Button Bar Dialogs

The following dialogs are invoked directly or indirectly from the Button Bar:

Edit Actions Dialog

The Edit Actions dialog is opened from the Button Bar or from Main Menu-->GFE-->Define Smart Tools...  It allows you to create, modify, and invoke a variety of Spatial Editor Smart Tools. Please refer to the Smart Tool Training Guide to understand the concepts of Smart Tools and for instruction on modifying and creating your own.

The Edit Action Dialog description is divided into three sections:


Pickup Value Dialog

The Pickup Value dialog is opened from the Edit Actions Dialog.   It allows you to set the value that will be used by Assign Value Tool for any loaded Weather Element. Optionally, you can choose to Assign the value you have chosen by clicking on the "Assign" button.

The dialog displays a color scale, and the name of the Weather Element is shown at the top of the dialog.  There are four different types of dialogs: Scalar, Vector,  Weather, and Discrete.

Scalar PickUp Value Dialog

There are two ways to set the current pickup value. MB1 click or drag will set the pickup value to whatever value you clicked.  Or, if you click MB1 in the box labeled "Enter Value", you can enter a value using the keyboard.

The scaling can be changed by MB2 click over the scale.  The MB3 Pop-Up menu allows you to modify the display of the color scale.  Select one of the follow Pop-Up menu items to modify the scale display accordingly. Note that the last item in this list is Edit Color Table...  Selecting this item will display the Color Table Editor Dialog which allows you to create and save your own color table.

Vector PickUp Value Dialog

The vector pick up value dialog contains an entry field for direction and magnitude, selectors for the vector edit mode, and a graphical entry for direction and magnitude.  The direction and magnitude may be entered in the entry fields at any time, regardless of the vector edit mode. The vector edit mode affects the way the direction and magnitude are specified using the graphical entry method and the way some edit tools behave when editing vector data.

The graphical entry contains a circle representing the current magnitude, a wind barb and arrow representing both magnitude and direction, and a meter readout also representing both magnitude and direction.

The user can choose to set the direction through the graphical entry in either the "to" or the "from" direction by starting the operation in the appropriate hemisphere.  If you start the entry operation within 90 degrees of either side of the arrow, then you are specifying the "to" direction.  If you start the enty operation within 90 degrees of either side of the wind barb, then you are specifying the "from" direction.

Clicking or dragging in the graphic entry will set the magnitude and direction, if the vector edit mode is set to Both.  If the vector edit mode is set to Magnitude Only, then only the magnitude may be set.  If the vector edit mode is set to Direction Only, then only the direction may be set.  The direction is determined by the angle from the center of the circle.  The magnitude is determined by the distance your cursor is from the center of the circle.


Weather PickUp Value Dialog

The Weather PickUp Value dialog allows the user to define a new weather pick-up value, and optionally perform an Assign Value of the new value on the spatial editor.  The table below explains each control of this dialog:
Current Value Shows the current weather value for the dialog.  The weather key is a composite of all of the weather type entry frames.  Note that certain coverages, probabilities, and intensities may be combined into a more significant key.  For example, if you have Sct RW- in one entry frame and Sct RW + in another, the resulting value will be the more significant event, which will be Sct RW +.  Coverages and probabilities are also combined in the same manner.
Reset to No Weather Resets the entry fields back to No Weather.
Add New Weather Type Entry Frame Adds a new weather type entry frame to allow the user to specify an additional weather type. 
Weather Entry The Weather Entry frame consists of four option menus, Type, Cov/Prob, Inten, and Vis.  In addition, depending upon the type selected, there may be optional attributes displayed.  The forecaster chooses the appropriate values for each of the categories to create a weather key.  The coverage/probability, intensity, and optional attribute fields are dependent upon the selection of the weather type.  The weather type should always be chosen first.
Toggle Replace/Combine Mode If the Assign Value button is pressed, the current weather key is assigned to the active edit area.  In replace mode, any existing data will be replaced in the active edit area.  In combine mode, the new weather will be combined with any existing weather.
Add to session Adds the currently displayed value to the list of user-defined session values.  This is useful to set up a sequence of pick up values which can later be accessed from the color bar pulldown menu.
Edit Data Runs the "Assign Value" tool on the active edit area.
Weather Type The weather type field consists of No Weather, precipitation, and obstructions to vision.  The weather type should always be chosen first.
Coverage/Probability The coverage and probabilities option menu contents depends upon the weather type chosen.  The default may be specified in the gfe configuration file for each weather type. 
Intensity The intensity option menu contents depends upon the weather type chosen.  Some weather types don't have a valid intensity and thus the <NoInten> must be chosen.  The default may be specified in the gfe configuration file for each weather type.
Visibility The visibility option menu is fixed for all weather types.  The selection of <NoVis> indicates that no visibility has been defined.
Optional Attributes The list of optional attributes is weather type dependent. 


The user may also control the Weather/Discrete Combine Mode by using the Combine pushbutton.    "Description" information about each entry is available through the GFE -> Viewing Preferences -> Wx/Discrete: Show Description menu option.

Discrete PickUp Value Dialog

The Discrete PickUp Value dialog allows the user to define a new discrete pick-up value, and optionally perform an Assign Value of the new value on the spatial editor.  The table below explains each control of this dialog:
Current Value Shows the current discrete value for the dialog.  The discrete key is a composite of all of the discrete value frames.  For non-overlapping, there is only 1 frame available.
Reset Resets the entry fields back the default value (1st entry defined in the discrete key definition in serverConfig)
Add New Entry Frame Adds a new weather type entry frame to allow the user to specify an additional discrete type.  This may not appear for all weather elements since some weather elements are not defined to allow for overlapping types.
Entry Frame The Entry Frame consists of an option menu showing the currently selected value. The value consists of a Base Type and Aux Data.  Some weather elements are not defined to have Aux Data.
Toggle Replace/Combine Mode If the Assign Value button is pressed, the current discrete key is assigned to the active edit area.  In replace mode, any existing data will be replaced in the active edit area.  In combine mode, the new discrete value will be combined with any existing discrete value.
Add to session Adds the currently displayed value to the list of user-defined session values.  This is useful to set up a sequence of pick up values which can later be accessed from the color bar pulldown menu.
Edit Data Runs the "Assign Value" tool on the active edit area.
Base Type
This is the base type of the discrete value.
Aux Data
The aux data field is optional.  If enabled, only a certain width entry is allowed.  The purpose for the aux data is specific to the discrete element.


The user may also control the Weather/Discrete Combine Mode by using the Combine pushbutton. "Description" information about each entry is available through the GFE -> Viewing Preferences -> Wx/Discrete: Show Description menu option.


Delta Value Dialog

The Delta Value Dialog is opened from the Edit Actions Dialog.  It allows you to set the delta value of the AdjustValue_Up and AdjustValue_Down tools. Optionally, you can adjust the grid values down or up by clicking on the "Adjust Down" or "Adjust Up" buttons.

Type in the delta value and click OK or use the slider to set the value.

At any time you can click Cancel to cancel the operation and close the dialog.



Edit Area and Query Dialog

Opens a dialog that allows you to load previously defined edit areas, and construct query expressions that create edit areas.  One way to define an edit area is by defining a query. A query is a mathematical expression that describes one or more weather conditions (T < 32, Rain, Hail, Snow, and so forth).

When a query is applied against a particular grid, its weather conditions are searched for. The result is a new edit area that consists of all the areas that match the query's weather conditions.


Main Window

There are several windows and buttons on the Edit Area and Query Dialog:
  • Query --  The query expression.
  • Groups --  Edit Area Group(s). You may select which edit areas you wish to view in the Edit Areas window. Edit Areas that are not part of any group are displayed under "Misc".
  • Edit Areas --  Named edit areas that have been saved.
  • Weather Elements --  Weather elements that can be used in the query expression.
  • Active Edit Area --  Displays the current edit area. If it is a query, the expression will be shown. If it is simply polygons, the word "Polygon" will be displayed.
  • Clear Query --  Clears the query expression.
  • Recall Query --  Displays a list of past queries (limit 10). If chosen, the query will appear in the Query window. The list will not contain duplicates.
  • Undo Edit Area --  Reverts to previous edit area.
  • Convert to Location --  If the current edit area is defined by a query, converts it to a polygon. After this operation, the edit area is a static set of points and will not change with the data.
  • Submit --  Submit the query for evaluation. Clears the query expression.
  • Cancel --  Cancel and close the dialog.

Save/Delete Menu

The Save/Delete Menu at the top of the Dialog allows you to:

Pickup Value Menu

The PickupValue Menu at the top of the Dialog lists each of the weather elements that are currently loaded into the GFE.  Selecting one of these will paste its current pickup value into the query area.

Wx/Dis Values Menu

The Wx/Dis Values brings up a menu with the weather and discrete weather elements listed.  Choosing one of these will bring up the Weather  Value Dialog or Discrete Value Dialog. For weather elements, the user specifies the type, coverage/probability, intensity, visiblity, and any optional attributes.  The edit area string will then contain the "ugly" string for the comparision.  See the Weather Pick Up Dialog for more details on how to use the dialog.

For Discrete elements, the user specifies the key. See the Discrete Pick Up Dialog more more detailed on how to use the dialog.

Set Discrete Dialog

Create Mask Menu

The Create Mask menu entry brings up a menu with the weather and discrete weather elements listed.  Choosing one of these will bring up the Weather Contains or Discrete Contains Dialog.  These dialogs allow you to choose a combination of various values and the query will include all gridpoints that contain ANY of the items selected in the dialog.
For weather elements, the dialog presents choices for the coverages, types, intensities, visibilities, and attributes.

For discrete, the options are simply a list of the possible discrete types:


Components of Queries

You can create a new query by entering one or more weather conditions. Query values can combine any number of the following:
  • Named Edit Areas
  • Weather Element relational­expressions
  • Weather type relational­expressions
Queries are written in numerical python, and thus the syntax is similar to smart tools and smart initialization.  An edit area and a weather element are basically Python variables.  An edit area is represented by a mask of bits which make up the edit area.  A weather element is a numerical grid for SCALAR, a tuple of two numerical grids for VECTOR, and a grid and a key for both WEATHER and DISCRETE.

Parenthesis are very important when using the OR ('|') or AND ('&') operators since these operators have a high order of precedence.  The following statements are not equal:

T > 32 | Topo > 7000
(T > 32> | (Topo > 7000)

The following are valid queries for SCALAR data:
T > 32 Temperature greater than 32
T < 32 Temperature less than 32
T == 32 Temperature equal to 32 (exactly)
T != 32 Temperature not equal to 32 (exactly)
T >= 32 Temperature greater than or equal to 32
T <= 32 Temperature less than or equal to 32

More complicated queries may also be performed such as the following on SCALAR data (note that parenthesis must be provided):
T - Td > 10 Dew Point Depression is greater than 10
T - 10 > Td Dew Point Depression is greater than 10
(QPF > 0.10) & (PoP < 70) QPF greater than 0.10" and PoP less than 70%
(T > 32) & (Topo > 5000) & (Topo < 7000) & Colorado Temperatures less than 32, with topography between 5000ft and 7000ft, in the state of Colorado.

Vector queries can be done on the magnitude and the direction component, note that Wind[0] refers to the magnitude and Wind[1] refers to the direction, as in smart initialization and smart tools:
Wind[0] > 25 Wind speed greater than 25
(Wind[0] > 25 & (Wind[0] < 40) Wind speed between 25 and 40
(Wind[0] > 25 & (Wind[1] > 90 & (Wind[1] < 180) Wind speed greater than 25, with the direction between 90 and 180.  The direction is the "FROM" direction.

Weather and Discrete queries are performed using the mask function.  The mask button on the dialog simply saves you from typing the word mask.  The mask function is in this form:   mask(weatherElementName, stringMatch, regExpressionYesNo).  Normally you don't provide a regular expression so the mask is in this form:  mask(weatherElementName, stringMatch).  Here are some examples of using the mask function for Weather and Discrete:
mask(Wx, ":R:") Wx  with Rain (R), with any coverage, visibility, attributes.
mask(Wx, ":R:") | mask(Wx, ":RW:") Wx  with Rain (R) or Rain Showers (RW)
mask(Wx, "Sct:RW:") Wx with Scattered Rain Showers
mask(Highlights, "WntrStmWRN") Highlights with Winter Storm Warning
mask(Wx, "Sct:RW:+:<NoVis>") Wx with Scattered Heavy Rain Showers, No Visibility
mask(wx, "^Sct:RW:+:<NoVis>:\Z", 1) Wx with ONLY Scattered Heavy Rain Showers, No Visibility. Note that this is regular expression syntax with the '^' matching the beginning of the phrase and the '\Z' matching the end of the phrase.

The mask function uses substring searches of the keys to determine what grid points match the query.  The PickUp Value and Wx/Dis Values menus provide a quick way to enter the pick up value or an exact match for weather and discrete weather elements.  Note that since substring comparisions are performed, providing a query of mask(Wx, "Sct:RW:+:") will match any grid point that has Sct:RW:+: in it, so it will also match grid points that have a weather key of :  "Iso:T:<NoInten>:<NoVis>:^Sct:RW:+:<NoVis>".  The only way to find grid points that ONLY have the Sct:RW:+: in it without others is to use the regular expression option as shown above in the table.

The create mask menu option provides an easy way to select a set of Wx or Discrete characteristics to search.

Combining queries are performed through the "|" OR  and  "&" AND operators. Since the syntax in the query is numerical Python, there are many other possibilities for the syntax.  Here is an example of using the python absolute() function to calculate the absolute value of an expression.  In this case, we are selecting all T grid points that differ from the AVN model greater than 5 degrees:

absolute(T - T_SFC__AVN) > 5

The name in the query, e.g., T, can be one of several forms:
T Refers to T_SFC_Fcst_00000000_0000 (Fcst database)
T_3K Refers to T @ 3K, for the Fcst database
T_SFC__NAM Refers to T @ SFC, from the latest run of the NAM model
T_SFC__NAM_20030310_1200 Refers to T @ SFC, from the March 10th, 12z, run of the NAM model
T_SFC_BOU_GRID__NAM Same as T_SFC__NAM (The BOU_GRID is optional)
T_SFC_BOU_GRID__NAM_20030310_1200 Same as T_SFC__NAM_20030310_1200 (The BOU_GRID is optional.)

Save Edit Area Dialog

The Save Edit Area Dialog allows you to name and save the Active Edit Area. You may also designate which Edit Area Group(s) will include the Edit Area.

To save the Active Edit Area, type a name in the Identifier box. Select the Edit Area Group(s) that are to include the Edit Area. If you want the area included in a new Group, simply type in the New Group name. No Group(s) need be selected -- including the Edit Area in Groups is optional and can be changed later using this or the Save Edit Area Groups Dialog. Click "Save" to save the Edit Area. You may Cancel the dialog at any time.


Delete Edit Area Dialog

The Delete Edit Area Dialog allows you to delete a saved Edit Area.

To delete a saved Edit Area, click on its name which will appear in the Identifier box and click "Delete." You may Cancel the dialog at any time.


Save Edit Area Group Dialog

The Save Edit Area Group Dialog is accessible from the Edit Area and Query Dialog. It allows you to name and save an Edit Area Group. You will designate which Edit Area(s) will be included in the Edit Area Group. These Groups can then be used to filter the display in the Edit Area and Query Dialog. or to limit the user selections when generating products.

To save an Edit Area Group, type a name in the Identifier box or select a Group from the left-hand list box. Select/deselect the Edit Area(s) that are to be included the Edit Area Group. Click "Save" to save the Edit Area Group.

You may Cancel the dialog at any time.

Delete Edit Area Group Dialog

The Delete Edit Area Group Dialog is accessible from the Edit Area and Query Dialog. It allows you to delete an Edit Area Group.

To delete a saved Edit Area Group, click on its name which will appear in the Identifier box and click "Delete Group." The Edit Areas included in the Group will NOT be deleted unless you specifically choose to do so by checking the "Delete All Areas within Group" button. These areas will also then be deleted from any other groups in which they belong. If the "With Verification" button is on, a dialog will appear for each Edit Area deleted so you can verify that you want it deleted.

You may Cancel the dialog at any time.


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