#!/awips2/python/bin/python #initially created by Everett Kladstrup import sys import h5py import os import glob import numpy import datetime #this script logs keys in .h5 files that are the same value for all #entries including across .h5 files in the same directory #script is currently broken for some .h5 files where there are nested keys. #pass directories containing .h5 files that should be compared #all .h5 files in a directory are compared and if all the entries for #a specific key are the same across all .h5 files it is logged #can probably do try/except for file.keys(), when there are no longer any #keys get file.value #example usage ./hd5test.py /awips2/edex/data/hdf5/goessounding/ def arrEquality(arr1, arr2): rval = True if len(arr1) != len(arr2): rval=False else: for i in range(0,len(arr1)): if arr1[i] != arr2[i]: #print(str(arr1[i]) + " != " + str(arr2[i])) rval=False return rval def walkfiles(files): ndarray_type = type(numpy.empty([0])) keys = files[0].keys() skipkey = False for key in keys: try: #make sure all values for this key are the same #and that they are the same across files prev_val = files[0][key].value[0] for file in files: for val in file[key].value: #if an array use arrEquality function if type(val) == ndarray_type: if ( arrEquality(val, prev_val) == False ): #print("array not equal; key: " + str(key)) #print("size " + str(len(file[key].value))) skipkey = True #if different data skip elif val != prev_val: skipkey = True #stop looking through values if incompatible key found if skipkey == True: break #stop looking through files in incompatible key is found if skipkey == True: break #if incompatible key dont print and reset for next key if skipkey == True: skipkey = False else: #log that this key is probably safe to remove logf.write("all values are the same for key: ") logf.write(str(key)) logf.write("\n") logf.write("value seems to be \"") logf.write(str(files[0][key].value[0])) logf.write("\"\n") except: #log an error for this key logf.write("error processing key " + str(key) + "\n") logf = open('log_hdf5test_all.txt', 'a') #comment out this line to only print edges of arrays numpy.set_printoptions(threshold=numpy.nan) #for all arguments ( directories ) for x in range(1,len(sys.argv)): dir = sys.argv[x] logf.write("starting in dir " + dir + "\n") logf.write(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n") allfiles = [] for file in glob.glob( os.path.join(dir, "*.h5")): h5f = h5py.File(file, 'r') allfiles.append(h5f) walkfiles(allfiles) logf.close()