#!/bin/bash # DR #5659 - Update database tables for ebxml query improved performance host=dx1 echo "Running DB improvements against DB host: $host" echo "To edit host value. edit this script." echo "Adding indexes to ebxml.value string value." psql -d metadata -U awips -h $host -c "CREATE INDEX stringvalue_index ON ebxml.value USING hash (stringvalue COLLATE pg_catalog."default") WHERE stringvalue IS NOT NULL;" echo "Adding indexes to ebxml.value float value." psql -d metadata -U awips -h $host -c "CREATE INDEX floatvalue_index ON ebxml.value USING btree (floatvalue) WHERE floatvalue IS NOT NULL;" echo "Adding indexes to ebxml.value integer value." psql -d metadata -U awips -h $host -c "CREATE INDEX integervalue_index ON ebxml.value USING btree (integervalue) WHERE integervalue IS NOT NULL;" echo "Adding indexes to ebxml.value duration value." psql -d metadata -U awips -h $host -c "CREATE INDEX durationvalue_index ON ebxml.value USING btree (durationvalue) WHERE durationvalue IS NOT NULL;" echo "Adding indexes to ebxml.value datetime value." psql -d metadata -U awips -h $host -c "CREATE INDEX datetimevalue_index ON ebxml.value USING btree (datetimevalue) WHERE datetimevalue IS NOT NULL;" echo "Adding indexes to ebxml.value any value." psql -d metadata -U awips -h $host -c "CREATE INDEX anyvalue_index ON ebxml.value USING hash (anyvalue COLLATE pg_catalog."default") WHERE anyvalue IS NOT NULL;" echo "Adding indexes to ebxml.value boolean value." psql -d metadata -U awips -h $host -c "CREATE INDEX booleanvalue_index ON ebxml.value USING btree (booleanvalue) WHERE booleanvalue IS NOT NULL;" echo "Adding indexes to ebxml.slot for name and value_id." psql -d metadata -U awips -h $host -c "CREATE INDEX value_idx ON ebxml.slot USING btree (name COLLATE pg_catalog."default", value_id) WHERE name IS NOT NULL AND value_id is NOT NULL;" echo "Done with ebxml value indexes."