# Configuration file for rsyncGridsToCWF.sh GFESUITE_BIN="/awips2/GFESuite/bin" ### Work Directory for Netcdf files. ### DXwrkDir=$IFPS_DATA/rsyncGridsToCWF # must be a non-nas1 drive with enough space if [ ! -d ${DXwrkDir} ] ;then mkdir -p ${DXwrkDir} chmod 777 ${DXwrkDir} chown awips:fxalpha ${DXwrkDir} fi ### Turn On/Off certain script functionality. ### QCnetCDF="no" # Do you want the netCDF file checked before # it is rsynced? This takes 5-15 minutes to # complete depending on size of domain. # *** Leave "no" for AWIPS 2. QC doesn't work *** checkCWFavailability="no" # Do you want the script to check to see if # the netcdf file made it to the Consolidated # web farm? ### Banner notification configuration ### SendQCgoodNotification="no" # Tell forecaster that netcdf file passed # QC check. sendCWFnotification="no" # Tell forecaster when netcdf rsync complete # to the consolidated web farm. turnOffAllNotifications="yes" # This will turn off all banner messages. ### new ldad configuration ### locServer="ldad@ls1" # Name of local rsync server. locDirectory="/data/ldad/grid" # Directory where grids are stored on the # local rsync server. Note that file will be # stored in $site sub directory. locRsyncSwitches="--address=" # Needed to fix a noaanet rysnc problem. # Consolidated web farm remServer1="sync.weather.gov" # Name of remote rsync server. remDirectory1="netcdf-wfo" # Directory where grids are stored on the # remote rsync server. # Edit area to limit the portion of the grid domain to send to the webfarms. mask=ISC_Send_Area # Parameter list for the netcdf file parmlist1="-p MaxT -p MinT -p MaxRH -p MinRH -p T -p Td -p RH -p WindChill -p HeatIndex -p ApparentT" parmlist2="-p PoP -p PoP12 -p Sky -p Wx -p Hazards -p SnowLevel -p QPF -p SnowAmt -p IceAccum -p Wind -p WindGust" parmlist3="-p ClearIndex -p FreeWind -p LAL -p Haines -p MixHgt -p VentRate -p TransWind -p Wind20ft -p CLRIndx" parmlist5="" parmlist6="" parmlist="$parmlist1 $parmlist2 $parmlist3 $parmlist4 $parmlist5 $parmlist6" parmlist="" #uncomment to send all parameters creationAttempts=3 # How many times do you want script to create and # quality control netcdf files if bad netcdf files # are detected? rsyncWait=30 # Minutes to wait for free rsync connection. CWFcheckWait=360 # Delay in seconds to wait to check to see if file made it # to the consolidated web farm. iscMosaicDelay=0.0 # Delay of 0.0 causes GFE pauses. probAlertNum=1 # Guardian alert level when problems occur. # Email notification configuration sendEmailNotification="no" # Do you want to send email notification of grids are not sent? emailAddress1="" emailAddress2="" emailAddress3="" # Set some paths WRKDIR="${DXwrkDir}/data" FXA_BIN="/awips2/fxa/bin" CDSHOST="ec" CDSPORT="9581"