##################################################### ## MARINE WEATHER STATEMENT STANDALONE ## ## CREATED BY PHIL KURIMSKI - WFO DTX ## ## VERSION AWIPS II 1.5 -- MAR 2 2012 OB12.2.1-4 ## ## Added coding for dense fog in Version 1.5 ## ## Evan Bookbinder 4-25-2012 for OB 12.3.1 (MND) ## ## Phil Kurimski -- SEP 10 2012 OB12.9.1-12 ## ## Phil Kurimski -- FEB 07 2013 OB13.2.1-5 ## ## Phil Kurimski -- SEP 17 2013 OB13.5.2-4 ## ## Evan Bookbinder -- SEP 18 2013 Implemented config.vm ## Mike Rega 5/23/14 DR 17380 svr wx watch logic OB14.3.1 ## UPDATED PHIL KURIMSKI -- MAR 23 2015 Mixed Case ## ##################################################### #parse("config.vm") ## Set the visibility variable to be used for dense fog ## This variable can be changed by the local office and will ## set the visibility in the 3rd bullet and dense fog CTA ##################################################### #set($visibility = "1 MILE") ##################################################### ## Set null variables used in the template ##################################################### #set($capable = "") #set($hailType = "") #if(${productClass}=="O") #set($productClass = "X") #end ${WMOId} ${vtecOffice} 000000 ${BBBId} MWS${siteId} #if(${productClass}=="T") TEST...MARINE WEATHER STATEMENT...TEST #else MARINE WEATHER STATEMENT #end NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE ${officeShort} #backupText(${backupSite}) #capitalize(${dateUtil.format(${now}, ${timeFormat.header}, ${localtimezone})} "ALL") #if(${productClass}=="T") ...THIS MESSAGE IS FOR TEST PURPOSES ONLY... #end ###################################################################### ## Deleted VTEC and Marine Zone Name lines to come in line with NWS Directive 10-314 ###################################################################### ${ugcline} #capitalize(${dateUtil.format(${now}, ${timeFormat.header}, ${localtimezone})} "ALL") #if(${productClass}=="T") ...THIS MESSAGE IS FOR TEST PURPOSES ONLY... #end ####################################################################### ## List of Event Types. Added several events such as Shower...Cloud and Front. ## Removed line selections and determined line based on Track Type in GUI. ####################################################################### ## Assume head1 is selected. #set($headerType = "strong thunderstorm") #set($eventType = "thunderstorm") #set($reportLocation = "This thunderstorm was located") ## Do not add any spaces or tabs to the next line ## Otherwise the headline in the product will have extra spaces #if(${stormType} == "line") #set($reportLocation = "These thunderstorms were located") #end #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "shower")}) #set($headerType = "shower") #set($eventType = "shower") #set($reportLocation = "This shower was located") ## Do not add any spaces or tabs to the next line ## Otherwise the headline in the product will have extra spaces #if(${stormType} == "line") #set($reportLocation = "These showers were located") #end #end #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "cloud")}) #set($headerType = "cloud") #set($eventType = "cloud") #set($reportLocation = "This cloud feature was located") #end #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "front")}) #set($headerType = "front") #set($eventType = "front") #set($reportLocation = "This front was located") #end #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "fog")}) #set($headerType = "dense fog") #set($eventType = "dense fog") #set($reportLocation = "The dense fog was located") #end ####################################################################### ## Section to create line wording based on track type. ####################################################################### #set($stormline = "${headerType}") #set($pathheader = "The ${headerType}") #set($specialEvent = "This ${eventType}") #set($reportType2 = "The ${eventType} was") #if(${stormType} == "line") #set($stormline = "line of ${headerType}s") #set($pathheader = "${headerType}s") #set($specialEvent = "These ${eventType}s") #set($headerType = "A ${headerType}s") #set($reportType2 = "The ${eventType}s were") #end ####################################################################### ## Corrective coding to prevent the use of "Line of Fronts" in the Product ####################################################################### #if(${eventType} == "front") #set($stormline = "${eventType}") #set($pathheader = "The ${eventType}") #set($specialEvent = "This ${eventType}") #set($reportType2 = "The ${eventType} was") #end ####################################################################### ## Corrective coding to prevent the use of "Line of Dense Fog" in the Product ####################################################################### #if(${eventType} == "dense fog") #set($stormline = "${eventType}") #set($pathheader = "The ${eventType}") #set($specialEvent = "This ${eventType}") #set($reportType2 = "The ${eventType} was") #end #if(${eventType} == "cloud") #set($pathheader = "The strong winds") #end #set($threatType = "winds up to 33 knots") #set($headerType1 = "...STRONG WINDS EXPECTED...") #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "approachHead")}) #set($headerType1 = "...${stormline} APPROACHING THE WATERS...") #* #if(${eventType} == "thunderstorm") #set($headerType1 = "...${stormline} APPROACHING THE WATERS...") #else #set($headerType1 = "...STRONG WINDS EXPECTED...") #end *# #end #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "overHead")}) #set($headerType1 = "...${stormline} OVER THE WATERS...") #* #if(${eventType} == "thunderstorm") #set($headerType1 = "...${stormline} OVER THE WATERS...") #else #set($headerType1 = "...STRONG WINDS EXPECTED...") #end *# #end ####################################################################### ## Added Hail Section ####################################################################### #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "smallHail")}) #set($hailType = " and small hail") #end ####################################################################### ## Section to produce areas affected by statement ####################################################################### #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "noHead")}) A MARINE WEATHER STATEMENT HAS BEEN ISSUED FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS... #else #capitalize(${headerType1} "ALL") The areas affected include... #end ####################################################################### ## Coding to use the raw marine zone output from the shapefiles ## Comment this section out if you are combining your marine zones ####################################################################### #foreach (${area} in ${areas}) #wrapText("${area.name}..." 2 2) #end ####################################################################### ## End of code for raw marine zone output from the shapefiles ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ## The following code will create a string of marine zone fips codes ## which will be important in combining marine zones ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ## Set the fipsstring variable to null for marine zone combinations ####################################################################### #set($fipsstring = "") #foreach (${area} in ${areas}) #set($fipsstring = $fipsstring + $area.fips + "-") #end ####################################################################### ## Parse in the marineCombo.vm file which contains marine zone combinations ## Uncomment the parse command if you are combining your marine zones ####################################################################### ##parse("marineCombo.vm") ####################################################################### ## End of the marine zone combination script ####################################################################### #* ################################################################################################### ## The following code is an example of how to combine marine zones for 3 continuous marine zones ## Note you start out with the largest combination first then whittle it down until you only have ## one zone left. You can do this as many times as you wish for as many combinations as you have. ## Make sure you comment out the ${area.name}... line above to use the marine zone combination ## If you have any questions contact: Phil Kurimski - WFO DTX ################################################################################################### #set($zonecombo = "") #if(($fipsstring.contains("AMZ154")) && ($fipsstring.contains("AMZ156")) && ($fipsstring.contains("AMZ152"))) #set($zonecombo = "COASTAL WATERS FROM OREGON INLET TO CAPE LOOKOUT NC OUT 20 NM...") #elseif(($fipsstring.contains("AMZ154")) && ($fipsstring.contains("AMZ156"))) #set($zonecombo = "COASTAL WATERS FROM CAPE HATTERAS TO CAPE LOOKOUT NC OUT 20 NM...") #elseif(($fipsstring.contains("AMZ152")) && ($fipsstring.contains("AMZ154"))) #set($zonecombo = "COASTAL WATERS FROM OREGON INLET TO OCRACOKE INLET NC OUT 20 NM...") #elseif($fipsstring.contains("AMZ154")) #set($zonecombo = "COASTAL WATERS FROM CAPE HATTERAS TO OCRACOKE INLET NC OUT 20 NM...") #elseif($fipsstring.contains("AMZ156")) #set($zonecombo = "COASTAL WATERS FROM OCRACOKE INLET TO CAPE LOOKOUT NC OUT 20 NM...") #elseif($fipsstring.contains("AMZ152")) #set($zonecombo = "COASTAL WATERS FROM OREGON INLET TO CAPE HATTERAS NC OUT 20 NM...") #end $zonecombo *# ####################################################################### ## Basis section that incorporates line phenomena...capable vs producing ## and threat based on selections above. Added Satellite Imagery to basis. ####################################################################### #set($report = "!** YOU DIDN'T SELECT A REPORTER **! ${threatType}") #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "doppler")}) #set($capable = "capable of ") #set($report = "Doppler radar indicated a ${stormline}, ${capable}producing ${threatType}${hailType}.") #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "fog")}) #set($capable = "capable of ") #set($report = "Doppler radar indicated an area of ${stormline}, ${capable}reducing visibilities to below ${visibility}.") #end #end #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "marineSpotter")}) #set($report = "Marine weather spotters reported a ${stormline}, ${capable}producing ${threatType}${hailType}.") #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "fog")}) #set($report = "Marine weather spotters reported an area of ${stormline}, ${capable}reducing visibilities to below ${visibility}.") #end #end #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "mariner")}) #set($report = "A mariner reported a ${stormline}, ${capable}producing ${threatType}${hailType}.") #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "fog")}) #set($report = "A mariner reported an area of ${stormline}, ${capable}reducing visibilities to below ${visibility}.") #end #end #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "public")}) #set($report = "The public reported a ${stormline}, ${capable}producing ${threatType}${hailType}.") #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "fog")}) #set($report = "The public reported an area of ${stormline}, ${capable}reducing visibilities to below ${visibility}.") #end #end #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "satellite")}) #set($capable = "capable of ") #set($report = "Satellite imagery indicated a ${stormline}, ${capable}producing ${threatType}${hailType}.") #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "fog")}) #set($capable = "capable of ") #set($report = "Satellite imagery indicated an area of ${stormline}, ${capable}reducing visibilities to below ${visibility}.") #end #end #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "pilot")}) #set($report = "A pilot reported a ${stormline}, ${capable}producing ${threatType}${hailType}.") #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "fog")}) #set($report = "A pilot reported an area of ${stormline}, ${capable}reducing visibilities to below ${visibility}.") #end #end ## Storm current location description #if(${productClass}=="T") THIS IS A TEST MESSAGE. ## #end #thirdBullet(${dateUtil},${event},${timeFormat},${localtimezone},${secondtimezone}) , ${report} ${reportLocation} ## ##Many of the variables passed below are controlled by config.vm #if(${stormType} == "line") #handleClosestPoints(${list}, ${closestPoints}, ${otherClosestPoints}, ${stormType}, ${nearPhrase} , ${maxMarineNearDistance}, ${overPhrase}, ${maxMarineOverDistance}, ${marineDistanceUnits}, ${useSecondReferenceLine}) #else #handleClosestPoints(${list}, ${closestPoints}, ${otherClosestPoints}, ${stormType}, ${nearPhrase} , ${maxMarineNearDistance}, ${overPhrase}, ${maxMarineOverDistance}, ${marineDistanceUnits}, ${useSecondReferenceCell}) #end #if(${movementSpeed} < ${marineStationary} || ${stationary}) . ${reportType2} nearly stationary. #else , moving #direction(${movementDirectionRounded}) at ${mathUtil.roundTo5(${movementSpeed})} knots. #end #set($warningType = "STATEMENT") #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "pathcast")}) #if(${productClass}=="T") THIS IS A TEST MESSAGE. ## #end #pathCast("${pathheader} will be near..." ${pathheader} ${pathCast} ${otherPoints} ${areas} ${dateUtil} ${timeFormat} 1) #elseif(${list.contains(${bullets}, "listoflocations")}) #if(${productClass}=="T") THIS IS A TEST MESSAGE. ## #end #### THE THIRD ARGUMENT IS A NUMBER SPECIFYING THE NUMBER OF COLUMNS TO OUTPUT THE CITIES LIST IN #### 0 IS A ... SEPARATED LIST, 1 IS ONE PER LINE, >1 IS A COLUMN FORMAT #### IF YOU USE SOMETHING OTHER THAN "LOCATIONS IMPACTED INCLUDE" LEAD IN BELOW, MAKE SURE THE #### ACCOMPANYING XML FILE PARSE STRING IS CHANGED TO MATCH! #locationsList("Locations impacted include..." ${pathheader} 0 ${locationList} ${otherPoints} ${areas} ${dateUtil} ${timeFormat} 1) #end ############################################## ###### SPECIAL VENUE/EVENT CASE ############## ############################################## #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "specialEvent")}) Those attending !**EVENT/VENUE NAME OR LOCATION**! are in the path of ${specialEvent} and should prepare for imminent dangerous weather conditions. Seek shelter now! #end ##################### ## CALL TO ACTIONS ## ##################### ####################################################################### ## Check to see if we've selected any calls to action. In our .xml file ## we ended each CTA bullet ID with "CTA" for this reason as a 'trip' ## Added CTA statements for the possibility of future SMW. ####################################################################### #foreach (${bullet} in ${bullets}) #if(${bullet.endsWith("CTA")}) #set($ctaSelected = "YES") #end #end #if(${ctaSelected} == "YES") PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... #end ## #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "genericCTA")}) #if(${stormType} == "line") Mariners can expect gusty winds up to 33 knots...locally higher waves...and lightning strikes. Boaters should seek safe harbor immediately until these storms pass. #else Mariners can expect gusty winds up to 33 knots...locally higher waves...and lightning strikes. Boaters should seek safe harbor immediately until this storm passes. #end #end #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "heavyRainCTA")}) #if(${stormType} == "line") Mariners can expect gusty winds up to 33 knots...locally higher waves...lightning strikes...and heavy downpours. Boaters should seek safe harbor immediately until these storms pass. #else Mariners can expect gusty winds up to 33 knots...locally higher waves...lightning strikes...and heavy downpours. Boaters should seek safe harbor immediately until this storm passes. #end #end #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "possibleSmwCTA")}) #if(${stormType} == "line") This ${stormline} will likely produce winds up to 33 knots...and could pose a serious hazard for boaters. A special marine warning may eventually be required when these storms reach the nearshore waters. Boaters should consider heading for shore before these storms arrive. #else This ${stormline} will likely produce winds up to 33 knots...and could pose a serious hazard for boaters. A special marine warning may eventually be required when this storm reaches the nearshore waters. Boaters should consider heading for shore before the storm arrives. #end #end #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "likelySmwCTA")}) #if(${stormType} == "line") This ${stormline} will likely produce winds in excess of 34 knots...and is likely to pose a serious hazard for boaters. A special marine warning will likely be required when these storms reach the nearshore waters. Boaters should consider heading for shore before these storms arrive. #else This ${stormline} will likely produce winds in excess of 34 knots...and is likely to pose a serious hazard for boaters. A special marine warning will likely be required when this storm reaches the nearshore waters. Boaters should consider heading for shore before the storm arrives. #end #end #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "lightningCTA")}) #if(${stormType} == "line") Intense lightning is occurring with these storms. If caught on the open water stay below deck if possible...keep away from ungrounded metal objects. #else Intense lightning is occurring with this storm. If caught on the open water stay below deck if possible...keep away from ungrounded metal objects. #end #end #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "reportCTA")}) Report severe weather to the coast guard or nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service forecast office. #end #if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "fogCTA")}) Dense fog was reducing visibilities to below ${visibility}. Reduce your speed...and keep a lookout for other vessels...buoys...and breakwaters. Keep your navigation lights on. If not equipped with radar...you should consider seeking safe harbor. #end #if(${ctaSelected} == "YES") && #end ############# ## WATCHES ## ############# #if(${list.contains($includedWatches, "TO.A")} && ${list.contains(${bullets}, "includeTorWatches")}) #inserttorwatches(${watches}, ${list}, ${secondtimezone}, ${dateUtil}, ${timeFormat}) #end #if(${list.contains(${includedWatches}, "SV.A")} && ${list.contains(${bullets}, "includeSvrWatches")}) #insertsvrwatches(${watches}, ${list}, ${secondtimezone}, ${dateUtil}, ${timeFormat}) #end #################################### #if(${productClass}=="T") THIS IS A TEST MESSAGE. DO NOT TAKE ACTION BASED ON THIS MESSAGE. #################################### #end #printcoords(${areaPoly}, ${list}) $$ #parse("forecasterName.vm")