# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id: PngImagePlugin.py 2203 2004-12-19 14:32:32Z fredrik $
# PNG support code
# See "PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Specification, version 1.0;
# W3C Recommendation", 1996-10-01, Thomas Boutell (ed.).
# history:
# 1996-05-06 fl   Created (couldn't resist it)
# 1996-12-14 fl   Upgraded, added read and verify support (0.2)
# 1996-12-15 fl   Separate PNG stream parser
# 1996-12-29 fl   Added write support, added getchunks
# 1996-12-30 fl   Eliminated circular references in decoder (0.3)
# 1998-07-12 fl   Read/write 16-bit images as mode I (0.4)
# 2001-02-08 fl   Added transparency support (from Zircon) (0.5)
# 2001-04-16 fl   Don't close data source in "open" method (0.6)
# 2004-02-24 fl   Don't even pretend to support interlaced files (0.7)
# 2004-08-31 fl   Do basic sanity check on chunk identifiers (0.8)
# 2004-09-20 fl   Added PngInfo chunk container
# 2004-12-18 fl   Added DPI read support (based on code by Niki Spahiev)
# Copyright (c) 1997-2004 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 1996 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.

__version__ = "0.8.2"

import re, string

import Image, ImageFile, ImagePalette

def i16(c):
    return ord(c[1]) + (ord(c[0])<<8)
def i32(c):
    return ord(c[3]) + (ord(c[2])<<8) + (ord(c[1])<<16) + (ord(c[0])<<24)

is_cid = re.compile("\w\w\w\w").match

_MAGIC = "\211PNG\r\n\032\n"

_MODES = {
    # supported bits/color combinations, and corresponding modes/rawmodes
    (1, 0): ("1", "1"),
    (2, 0): ("L", "L;2"),
    (4, 0): ("L", "L;4"),
    (8, 0): ("L", "L"),
    (16,0): ("I", "I;16B"),
    (8, 2): ("RGB", "RGB"),
    (16,2): ("RGB", "RGB;16B"),
    (1, 3): ("P", "P;1"),
    (2, 3): ("P", "P;2"),
    (4, 3): ("P", "P;4"),
    (8, 3): ("P", "P"),
    (8, 4): ("LA", "LA"),
    (16,4): ("RGBA", "LA;16B"), # LA;16B->LA not yet available
    (8, 6): ("RGBA", "RGBA"),
    (16,6): ("RGBA", "RGBA;16B"),

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Support classes.  Suitable for PNG and related formats like MNG etc.

class ChunkStream:

    def __init__(self, fp):

        self.fp = fp
        self.queue = []

        if not hasattr(Image.core, "crc32"):
            self.crc = self.crc_skip

    def read(self):
        "Fetch a new chunk. Returns header information."

        if self.queue:
            cid, pos, len = self.queue[-1]
            del self.queue[-1]
            s = self.fp.read(8)
            cid = s[4:]
            pos = self.fp.tell()
            len = i32(s)

        if not is_cid(cid):
            raise SyntaxError, "broken PNG file (chunk %s)" % repr(cid)

        return cid, pos, len

    def close(self):
        self.queue = self.crc = self.fp = None

    def push(self, cid, pos, len):

        self.queue.append((cid, pos, len))

    def call(self, cid, pos, len):
        "Call the appropriate chunk handler"

        if Image.DEBUG:
            print "STREAM", cid, pos, len
        return getattr(self, "chunk_" + cid)(pos, len)

    def crc(self, cid, data):
        "Read and verify checksum"

        crc1 = Image.core.crc32(data, Image.core.crc32(cid))
        crc2 = i16(self.fp.read(2)), i16(self.fp.read(2))
        if crc1 != crc2:
            raise SyntaxError, "broken PNG file"\
                "(bad header checksum in %s)" % cid

    def crc_skip(self, cid, data):
        "Read checksum.  Used if the C module is not present"


    def verify(self, endchunk = "IEND"):

        # Simple approach; just calculate checksum for all remaining
        # blocks.  Must be called directly after open.

        cids = []

        while 1:
            cid, pos, len = self.read()
            if cid == endchunk:
            self.crc(cid, ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len))

        return cids

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PNG chunk container (for use with save(pnginfo=))

class PngInfo:

    def __init__(self):
        self.chunks = []

    def add(self, cid, data):
        self.chunks.append((cid, data))

    def add_text(self, key, value, zip=0):
        if zip:
            import zlib
            self.add("zTXt", key + "\0\0" + zlib.compress(value))
            self.add("tEXt", key + "\0" + value)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PNG image stream (IHDR/IEND)

class PngStream(ChunkStream):

    def __init__(self, fp):

        ChunkStream.__init__(self, fp)

        # local copies of Image attributes
        self.im_info = {}
        self.im_size = (0,0)
        self.im_mode = None
        self.im_tile = None
        self.im_palette = None

    def chunk_IHDR(self, pos, len):

        # image header
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
        self.im_size = i32(s), i32(s[4:])
            self.im_mode, self.im_rawmode = _MODES[(ord(s[8]), ord(s[9]))]
        if ord(s[12]):
            self.im_info["interlace"] = 1
        if ord(s[11]):
            raise SyntaxError, "unknown filter category"
        return s

    def chunk_IDAT(self, pos, len):

        # image data
        self.im_tile = [("zip", (0,0)+self.im_size, pos, self.im_rawmode)]
        self.im_idat = len
        raise EOFError

    def chunk_IEND(self, pos, len):

        # end of PNG image
        raise EOFError

    def chunk_PLTE(self, pos, len):

        # palette
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
        if self.im_mode == "P":
            self.im_palette = "RGB", s
        return s

    def chunk_tRNS(self, pos, len):

        # transparency
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
        if self.im_mode == "P":
            i = string.find(s, chr(0))
            if i >= 0:
                self.im_info["transparency"] = i
        elif self.im_mode == "L":
            self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s)
        return s

    def chunk_gAMA(self, pos, len):

        # gamma setting
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
        self.im_info["gamma"] = i32(s) / 100000.0
        return s

    def chunk_pHYs(self, pos, len):

        # pixels per unit
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
        px, py = i32(s), i32(s[4:])
        unit = ord(s[8])
        if unit == 1: # meter
            dpi = int(px * 0.0254 + 0.5), int(py * 0.0254 + 0.5)
            self.im_info["dpi"] = dpi
        elif unit == 0:
            self.im_info["aspect"] = px, py
        return s

    def chunk_tEXt(self, pos, len):

        # text
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
            k, v = string.split(s, "\0", 1)
        except ValueError:
            k = s; v = "" # fallback for broken tEXt tags
        if k:
            self.im_info[k] = v
        return s

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PNG reader

def _accept(prefix):
    return prefix[:8] == _MAGIC

# Image plugin for PNG images.

class PngImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):

    format = "PNG"
    format_description = "Portable network graphics"

    def _open(self):

        if self.fp.read(8) != _MAGIC:
            raise SyntaxError, "not a PNG file"

        # Parse headers up to the first IDAT chunk

        self.png = PngStream(self.fp)

        while 1:

            # get next chunk

            cid, pos, len = self.png.read()

                s = self.png.call(cid, pos, len)
            except EOFError:
            except AttributeError:
                if Image.DEBUG:
                    print cid, pos, len, "(unknown)"
                s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)

            self.png.crc(cid, s)

        # Copy relevant attributes from the PngStream.  An alternative
        # would be to let the PngStream class modify these attributes
        # directly, but that introduces circular references which are
        # difficult to break if things go wrong in the decoder...
        # (believe me, I've tried ;-)

        self.mode = self.png.im_mode
        self.size = self.png.im_size
        self.info = self.png.im_info
        self.tile = self.png.im_tile

        if self.png.im_palette:
            rawmode, data = self.png.im_palette
            self.palette = ImagePalette.raw(rawmode, data)

        self.__idat = len # used by load_read()

    def verify(self):
        "Verify PNG file"

        if self.fp is None:
            raise RuntimeError("verify must be called directly after open")

        # back up to beginning of IDAT block
        self.fp.seek(self.tile[0][2] - 8)


        self.fp = None

    def load_prepare(self):
        "internal: prepare to read PNG file"

        if self.info.get("interlace"):
            raise IOError("cannot read interlaced PNG files")


    def load_read(self, bytes):
        "internal: read more image data"

        while self.__idat == 0:
            # end of chunk, skip forward to next one

            self.fp.read(4) # CRC

            cid, pos, len = self.png.read()

            if cid not in ["IDAT", "DDAT"]:
                self.png.push(cid, pos, len)
                return ""

            self.__idat = len # empty chunks are allowed

        # read more data from this chunk
        if bytes <= 0:
            bytes = self.__idat
            bytes = min(bytes, self.__idat)

        self.__idat = self.__idat - bytes

        return self.fp.read(bytes)

    def load_end(self):
        "internal: finished reading image data"

        self.png = None

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PNG writer

def o16(i):
    return chr(i>>8&255) + chr(i&255)

def o32(i):
    return chr(i>>24&255) + chr(i>>16&255) + chr(i>>8&255) + chr(i&255)

    # supported PIL modes, and corresponding rawmodes/bits/color combinations
    "1":   ("1", chr(1)+chr(0)),
    "L;1": ("L;1", chr(1)+chr(0)),
    "L;2": ("L;2", chr(2)+chr(0)),
    "L;4": ("L;4", chr(4)+chr(0)),
    "L":   ("L", chr(8)+chr(0)),
    "LA":  ("LA", chr(8)+chr(4)),
    "I":   ("I;16B", chr(16)+chr(0)),
    "P;1": ("P;1", chr(1)+chr(3)),
    "P;2": ("P;2", chr(2)+chr(3)),
    "P;4": ("P;4", chr(4)+chr(3)),
    "P":   ("P", chr(8)+chr(3)),
    "RGB": ("RGB", chr(8)+chr(2)),
    "RGBA":("RGBA", chr(8)+chr(6)),

def putchunk(fp, cid, *data):
    "Write a PNG chunk (including CRC field)"

    data = string.join(data, "")

    fp.write(o32(len(data)) + cid)
    hi, lo = Image.core.crc32(data, Image.core.crc32(cid))
    fp.write(o16(hi) + o16(lo))

class _idat:
    # wrap output from the encoder in IDAT chunks

    def __init__(self, fp, chunk):
        self.fp = fp
        self.chunk = chunk
    def write(self, data):
        self.chunk(self.fp, "IDAT", data)

def _save(im, fp, filename, chunk=putchunk, check=0):
    # save an image to disk (called by the save method)

    mode = im.mode

    if mode == "P":

        # attempt to minimize storage requirements for palette images

        if im.encoderinfo.has_key("bits"):

            # number of bits specified by user
            n = 1 << im.encoderinfo["bits"]


            # check palette contents
            n = 256 # FIXME

        if n <= 2:
            bits = 1
        elif n <= 4:
            bits = 2
        elif n <= 16:
            bits = 4
            bits = 8

        if bits != 8:
            mode = "%s;%d" % (mode, bits)

    # encoder options
    if im.encoderinfo.has_key("dictionary"):
        dictionary = im.encoderinfo["dictionary"]
        dictionary = ""

    im.encoderconfig = (im.encoderinfo.has_key("optimize"), dictionary)

    # get the corresponding PNG mode
        rawmode, mode = _OUTMODES[mode]
    except KeyError:
        raise IOError, "cannot write mode %s as PNG" % mode

    if check:
        return check

    # write minimal PNG file


    chunk(fp, "IHDR",
          o32(im.size[0]), o32(im.size[1]),     #  0: size
          mode,                                 #  8: depth/type
          chr(0),                               # 10: compression
          chr(0),                               # 11: filter category
          chr(0))                               # 12: interlace flag

    if im.mode == "P":
        chunk(fp, "PLTE", im.im.getpalette("RGB"))

    if im.encoderinfo.has_key("transparency"):
        if im.mode == "P":
            transparency = max(0, min(255, im.encoderinfo["transparency"]))
            chunk(fp, "tRNS", chr(255) * transparency + chr(0))
        elif im.mode == "L":
            transparency = max(0, min(65535, im.encoderinfo["transparency"]))
            chunk(fp, "tRNS", o16(transparency))
            raise IOError, "cannot use transparency for this mode"

    if 0:
        # FIXME: to be supported some day
        chunk(fp, "gAMA", o32(int(gamma * 100000.0)))

    dpi = im.encoderinfo.get("dpi")
    if dpi:
        chunk(fp, "pHYs",
              o32(int(dpi[0] / 0.0254 + 0.5)),
              o32(int(dpi[1] / 0.0254 + 0.5)),

    info = im.encoderinfo.get("pnginfo")
    if info:
        for cid, data in info.chunks:
            chunk(fp, cid, data)

    ImageFile._save(im, _idat(fp, chunk), [("zip", (0,0)+im.size, 0, rawmode)])

    chunk(fp, "IEND", "")


# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PNG chunk converter

def getchunks(im, **params):
    """Return a list of PNG chunks representing this image."""

    class collector:
        data = []
        def write(self, data):
        def append(self, chunk):

    def append(fp, cid, *data):
        data = string.join(data, "")
        hi, lo = Image.core.crc32(data, Image.core.crc32(cid))
        crc = o16(hi) + o16(lo)
        fp.append((cid, data, crc))

    fp = collector()

        im.encoderinfo = params
        _save(im, fp, None, append)
        del im.encoderinfo

    return fp.data

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Registry

Image.register_open("PNG", PngImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save("PNG", _save)

Image.register_extension("PNG", ".png")

Image.register_mime("PNG", "image/png")