bufr-3.0.jar has been modified from the released 4.2 version of the UCAR BUFR IOSP. The java file ucar.nc2.iosp.bufr.tables.BufrTables has been modified to fix a bug in the getWmoTableB(int) method. The modified java source file is included along side the class files in the jar. This was done under ticket #2905. The bug involves an inconsistency in logic when choosing the key to the Table B version map. This results in the version 14 Table B being replaced by the version 13 Table B. The code has been rewritten in newer versions (4.3,4.4). This fix is not a long term solution. Moving to later versions isn't an immediate option due to an issue retrieving time and location information in those versions. The time and location variables are not populated in the structure variables. A post has been made to the netcdf-java mailing list inquiring about the issue. Another roadblock is the grib dependency on the UCAR grib library. The grib API has changed in the later versions and would require reworking and testing the grib 1 decoder. Aside from those issues, later versions of the library also require updating the joda.time jar used by ws-security and adding the google protocol buffer library and jdom2.