## # This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company, # pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government. # # U.S. EXPORT CONTROLLED TECHNICAL DATA # This software product contains export-restricted data whose # export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination # to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires # an export license or other authorization. # # Contractor Name: Raytheon Company # Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340 # Mail Stop B8 # Omaha, NE 68106 # 402.291.0100 # # See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for # further licensing information. ## # # Derived from port of handleOUP.pl, but diverged to support single path # of dissemination. Assigns a priority to the product, and attempts to send # it to the message handling system if it's not in the include lists. # # # SOFTWARE HISTORY # # Date Ticket# Engineer Description # ------------ ---------- ----------- -------------------------- # 10/28/09 njensen Initial Creation. # 12/09/09 DR3778 M. Huang Add acknowledgment handling # 09/05/11 DR9602 M. Huang Fix acknowledgment handling error # 04/13/12 DR 10388 D. Friedman Correct acknowledgment handling # 08/17/12 DR 15304 D. Friedman Use unique output file names # 10/12/12 DR 15418 D. Friedman Use unique attachment file names # # import time, os, os.path, sys, subprocess, select, errno import logging, UFStatusHandler from com.raytheon.uf.common.dissemination import OUPResponse _Logger = logging.getLogger("HandleOUP") _Logger.addHandler(UFStatusHandler.UFStatusHandler("com.raytheon.uf.edex.dissemination", "HandleOUP", level=logging.INFO)) _Logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) DB_SUCCESS = 0; DB_FAILURE = 1; DB_TIMEOUT = 2; DB_DUPLICATE = 4; ACTION_CODES = {} from com.raytheon.uf.common.localization import PathManagerFactory from com.raytheon.uf.common.localization import LocalizationContext_LocalizationType as LocalizationType, LocalizationContext_LocalizationLevel as LocalizationLevel pathMgr = PathManagerFactory.getPathManager() ctx = pathMgr.getContext(LocalizationType.valueOf('EDEX_STATIC'), LocalizationLevel.valueOf('BASE')) DPATH = pathMgr.getFile(ctx, 'dissemination').getPath() f = open(DPATH + '/rcv_action2codes.txt') for line in f: codeSplit = line.split() ACTION_CODES[codeSplit[0]] = codeSplit[1] f.close() from com.raytheon.uf.edex.core.props import PropertiesFactory env = PropertiesFactory.getInstance().getEnvProperties() dataDir = env.getEnvValue("DEFAULTDATADIR") OUT_DIR = dataDir + 'outgoing' if not os.path.isdir(OUT_DIR): os.mkdir(OUT_DIR) INGEST_DIR = dataDir + 'manual' INGEST_ROUTE = 'handleoupFilePush' SITE_ID = env.getEnvValue('SITENAME') def process(oup, afosID, resp, ackMgr = None): _Logger.info("handleOUP.py received " + str(oup.getFilename())) wmoTypeString = "" userDateTimeStamp = "" msg = '' # WMO message type, aka bbb if oup.getWmoType(): wmoTypeString = oup.getWmoType().upper() # address address = oup.getAddress() if address == 'DEF' or address == 'ALL': address = 'DEFAULTNCF,NWWSUP' elif address is None: address = 'DEFAULTNCF,NWWSUP' # source, possibly None source = oup.getSource() # time stamp DDHHMM if oup.getUserDateTimeStamp(): userDateTimeStamp = oup.getUserDateTimeStamp().upper() if len(userDateTimeStamp) != 6: msg = "Error: User date time stamp is wrong length\n" _Logger.error("User date time stamp is wrong length") resp.setMessage(msg) return #---------- # Initialize the product identifier #---------- awipsWanPil = oup.getAwipsWanPil() _Logger.debug('awipsWanPil = ' + awipsWanPil) #---------- # Extract the category ( NNN of CCCCNNNXXX ) from the awips ID #---------- prodCategory = getCategory(awipsWanPil) _Logger.debug("Product Category = " + prodCategory) #---------- # Determine the transmission priority for WAN distribution #---------- priority = getPriority(prodCategory) oup.setPriority(priority) _Logger.debug('Priority = ' + str(priority)) #---------- # Retrieve the contents of the product #---------- contents = oup.getProductText() productId = contents.split('\n')[0].strip() #---------- # Locally store OUP in text database and archive #---------- awipsPathname = createTargetFile(contents, OUT_DIR + '/' + oup.getFilename()) if not awipsPathname: _Logger.debug('Unable to store product to text database:') storageCompleted = DB_FAILURE msg = 'Product ' + awipsWanPil + ' failed to be ingested and archived.\n' _Logger.debug(msg) resp.setMessage(msg) return else: try: from com.raytheon.uf.edex.plugin.manualIngest import MessageGenerator if MessageGenerator.getInstance().sendFileToIngest(awipsPathname, INGEST_ROUTE): msg = 'Product ' + awipsWanPil + ' successfully ingested and archived locally.\n' resp.setSendLocalSuccess(True) _Logger.info(msg) else: msg = 'Product ' + awipsWanPil + ' failed to be ingested and archived.\n' resp.setMessage(msg) return except Exception, e: msg = 'Product ' + awipsWanPil + ' failed to be ingested and archived properly. Reason:\n' + str(e) resp.setMessage(msg) return attachedFilename = oup.getAttachedFilename() attachedFile = oup.getAttachedFile() if attachedFilename and attachedFile: # spaces will screw up the command line string attachedFilename = attachedFilename.replace(" ", "") # dealing with a java byte[] so write it out with java from java.io import File, FileOutputStream attachedFilename = createTargetFile("", OUT_DIR + '/' + attachedFilename) f = File(attachedFilename) fos = FileOutputStream(f) fos.write(attachedFile) fos.flush() fos.close() messageIdToAcknowledge = None #---------- # Check if product should be distributed over WAN via NCF #---------- wmoID = contents[0:6] splitAddr = address.split(',') for addr in splitAddr: if addr != '000': # 000 is local only _Logger.info("Addressee is " + addr) #---------- # Check if product should be sent to the NWWS for uplink #---------- if (addr.find('NWWSUP') > -1): if isNWWSProduct(awipsWanPil, afosID, wmoID, SITE_ID): #---------- # Send OUP to its designated NWWS primary and backup sites for up-link #---------- code = "NWWS_UPLINK" if source and source == 'TextWS': code = "42" sendResult = sendWANMsg(productId, awipsPathname, addr, code, userDateTimeStamp, priority, wmoTypeString, source, resp, afosID, attachedFilename) if not sendResult: #failure of some kind so return return else: _Logger.debug("Product is not an NWWS product. Not sending product " + 'over NWWS up-link.') else: if isLegalWANProduct(awipsWanPil, afosID, wmoID, SITE_ID): #---------- # Send OUP to the NCF #---------- code = "0" if source and source == 'TextWS': if (prodCategory == 'ADR' or prodCategory == 'ADM' or prodCategory == 'ADA') and \ attachedFilename: code = "7" else: code = "4" sendResult = sendWANMsg(productId, awipsPathname, addr, code, userDateTimeStamp, priority, wmoTypeString, source, resp, afosID, attachedFilename) if not sendResult: #failure of some kind so return return # Copy this now as the values may change in another loop iteration if resp.getNeedAcknowledgment() and messageIdToAcknowledge is None: messageIdToAcknowledge = resp.getMessageId() else: _Logger.info("Product is not authorized for distribution.") _Logger.info("Not sending product to NCF.") msg = "Warning: Product is not authorized for distribution.\n" resp.setMessage(msg) return if messageIdToAcknowledge: resp.setNeedAcknowledgment(True) resp.setMessageId(messageIdToAcknowledge) if ackMgr != None: _Logger.info("Waiting for acknowledgment of " + messageIdToAcknowledge) ackMgr.waitAck(messageIdToAcknowledge, address, resp, afosID + " " + userDateTimeStamp) _Logger.info("Finished waiting for acknowledgment of %s: %s" % (messageIdToAcknowledge, resp.isAcknowledged() and "ACK" or resp.getMessage())) if not resp.isAcknowledged(): # Send ITO alarm ito_err = None try: ec = subprocess.call(['/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcmsg', 'application=MHS', 'object=MHS', 'msg_text=%s (msgid %s)' % (resp.getMessage(), messageIdToAcknowledge), 'severity=Critical', 'msg_grp=AWIPS']) if ec != 0: ito_err = 'exit code = ' + str(ec) except: ito_err = str(sys.exc_info()[1]) if ito_err is not None: _Logger.error("Error sending ITO alarm: " + ito_err) else: _Logger.error("Acknowledgment requirement, but ackMgr is None") _Logger.debug('Script done....') return #---getCategory()--------------------------------------------------------------# # # Purpose: # Determines the product category from the AWIPS identifier. # # Parameters: # AWIPS product identifier (CCCCNNNXXX) # # Returns: # 3-letter product category (NNN of CCCCNNNXXX) # # Implementation: # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def getCategory(awipsID): _Logger.debug("getCategory():") return awipsID[4:7] #---getPriority()--------------------------------------------------------------# # # Purpose: # Returns the priority level of the product based on its category. # # Parameters: # 3 letter product category (NNN) # # Returns: # Priority level [0,1,2] where 2 = highest # # Implementation: # Searches awipsPriorities.txt using the product category as the key. # If the file does not contain the specified category entry, the lowest # priority level is assumed. # Exits program if file cannot be opened. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def getPriority(nnn): _Logger.debug('getPriority():') priority = "0" pfile = open(DPATH + '/awipsPriorities.txt', 'r') for line in pfile: if nnn == line[0:3]: _Logger.debug(line) priority = line[4:].strip() break pfile.close() priority = int(priority) return priority #---isLegalWANProduct()------------------------------------------------------# # # Purpose: # Determines whether the product is a valid NWWS product. # # Parameters: # AWIPS identifier (CCCCNNNXXX) # AFOS identifier (CCCNNNXXX) # WMO identifier (TTAAII) # # Returns: # 1 (TRUE)/ 0 (FALSE) # # Implementation: # Reads the site-specific WAN exclusionary list which contains a # list of product ids representing products which are not meant for # distribution over WAN via NCF. The AWIPS id, the AFOS id, # and the WMO id, are acceptable representations of the product id. # # If the exclusionary file either does not exist, is empty, or cannot # be read, then the product will be distributed. # # Program exits if the site id environment variable (FXA_LOCAL_SITE) # is undefined. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def isLegalWANProduct(myAwipsId, myAfosId, myWmoid, siteID): _Logger.debug('isLegalWANProduct():') # Read the WAN exclusionary file filename = DPATH + 'WAN_exclude_' + siteID + '.txt' if os.path.isfile(filename): wanExcludeFile = open(filename, 'r') for line in wanExcludeFile: if not line.startswith('#'): productId = line.strip() if productId == myAwipdsId or productId == myAfosId or productId == myWmoId: _Logger.info('Product found in WAN exclude list as ' + productId) wanExcludeFile.close() return False # Otherwise, product did not appear on the exclude list and therefore, # product is meant for distribution _Logger.info(myAwipsId + ' is a legal WAN product.') wanExcludeFile.close() return True else: _Logger.info(filename + ' does not exist or is empty. Sending ' + 'product over WAN.' ) return True #---sendWANMsg()---------------------------------------------------------------# # # Purpose: # Distributes an OUP to a specified receiving site over the WAN. # # Parameters: # receiving site # handling action to take on product at the receiving site # additional option string # # Returns: # 1 (TRUE) = successful message submission # 0 (FALSE) = unsuccessful message submission # # Implementation: # Uses system() function to execute the distributeProduct program. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def sendWANMsg(productId, prodPathName, receivingSite, handling, userDateTimeStamp, priority, wmoTypeString, source, resp, subject=None, attachedFilename=None): # _Logger.debug('sendWANMsg():') _Logger.info('sendWANMsg ' + str(prodPathName) + ' addr=' + str(receivingSite) + \ ' code=' +str(handling) + ' source=' + str(source)) try: code = int(handling) except: code = int(ACTION_CODES[handling]) # set acknowledgment from receiver if message is high priority and is from TextWS # resp = OUPResponse() from com.raytheon.messaging.mhs import MhsMessage, MhsMessagePriority, MhsSubmitException mhsMsg = MhsMessage(code) if subject: mhsMsg.setSubject(subject) if attachedFilename: mhsMsg.addEnclosure(attachedFilename) mhsMsg.setProductId(productId) #mhsMsg.setBodyFile(prodPathName) mhsMsg.addEnclosure(prodPathName) if priority == 0: jpriority = MhsMessagePriority.Default elif priority == 1: jpriority = MhsMessagePriority.Medium elif priority == 2: jpriority = MhsMessagePriority.High mhsMsg.setPriority(jpriority) if priority == 2 and source == "TextWS": resp.setNeedAcknowledgment(True) mhsMsg.addAckAddressee(receivingSite) mhsMsg.setTimeoutTime(300) else: # No need to get acknowledgment from receiver resp.setNeedAcknowledgment(False) mhsMsg.addAddressee(receivingSite) _Logger.info("Calling mhsMsg.send()") result = mhsMsg.send() if not result: result = "Error sending product " + productId + " to " + receivingSite + ". Check server logs for more detail.\n" _Logger.error(result) resp.setSendWANSuccess(False) resp.setMessage(result) return False else: resp.setSendWANSuccess(True) if resp.getNeedAcknowledgment(): resp.setMessageId(result) _Logger.info("Successful send of " + str(result)) return True #---isNWWSProduct()------------------------------------------------------------# # # Purpose: # Determines whether the product is a valid NWWS product. # # Parameters: # AWIPS identifier (CCCCNNNXXX) # AFOS identifier (CCCNNNXXX) # WMO identifier (TTAAII) # # Returns: # 1 (TRUE)/ 0 (FALSE) # # Implementation: # Reads the site-specific NWWS exclusionary list which contains a # list of product ids representing products which are not meant for # distribution over the NWWS up-link. The AWIPS id, the AFOS id, # and the WMO id, are acceptable representations of the product id. # # If the exclusionary file either does not exist, is empty, or cannot # be read, then the product will be uplink. # # Program exits if the site id environment variable (FXA_LOCAL_SITE) # is undefined. # # This module addresses DR 5191. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def isNWWSProduct(myAwipsId, myAfosId, myWmoId, siteID): _Logger.debug('isNWWSProduct():\n') # Read the NWWS exclusionary file filename = DPATH + 'NWWS_exclude_' + siteID + '.txt' if os.path.isfile(filename): nwwsExcludeFile = open(filename, 'r') for line in nwwsExcludeFile: # If entry is found, then product should not be distributed # over the NWWS uplink if not line.startswith('#'): # skips comment lines productId = line.strip() if productId == myAwipdsId or productId == myAfosId or productId == myWmoId: _Logger.info('Product found in NWWS exclude list as ' + productId) nwwsExcludeFile.close() return False # Otherwise, product did not appear on the exclude list and therefore, # product is meant for distribution _Logger.info(myAwipsId + ' is an NWWS product.') nwwsExcludeFile.close() return True else: _Logger.info(filename + ' does not exist or is empty. Sending ' + 'product over NWWS uplink.' ) return True #---createTargetFile()---------------------------------------------------------# # # Purpose: # Creates a product file in the named target directory with a selected # communications header for identification. # # Parameters: # communications header # product contents # target product pathname (Output) # # Returns: # The output path (which may differ from targetPathname) # # Implementation: # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def createTargetFile(fileData, targetPathname): _Logger.debug('createTargetFile():') _Logger.debug('target product pathname = ' + targetPathname) pathToUse = targetPathname i = 0 while True: try: fd = os.open(pathToUse, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0666) except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: i += 1 pathToUse = targetPathname + '.' + str(i) continue raise e else: break if i > 0: _Logger.info('Renamed target file to ' + pathToUse) outFile = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') outFile.write(fileData) outFile.flush() outFile.close() return pathToUse