* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.edex.plugin.recco;
import java.util.Calendar;
import com.raytheon.edex.esb.Headers;
import com.raytheon.edex.exception.DecoderException;
import com.raytheon.edex.plugin.AbstractDecoder;
import com.raytheon.edex.plugin.recco.common.RECCORecord;
import com.raytheon.edex.plugin.recco.decoder.ReccoParser;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.PluginDataObject;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.PluginException;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.pointdata.spatial.AircraftObsLocation;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.time.DataTime;
import com.raytheon.uf.edex.decodertools.core.IDecoderConstants;
import com.raytheon.uf.edex.decodertools.core.IDecoderInput;
import com.raytheon.uf.edex.decodertools.time.TimeTools;
import com.raytheon.uf.edex.wmo.message.WMOHeader;
* Decoder strategy for text aircraft RECCO observation data. Most common usage
* is as follows.
* SfcObsDecoder dec = new SfcObsDecoder();
* dec.setMessage();
* while(dec.hasNext())
* {
* PluginDataObject r = dec.decode();
* // do something with record.
* }
* * SOFTWARE HISTORY * * Date Ticket# Engineer Description * ------------ ---------- ----------- -------------------------- * 20080103 384 jkorman Initial Coding. * 11/25/08 #1684 chammack Camel Refactor ** * @author jkorman * @version 1.0 */ public class RECCODecoder extends AbstractDecoder { // Name of the plugin controlling this decoder. private final String PLUGIN_NAME; private boolean removeNILs = true; /** * @param pluginName * Name that identifies this decoder. * @throws DecoderException */ public RECCODecoder(String pluginName) { PLUGIN_NAME = pluginName; } /** * Determine the removeNILs status. * * @return Should NIL reports be removed. */ public boolean isRemoveNILs() { return removeNILs; } /** * Set the removeNILs status. * * @param removeNILs * Should NIL reports be removed. */ public void setRemoveNILs(boolean removeNILs) { this.removeNILs = removeNILs; } /** * Get the next decoded data record. * * @return One record of decoded data. * @throws DecoderException * Thrown if no data is available. */ public PluginDataObject[] decode(IDecoderInput input, Headers headers) { PluginDataObject[] reports = null; String traceId = null; try { traceId = input.getProperty("traceId"); logger.debug(traceId + "- RECCODecoder.decode()"); RECCORecord report = populateRecord( new ReccoParser(input.getReport(), headers), input.getWmoHeader()); if (report != null) { report.setTraceId(traceId); report.setPluginName(PLUGIN_NAME); try { report.constructDataURI(); } catch (PluginException e) { throw new DecoderException("Unable to construct dataURI", e); } reports = new PluginDataObject[] { report }; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(traceId + "- Error in RECCODecoder", e); } finally { if (reports == null) { reports = new PluginDataObject[0]; } } return reports; } /** * @param parser * The reccon parser that contains the decoded data. * @return The populated record. */ private RECCORecord populateRecord(ReccoParser parser, WMOHeader wmoHeader) { RECCORecord record = null; AircraftObsLocation location = null; if (parser != null) { // If there is no obstime, don't bother going further. Calendar oTime = parser.getObservationTime(); if (oTime != null) { record = new RECCORecord(); location = new AircraftObsLocation(); record.setTimeObs(oTime); record.setRefHour(TimeTools.copyToNearestHour(oTime)); DataTime dataTime = new DataTime(oTime); record.setDataTime(dataTime); record.setWmoHeader(wmoHeader.getWmoHeader()); record.setReportData(parser.getReportData()); if ("222".equals(parser.getObsType())) { record.setReportType(IDecoderConstants.RECCO_MANOBS); } else if ("555".equals(parser.getObsType())) { record.setReportType(IDecoderConstants.RECCO_INTEROBS); } else if ("777".equals(parser.getObsType())) { record.setReportType(IDecoderConstants.RECCO_MANOBS); } location.setLatitude(parser.getLatitude()); location.setLongitude(parser.getLongitude()); location.setLocation(parser.getLatitude(), parser.getLongitude()); location.setFlightLevel(parser.getFlightLevel() .getFlightLevel()); record.setLocation(location); record.setTemp(parser.getTemperature()); record.setDwpt(parser.getDewpoint()); record.setWindDirection(parser.getWindDirection()); record.setWindSpeed(parser.getWindSpeed()); } } return record; } }