Table of Contents
VTEC Program Flow
Enabling VTEC in GFE Text Products
VTEC Decoder
AWIPS D2D Setup for GFESuite VTEC
Synchronization of the Active
Table from Backup Sites
Debugging/Examining the Active, Proposed,
and Analyzed Tables
Editing the Active Table
Special GFE Startup for VTEC Testing/Practice
Important Log Files
VTEC Codes and Upgrade/Downgrade Tables
This document describes the configuration and program flow of VTEC
through the GFE.
VTEC Program Flow
The following diagram shows the VTEC program flow through the
GFE. It consists of three major parts: VTEC Decoding, VTEC
Merging, and Product Formatting.
VTEC Decoding
Text bulletins containing VTEC codes
are received over the AWIPS SBN. These are routed to the
NotifyTextProd AWIPS D2D persistent process. The NotifyTextProd
compares the incoming product against the routing table contained in
the pattern file. The pattern file is used to determine the
process to be run for that file. The pattern file used in
the GFESuite/VTEC situation instructs the NotifyTextProd to start the
VTECDecoder anytime a W* (all warnings) or FZ* (all routine marine
products) arrives.
The VTECDecoder reads the text product, decodes the UGC strings and the
VTEC strings. It then merges its findings with the "Active"
table. The "Active" table represents the currently active (or
recently active) watches, warnings, and advisories. It tracks
Event Tracking Numbers (etns) by geographical id (UGC code) and knows
the current state of each VTEC through action codes (e.g., NEW, CAN,
UPG, EXT) for each product.
There is a special WOU product that is received as guidance from the
Storm Prediction Center (SPC). These products, when
decoded, will send an alert message to the GFE (using sendGfeMessage)
informing the forecaster to run the PlotSPCWatches tool. This
allows the latest SPC guidance to be placed into the Hazards grids,
where it can further edited by the forecaster. Likewise, the Tropical
Prediction Center (TPC) sends out TCV tropical event bulletins, which
when decoded, sends an alert message to the GFE informing the
forecaster to run the PlotTPCEvents tool. This allows the latest
TPC guidance to be placed into the Hazards grid.
The "Active" table is designed to be "locked" when writing.
Only the VTECDecoder and MergeVTEC processes lock the table during
their update cycle. Any client can read the table if the
table is not locked for writing.
VTEC Merging
It is important that the "Active" table be always
up-to-date. In the outside chance that a warning product is
missed on the SBN, the ifpServer asks surrounding sites for their
"Active" table on a routine basis. This is sent out as a
request via the WAN. The adjacent site, upon receiving the
request, packages the Active table for transmission back to the
requesting site. The requesting site receives the table and
runs the MergeVTEC routine. The MergeVTEC routine will add/update
any records that are newer in the received active table than the
existing active table. If a warning was issued and the action
code or etn was updated but the local site missed the text bulletin
(perhaps during a reboot), the MergeVTEC will update the warning record
in the local table. The configuration file VTECPartners is
critical in this process since it defines the adjacent sites from which
to get the active table, as well as the site filtering for the
The steps in the VTEC Table Merging process is in three
steps: request, reply, and merge. These steps use the
same communication protocol as the Intersite Coordination of Grids
technique. The steps on the diagram above are described below:
1. The ifpServer starts the requestAT process on a user-specified
interval (defined in
2. The requestAT process writes out the requesting sites
identifier into a disk file. The AWIPS MHS system works with
email attachements so this information must be stored somewhere.
3. The requestAT process attempts to contact the daemon iscd on
the AWIPS mhs host (ds1 prior to OB7, dx1 OB7 and after).
3a. The inetd process receives the message and starts the iscd daemon
process, if it isn't already running.
4. The requestAT process passes the information package to the iscd
4a. The iscd daemon process spools the information to a disk file.
5. When the entire file is complete, the iscd daemon process calls the
msg_send to send the message.
5a. The msg_send process reads the spooled file.
6. The msg_send process sends the message via the AWIPS Message
Handler System.
7. The remote site's Message Handler System spools the received
information to a temporary file.
8. The Message Handler System calls the iscDataRec process.
9. The iscDataRec process communicates the request with the
10. The ifpServer process starts the sendAT process.
11. The sendAT process asks the ifpServer for the active table.
12. The sendAT process spools the table to a temporary file.
13. The sendAT process attempts to contact the daemon iscd on the AWIPS
mhs (ds1 prior to OB7, dx1 OB7 and after).
13a. The inetd process receives the message and starts the iscd daemon
process, if it isn't already running.
14. The sendAT process passes the information package containing the
active table to the iscd daemon.
14a. The iscd daemon process spools the information to a disk file.
15. When the entire file is complete, the iscd daemon process calls the
msg_send to send the message to the requesting site.
15a. The msg_send process reads the spooled file.
16. The msg_send process sends the message via the AWIPS Message
Handler System.
17. The local site's Message Handler System spools the received
information to a temporary file.
18. The Message Handler System calls the iscDataRec process.
19. The iscDataRec process communicates the request with the ifpServer.
20. The ifpServer process starts the ingestAT process.
21. The ingestAT process calls the MergeVTEC module to do the
22. The MergeVTEC module reads the spooled remote VTEC table, and the
local server's active table, performs the merge operation, and then
stores the updated active table.
Product Formatting
When a GFE Text Product is run, it first analyzes the GFE Hazards
weather element. The Hazards grid contains areas of VTEC
phenomena and significance, such as WS.W for Winter Storm
Warning. The Hazards grid contains the "Proposed" set of
hazards. This is summed into a "Proposed" table. The
"Active" table is retrieved through the ifpServer and the VTEC
Comparison module analyzes the proposed and active table and derives
the "Analyzed table". The "Analyzed" table contains all of
the proper VTEC action strings and event tracking numbers based on the
VTEC Comparison logic. For example, if there is a hazard in the
active table but not in the proposed table, generally a "CAN" for
cancel is generated. If there is a new hazard in the
proposed table but not a matching one in the active table, then a "NEW"
is issued. If the logic detects that the user has proposed a
larger area or a longer time for an existing hazard, then the
appropriate EXT, EXA, or EXB action codes are generated.
After the Analyzed table is complete, the hazards are filtered by
product, since not all products contain the same hazards.
The GFE and GHG Text Generation modules create the output
product. There is a fine line between the GFE and GHG text
generation portion of GFESuite. They both use the GFE text
formatter infrastructure. The GFE text formatters are for routine
forecast products and the GHG text formatters are for the watch,
warning, and advisory products.
The Hazard weather element uses the auxilary data field capability of
Discrete data. The auxilary data field is only used in two cases with
Hazards. For convective watches (Tornado Watches and Severe
Watches), the Storm Prediction Center's (SPC) Event Tracking Number
is carried into the auxilary data field. This is used by the VTEC
logic to determine which watch (or watches) is depicted in the grids.
The second use for the auxilary data field is for GHG-style warning
products. It is used to define a segment number for multi-segmented
The following diagram illustrates the VTEC logic that is used to
take the proposed and active tables and generate the analyzed table.

The result of all of this logic is an Analyzed Table, which contains
a listing of all hazards and their VTEC codes. The product
formatters then take the information in the Analyzed Table and inserts
VTEC codes and headlines into the various text products.
Enabling VTEC in GFE Text Products
VTEC can be in one of five modes:
- Disabled
- Operational ("O")
- Test ("T")
- Experimental ("E")
- Experimental VTEC in an Operational Product ("X")
The mode is controlled by a single file contained in the
directory called VTECMessageType.TextUtility (which can be overridden
the SITE level if necessary). The product
category, e.g., WSW, should be placed in the file and the VTEC mode
indicated by
one of the acceptable letters: "O", "T", "E", "X". If a product
category is not in this file, then VTEC is not enabled for that product.
IMPORTANT: The file in BASE should
not be modified. Instead the following technique should be
- As the "installed user" (typically 'ifps' for AWIPS machines), go
to the ifpServer data directories and find the file
- chmod 644 VTECMessageType.TextUtility (to make it writable)
- Start a GFE as user "SITE". Choose GFE -> Define Text
Products. From the Define Text Products Dialog's Text Utilities
column, find VTECMessageType. MB3 press over the entry and select
- The Python editor window will appear with the current contents of
the VTECMessageType file. This will be a copy of the BASE version
if these steps have not been previously done, or your last
modifications to this file.
- Comment in or out the appropriate lines in the file to
enable/disable VTEC. Change the message type as appropriate
to one of the allowable codes: O, T, E, or X.
- Save the file, and exit the Python editor. Exit the GFE.
- As the "installed user" (typically 'ifps' for AWIPS machines), go
to the ifpServer data directories and find the file
- chmod 444 VTECMessageType.TextUtility (to make it read-only)
- Go to the SITE version of this file:
- chmod 444 VTECMessageType.TextUtility (to make it read-only)
By making the file read-only, the GFE will not allow the file to be
modified. You do not want anyone overriding the values in this
file or you will get inconsistent VTEC coding in the product
The default provided VTECMessageType enables "O" operational VTEC
for all
products except for the MWS, where VTEC is still experimental "X".
The VTECMessageType file looks like this:
# This software is in the public
domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty,
express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# This module stores the VTEC
message type for each product category
# Author: lefebvre
#Products not listed will be
considered VTEC disabled.
VTECMessageTypeDict = {
'CWF' : 'O',
'NSH' : 'O',
'WSW' : 'O',
'WCN' : 'O',
'NPW' : 'O',
'FFA' : 'O',
'RFW' : 'O',
'CFW' : 'O',
'MWS' : 'X',
# This method fetches the message
type for the specified product Category
# If not found, return None.
return VTECMessageTypeDict[productCategory]
return None
Commenting in/out the lines in the VTECMessageTypeDict (highlighted in
blue above) will enable/disable VTEC. Changing the values will
change the VTEC code/mode.
There is a close link between VTEC codes and Headlines. Even if VTEC is
disabled for a product, the Hazards output is still
based on VTEC codes and the VTEC comparison logic is still executed.
An additional step involves setting up VTECPartners/localVTECPartners
for proper exchange of VTEC active tables. Refer to Synchronization of the Active Table
from Backup Sites or more information.
VTEC Decoder
The VTEC Decoder is used by GFESuite to decode incoming text bulletins
for UGC and VTEC codes. It is automatically started by the AWIPS
D2D NotifyTextProd process based on the notify pattern table in the
data/acquire directory.
A configuration file, and, is used
to define the following entries for the VTEC Decoder:
This entry defines the
four-letter id that identifies the Storm Prediction Center. It is
set to KWNS in the configuration file. Convective watches are
handled differently when they are from the SPC.
This entry defines the
four-letter id that identifies the Tropical Prediction Center. It
is set to KNHC in the configuraiton file. TPC provides tropical
VTEC watches and warnings.
This entry defines the set of
WFO identifiers which are used for filtering on incoming text
bulletins. If blank, then no filtering is performed and all
bulletins from all sites will be decoded. There is no need to add
the SPC, TPC, or your own WFO id to this list since they are
added in the software. Usually you only set up
entries containing the sites for which you perform primary and
secondary backups, and sites that surround your WFO. For example,
if this is site BOU and you
sometimes back up PUB and CYS, then you will specify PKUB and KCYS in
list, as well as KGJT, KGLD, and KCYS.
Defines the text categories
(pils) that will have their segment text captured and saved as part of
the active table.
The VTEC Decoder writes to the "Active Table" via exclusive write
locking. A backup copy of the "Active Table" is made after each
modification. The VTECPartner's VTEC_BACKUP_TABLE_PURGE_TIME
specifies the number of hours in which to keep backup copies.
AWIPS D2D Setup for GFESuite VTEC
The AWIPS NotifyTextProd processes
will look for
/awips/GFESuite/primary/data/acquire/notifyPattern.txt and
/awips/GFESuite/svcbu/data/acquire/notifyPattern.txt. That file
contains routing information for incoming text bulletins based on a WMO
pattern. Example contents of the "open" file is:
#This file is
for NotifyTextProd to start the VTECDecoder whenever certain
bulletins arrive.
/awips/GFESuite/primary/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d -w
/awips/GFESuite/primary/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d -w
/awips/GFESuite/primary/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d -w
/awips/GFESuite/svcbu/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d -w
/awips/GFESuite/svcbu/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d -w
/awips/GFESuite/svcbu/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d -w
above version is typical for AWIPS versions earlier than
OB6. Starting with OB6, NotifyTextProd will be sent a
custom template based on the configured site identifier. An
example of this template is shown below:
#This file is
for NotifyTextProd to start the VTECDecoder whenever certain
bulletins arrive.
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
/scratch/HEAD/GFESuite/release/bin/run/VTECDecoder -f <FILEID> -d
-w "<WMOID>"
The extra filtering becomes possible with OB6, due to the dual
NotifyTextProd processes running.
There is no other setup required for AWIPS to being sending the text
bulletins to GFESuite. However, once you first install IFPS, you
may need to restart the ingest processes on AWIPS so it
will read the routing file. Restarting data ingest is done as
user "fxa" from the stopIngest.dx4 and startIngest.dx4 for dx4 based
In later versions (OB6+) of AWIPS, there are special
startNotifyTextProd scripts that are available.
IMPORTANT CONFIGURATION: Once your site has installed OB6, you
should add the following to your localConfig file to take advantage of
the extra filtering, but only if you are running IFPS17.6.*.
Versions post IFPS17.6 are automatically configured for the extra
Refer to the
Configuration Items for serverConfig and
Auto Configuration of
NotifyTextProd in localConfig for additional information.
Synchronization of the
Active Table from Backup Sites
Synchronization of the Active Table from Backup Sites is used to ensure
that your VTEC table is always up-to-date. It comes in
especially handy when you enter service backup and you need the latest
active table. Based on the clock, the ifpServer will make a
request for adjacent site's active table. The remote site(s)
ifpServer will respond with the active table. The merge vtec
process compares records in the received active table against your own
active table. Entries that are newer in the received table will
be merged into your active table.
Merging characteristics are defined by the VTECPartners and
localVTECPartners configuration files. The following entries
control this process:
Defines the AWIPS 3-letter WFO
identifiers that will be requested to send their active table to you.
Defines the four-letter WFO ids
that will be decoded and merged with your active table during merges.
Defines the interval that the
requests will be made for the active table to the
VTEC_TABLE_REQUEST_SITES. The recommended time is no less than 15
minutes and defaults to 60 minutes.
Set to either 1 or 0. If
1, then the ifpServer will respond to requests for the active table to
be sent to the requestor from remote sites.
define the AWIPS 3-letter WFO identifiers that will be requested to
send their active table to you and the VTEC_MERGE_SITES are the sites
that will be decoded and merged into your active table. Normally
this is set up to
include your primary and secondary backup sites, and the sites that
have you as primary and secondary backup.
You will likely want to change the VTEC_TABLE_REQUEST_SITES to only
include two or three sites.
The VTEC_MERGE_SITES is usually correctly set up in the baseline and
includes all sites within your defined grid domain.
The procedure to configure the sharing of the VTEC active table is done
through the
file. Refer to the
VTECPartners /
localVTECPartners documentation.
Debugging/Examining the Active,
Proposed, and Analyzed Tables
The key to VTEC is the correct merging of the proposed and active
table. For diagnostics, the logging preferences file may be
edited to turn on the verbose and debug output for the VTECDecoder,
VTEC Merging, and product formatting. The contents of the
analyzed table will be output at each step of the VTEC
comparison. This is quite helpful for debugging.
For formatters, you will want to enable the debugging for Here is the complete
.../etc/BASE/logPref/runIFPText.logPref file, with the line to
turn on debugging highlighted.
Src Sink Category
all file
all = on
all file
debug = off
all file
verbose = off
tty all = on
tty debug = off
tty verbose = off
all collective all = off
file verbose = on
tty verbose = on
#Uncomment following line for
debugging purposes
#all all all = on
# Prefixes
all timeStamp =
on # time stamps on
#all processName =
off # process name off
#all processID =
off # process id off
all fileName =
on # filenames wanted
all lineNo =
on # line
numbers wanted
#bug abort = on
For debugging the VTECDecoder, the logPref file is VTECDecoder.logPref
and the added line is:
all all all = on
For debugging the VTEC Merge routine, the logPref file is
ingestAT.logPref and the added line is:
all all all = on
The debugging statements output records in the analyzed, active, and
proposed tables in a form similiar to that below. This form shows
most of the field entries in each record:
Hdln: HIGH
Start: Fri
Sep 3 09:00:00 2004 1094202000.0 Action: NEW
Fri Sep 3 19:00:00 2004 1094238000.0
HW Sig: W Office: KLOX Etn: 0001
Seg: 0 Key: HW.W
Zone: CAZ051
The following describes the various fields in the analyzed, active, and
proposed tables:
Contains the actual VTEC string.
The proposed table (from the Hazard grid) does not contain a Vtec
string since it hasn't been calculated at this point. The active
table contains the VTEC string from the text product, and the proposed
table contains the output VTEC string.
The Headline is the descriptive
name for the VTEC phenomena and significance. ??? indicates that
the headline description has not yet been assigned to the record.
The starting time of the event
is output in a readable form as well as the number of seconds since the
The ending time of the event is
output in a readable form as well as the number of seconds since the
The previous starting time of
the event is given for events that have been shortened or extended.
The previous ending time of the
event is given for events that have been shortened or extended.
Contains information about the
event that this event was downgraded from.
Contains information about the
event that this event was upgraded to.
Until Further Notice flag,
indicates that the ending time is not defined and the event is
continued until a replacement record is decoded.
The purge time of the event
is output in a readable form as well as the number of seconds since the
epoch. The purge time is from the date-time group at the end
of the UGC line.
The product issuance time of the
is output in a readable form as well as the number of seconds since the
epoch. The issue time is from the date-time group on the 1st line
of the product.
The action code assigned to this
record is shown. ??? indicates that the action code has not
yet been determined.
The VTEC Phenomena is
shown. Locally defined hazard keys will not have a
The VTEC Significance is
shown. Locally defined hazard keys will not have a significance.
The Office identifier associated
with this record is shown. It is the 4-letter site id.
The assigned event tracking
number for the record is shown. The proposed table normally does
not have an entry, except for convective watches. ???
indicates that the event tracking number has not yet been determined.
The assigned segment
number. This is normally zero for the analyzed and proposed
tables. The segment number from the VTECDecoder indicates the
ordering of the product. The proposed table normally does
not have this entry, except that the forecaster may define a hazard
with different segements to aid the hazard formatters in formatting the
The key is the Discrete Key that
was found in the grids. Keys with a colon and a number reflect a
convective watch with ETN or a segment descriptor.
The zone is the geographical
identifier or UGC. UGCs may be Zone or FIPS. They are edit
area names for the proposed table and the decoded UGC identifiers for
the active table.
This field is not normally
shown. Only the active table contains this field. It
contains the hazard/forecast text that was found in the segment that
corresponds with the VTEC record.
Overview Text
This field is not normally
shown. Only the active table contains this field. It
contains the overview text that was found between the MND header and
first segment.
Previous Text
This field is not normally
shown. Only the analyzed table contains this field.
contains the hazard/forecast text that was found in the segment that
corresponds with the VTEC record previously. For example, if the VTEC
record is a "CON", then the text represents the information contained
in the last issued product for that segment. If the record is an "EXA",
then that segment wasn't issued previously, but the captured text is
for the
same event from the previous issuance.
Previous Overview Text
This field is not normally
shown. Only the analyzed table contains this field.
It contains the text that was found between the MND header and the
first segment. |
This field contains the product
category for the record.
dumpAT program is available to dump out
the contents of the VTEC active table. It only runs on the
server machine where GFESuite has been installed, but does not require
the ifpServer running.
Editing the Active Table