# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # File: group_definition.cfg # # Released: 04 February 2000 with WHFS V3.0 (AWIPS R5.0) # # Purpose: # # To customize timeseries display for Group mode. User can setup multiple # # Groups/Pages/Graphs/Traces # # Note: # # 1. No space allowed between data fields or keywords # # 2. Blank lines are ignored # # 3. Comments must be preceeded by # # # 4. Data field and key words are case senitive # # Overview: # # The progam's design is based on a five-layer concept: Groups->Pages-> # # Graphs->Traces->Points. First, a group is defined, which contains one or# # more defined pages. Within each page is one to twelve graphs, where each# # graph contains one or more traces. A trace is a collection of data # # values (i.e., points) for a unique station and SHEF attributes. For # # forecast data, a trace is also uniquely defined for a given basis time. # # Key words for each layer, along with their possible values are described # # as follows: # # Group keywords: # # name, descript, grid, tracemode, pasthours, futurehours # # - name: name of a group # # - descript: description of a group # # - grid: to turn grid on/off which is T=true and F=False # # - tracemode: L=Lines only; P=Points only; B=both Lines & Points # # - pasthours: numbers of hours past current time # # - futurehours: numbers of hours forward from current time # # Page keywords: # # title # # - title: page's title # # Graph keywords: # # pos, xzise, ysize, ylinear, yscale, showcat, derivepp, latestfcstonly # # - pos: position of graph which ranges from [1-12] # # - xsize: width of graph which ranges from [1-6] # # - ysize: height of graph which ranges from [1-2] # # - ylinear: S=Stage; F=Flow # # - yscale: D=Data; C=category # # - showcat: T=True; F=False # # - derivepp:I=Interpolation; A=assign # # - lastestfcstonly:T=True; F=False # # Trace keywords: # # stn, pc, color # # - stn: Station name # # - pc: SHEF parameter code ( PE D TS E ) # # - color: color name ( color names are available in the ColorName table# # in the Informix database and can be looked up using the dbaccess # # tool. Run dbaccess and type in "select * from colorname" for the # # list of about 500 colors. Commonly used colors are: Red, Green, # # Yellow, Magenta, Purple, Wheat, White, Blue, DodgerBlue, Orange, # # and Maroon. # # # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------- Example of a group_definition.cfg file --------------------- # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # # --------------------------------------- group one page one ------------------------------- # # Group:name=BLUO2,descript=TEST GROUP No.1,grid=T,tracemode=B,pasthours=96,futurehours=72 Page:title=SINGLE STATION PAGE Graph:pos=1,xsize=6,ysize=1,ylinear=S,yscale=D,showcat=F,derivepp=I,showpp=T,latestfcstonly=T Trace:stn=BLUO2,pc=hgirgz,color=DodgerBlue Trace:stn=BLUO2,pc=hgiffz,color=Green Trace:stn=BLUO2,pc=hgirzz,color=Yellow Graph:pos=7,xsize=6,ysize=1,ylinear=S,yscale=D,showcat=F,derivepp=I,showpp=T,latestfcstonly=F Trace:stn=BLUO2,pc=hgirgz,color=DodgerBlue Trace:stn=BLUO2,pc=hgiffz,color=Green Trace:stn=BLUO2,pc=hgirzz,color=Yellow # #--------------------------------------- Group one page two -------------------------------- # # Page:title=MULTI-STATION PAGE Graph:pos=1,xsize=6,ysize=1,ylinear=S,yscale=D,showcat=F,derivepp=I,showpp=T,latestfcstonly=T Trace:stn=ADSO2,pc=tdirzz,color=Magenta Trace:stn=ADSO2,pc=tairzz,color=Green Trace:stn=ADSO2,pc=udirzz,color=DodgerBlue Trace:stn=ADSO2,pc=usirzz,color=Yellow Graph:pos=7,xsize=3,ysize=1,ylinear=S,yscale=D,showcat=F,derivepp=I,showpp=T,latestfcstonly=T Trace:stn=ADSO2,pc=tdirzz,color=DodgerBlue Trace:stn=ADSO2,pc=tairzz,color=Green Trace:stn=ADSO2,pc=tsirzz,color=Cyan Graph:pos=10,xsize=3,ysize=1,ylinear=S,yscale=D,showcat=F,derivepp=I,showpp=T,latestfcstonly=T Trace:stn=EAGO2,pc=pcirgz,color=DodgerBlue # # --------------------------------------- Group two page one ------------------------------- # # Group:name=ALXO2,descript=TEST GROUP No. 2,grid=T,tracemode=B,pasthours=96,futurehours=72 Page:title=MULTI-STATION PAGE Graph:pos=1,xsize=6,ysize=1,ylinear=S,yscale=D,showcat=F,derivepp=I,showpp=T,latestfcstonly=T Trace:stn=ALXO2,pc=hgirgz,color=Magenta Graph:pos=7,xsize=6,ysize=1,ylinear=S,yscale=D,showcat=F,derivepp=I,showpp=T,latestfcstonly=T Trace:stn=ADSO2,pc=udirzz,color=DodgerBlue Trace:stn=ADSO2,pc=usirzz,color=White #End