</font></font> <br> <ol> <li> Perform an interpolation based on "Gaps". <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#InterpolateGaps">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Perform an interpolation based on "Edited Data". What needs to be done before executing this action? <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#InterpolateEditedGrids">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Adjust the values for an entire grid by a specified amount. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#AdjustGrid">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Adjust the wind speeds for an entire grid by a specified amount. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#AdjustWindSpeed">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Adjust the values for just a portion of a grid by a specified amount. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#AdjustPortionOfGrid">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Adjust the wind directions for a selected portion of a grid by a specified amount. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#AdjustWindDirection">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Smooth the data contained in a grid. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#SmoothGrid">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Pickup a value from the spatial editor's color bar and assign it to a selected Edit Area. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#PickupValueAndAssign">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Create a new weather value of your choice and use it to assign weather to a selected Edit Area. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#CreateNewWeatherValue">Solution</a></font><br> <BR></li> <li> Create a new discrete value of your choice and use it to assign discrete values to a selected Edit Area. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#CreateNewDiscreteValue">Solution</a></font></li> </ol> <p><br><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Smart Tools</font></font> <ol> <li> Run a Smart Tool for just the area covered by your WFO. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTSmartTools.html#RunSmartTool">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Adjust a QPF grid using the Orographic Smart Tool. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTSmartTools.html#AdjustQPFWithSmartTool">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Interpolate temperatures to hourly grids and derive a MaxTemp grid from these grids using the Smart Tool. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTSmartTools.html#MakeMaxTemp">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Derive a SnowAmt grid from the QPF field using the appropriate Smart Tool. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTSmartTools.html#DeriveSnowAmtGrid">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Run a Smart Tool on multiple grids, but only over a selected Edit Area <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTSmartTools.html#RunSmartToolOnMultipleGrids">Solution</a></font></li> </ol> <p><br><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Miscellaneous and More Complex actions</font></font> <br> <ol> <li> Display a grid as an image, then change the Color Table that is being used. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTMisc.html#ChangeColorTable">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Change the color of a graphic. (Think how you would do this on D2D.) <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTMisc.html#ChangeGraphicColor">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Assign a weather type to the portion of a grid covered by a certain PoP value. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTMisc.html#AssignWeatherByPoP">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Assign values to a PoP grid based on different threshold values in the QPF grid for that time. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTMisc.html#AssignPopBasedOnQPF">Solution</a></font></li> <br> <li> Save and Publish the data. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTMisc.html#SaveAndPublish">Solution</a></font></li> </ol> </body> </html>