#!/usr/bin/env python #+ # # This file is part of h5py, a low-level Python interface to the HDF5 library. # # Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Collette # http://h5py.alfven.org # License: BSD (See LICENSE.txt for full license) # # $Date$ # #- """ Setup script for h5py, rewritten for 1.3. Universal options (all commands): --hdf5=<path> Path to your HDF5 installation (containing lib, include) --api=<16|18> Which API level to use (HDF5 1.6 or HDF5 1.8) Custom commands: configure: Compiles & links a test program to check HDF5. """ import sys, os import os.path as op VERSION = '1.3.0' try: from setuptools import setup from setuptools.extension import Extension except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup, Extension from distutils.errors import DistutilsError from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext from distutils.command.clean import clean from distutils.cmd import Command from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext import detect try: import numpy except ImportError: fatal("NumPy 1.0.3 or higher is required to use h5py (http://numpy.scipy.org).") # --- Convenience functions --------------------------------------------------- def debug(what): pass def fatal(instring, code=1): print >> sys.stderr, "Fatal: "+instring exit(code) def warn(instring): print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: "+instring def localpath(*args): return op.abspath(reduce(op.join, (op.dirname(__file__),)+args)) def loadpickle(name): """ Load object from pickle file, or None if it can't be opened """ import pickle try: f = open(name,'r') except IOError: return None try: return pickle.load(f) except Exception: return None finally: f.close() def savepickle(name, data): """ Save to pickle file, exiting if it can't be written """ import pickle try: f = open(name, 'w') except IOError: fatal("Can't open pickle file \"%s\" for writing" % name) try: pickle.dump(data, f) finally: f.close() # --- Try to recover path, api options --- def discover_settings(): """ Discover custom settings for HDF5 path and API level """ api_string = {'16': (1,6), '18': (1,8)} def get_eargs(): """ Look for options in environment vars """ settings = {} hdf5 = os.environ.get("HDF5_DIR", '') if hdf5 != '': debug("Found environ var HDF5_DIR=%s" % hdf5) settings['hdf5'] = hdf5 api = os.environ.get("HDF5_API", '') if api != '': debug("Found environ var HDF5_API=%s" % api) try: api = api_string[api] except KeyError: fatal("API level must be one of %s" % ", ".join(api_string)) settings['api'] = api return settings def get_cargs(): """ Look for global options in the command line """ settings = loadpickle('buildconf.pickle') if settings is None: settings = {} for arg in sys.argv[:]: if arg.find('--hdf5=') == 0: hdf5 = arg.split('=')[-1] if hdf5.lower() == 'default': settings.pop('hdf5', None) else: settings['hdf5'] = hdf5 sys.argv.remove(arg) if arg.find('--api=') == 0: api = arg.split('=')[-1] if api.lower() == 'default': api = False else: try: settings['api'] = api_string[api] except KeyError: fatal("API level must be 16 or 18") sys.argv.remove(arg) savepickle('buildconf.pickle', settings) return settings settings = get_eargs() # lowest priority settings.update(get_cargs()) # highest priority return settings.get('hdf5'), settings.get('api') HDF5, API = discover_settings() if HDF5 is not None and not op.exists(HDF5): warn("HDF5 directory \"%s\" does not appear to exist" % HDF5) # --- Create extensions ------------------------------------------------------- if sys.platform.startswith('win'): COMPILER_SETTINGS = { 'libraries' : ['hdf5dll18'], 'include_dirs' : [numpy.get_include(), localpath('lzf'), localpath('win_include')], 'library_dirs' : [], 'define_macros' : [('H5_USE_16_API', None), ('_HDF5USEDLL_', None)] } if HDF5 is not None: COMPILER_SETTINGS['include_dirs'] += [op.join(HDF5, 'include')] COMPILER_SETTINGS['library_dirs'] += [op.join(HDF5, 'dll')] else: COMPILER_SETTINGS = { 'libraries' : ['hdf5'], 'include_dirs' : [numpy.get_include(), localpath('lzf')], 'library_dirs' : [], 'define_macros' : [('H5_USE_16_API', None)] } if HDF5 is not None: COMPILER_SETTINGS['include_dirs'] += [op.join(HDF5, 'include')] COMPILER_SETTINGS['library_dirs'] += [op.join(HDF5, 'lib')] elif sys.platform == 'darwin': COMPILER_SETTINGS['include_dirs'] += ['/opt/local/include'] COMPILER_SETTINGS['library_dirs'] += ['/opt/local/lib'] COMPILER_SETTINGS['runtime_library_dirs'] = [op.abspath(x) for x in COMPILER_SETTINGS['library_dirs']] MODULES = ['h5', 'h5e', 'h5f', 'h5g', 'h5s', 'h5t', 'h5d', 'h5a', 'h5p', 'h5z', 'h5i', 'h5r', 'h5fd', 'utils', 'h5o', 'h5l', '_conv', '_proxy'] EXTRA_SRC = {'h5': [ localpath("lzf/lzf_filter.c"), localpath("lzf/lzf/lzf_c.c"), localpath("lzf/lzf/lzf_d.c")]} def make_extension(module): sources = [op.join('h5py', module+'.c')] + EXTRA_SRC.get(module, []) return Extension('h5py.'+module, sources, **COMPILER_SETTINGS) EXTENSIONS = [make_extension(m) for m in MODULES] # --- Custom distutils commands ----------------------------------------------- class configure(Command): description = "Discover HDF5 version and features" # DON'T REMOVE: distutils demands these be here even if they do nothing. user_options = [] boolean_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass tempdir = 'detect' def create_tempdir(self): import shutil self.erase_tempdir() os.mkdir(self.tempdir) if sys.platform.startswith('win'): shutil.copy(op.join(HDF5, 'dll', 'hdf5dll18.dll'), op.join(self.tempdir, 'hdf5dll18.dll')) shutil.copy(op.join(HDF5, 'dll', 'zlib1.dll'), op.join(self.tempdir, 'zlib1.dll')) shutil.copy(op.join(HDF5, 'dll', 'szlibdll.dll'), op.join(self.tempdir, 'szlibdll.dll')) def erase_tempdir(self): import shutil try: shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir) except Exception: pass def getcached(self): return loadpickle('configure.pickle') def run(self): self.create_tempdir() try: print "*"*42 print "Configure: Autodetecting HDF5 settings..." print " Custom HDF5 dir: %s" % (HDF5,) print " Custom API level: %s" % (API,) config = detect.detect_hdf5(self.tempdir, **COMPILER_SETTINGS) savepickle('configure.pickle', config) except Exception: print """ Failed to compile HDF5 test program. Please check to make sure: * You have a C compiler installed * A development version of Python is installed (including header files) * A development version of HDF5 is installed (including header files) * If HDF5 is not in a default location, supply the argument --hdf5=<path>""" raise else: print " HDF5 version detected: %s" % ".".join(str(x) for x in config['vers']) finally: print "*"*42 self.erase_tempdir() self.config = config class cython(Command): """ Cython pre-builder """ description = "Rebuild Cython-generated C files" user_options = [('api16', '6', 'Only build version 1.6'), ('api18', '8', 'Only build version 1.8'), ('force', 'f', 'Bypass timestamp checking'), ('clean', 'c', 'Clean up Cython files'), ('profile', 'p', 'Enable Cython profiling')] boolean_options = ['force', 'clean', 'profile'] def initialize_options(self): self.api16 = None self.api18 = None self.force = False self.clean = False self.profile = False def finalize_options(self): if not (self.api16 or self.api18): self.api16 = self.api18 = True def checkdir(self, path): if not op.isdir(path): os.mkdir(path) def run(self): import shutil if self.clean: for path in [localpath(x) for x in ('api16','api18')]: try: shutil.rmtree(path) except Exception: debug("Failed to remove file %s" % path) else: debug("Cleaned up %s" % path) return try: from Cython.Compiler.Main import compile, Version, compile_multiple, CompilationOptions except ImportError: fatal("Cython (http://cython.org) is required to rebuild h5py") print "Rebuilding Cython files (this may take a few minutes)..." def cythonize(api): outpath = localpath('api%d' % api) self.checkdir(outpath) pxi_str = \ """# This file is automatically generated. Do not edit. DEF H5PY_VERSION = "%(VERSION)s" DEF H5PY_API = %(API_MAX)d # Highest API level (i.e. 18 or 16) DEF H5PY_16API = %(API_16)d # 1.6.X API available (always true, for now) DEF H5PY_18API = %(API_18)d # 1.8.X API available """ pxi_str %= {"VERSION": VERSION, "API_MAX": api, "API_16": True, "API_18": api == 18} f = open(op.join(outpath, 'config.pxi'),'w') f.write(pxi_str) f.close() self.debug_print(" Cython: %s" % Version.version) self.debug_print(" API level: %d" % api) for module in MODULES: pyx_path = localpath('h5py', module+'.pyx') c_path = localpath(outpath, module+'.c') if self.force or \ not op.exists(c_path) or \ os.stat(pyx_path).st_mtime > os.stat(c_path).st_mtime: self.debug_print("Cythoning %s" % pyx_path) result = compile(pyx_path, verbose=False, compiler_directives = {'profile': self.profile}, include_path=[outpath], output_file=c_path) if result.num_errors != 0: fatal("Cython error; aborting.") # end "def cythonize(...)" if self.api16: cythonize(16) if self.api18: cythonize(18) class hbuild_ext(build_ext): def run(self): import shutil hdf5 = HDF5 if hdf5 is not None and not op.isdir(hdf5): fatal("Custom HDF5 directory \"%s\" does not exist" % hdf5) configure = self.distribution.get_command_obj('configure') config = configure.getcached() if config is None: configure.run() config = configure.config api = API if API is not None else config['vers'][0:2] if api == (1,8) and config['vers'] in [(1,8,0), (1,8,1)]: warn('!'*42) warn('HDF5 1.8 features require HDF5 1.8.2 or later') warn('Forcing API to emulate HDF5 1.6') warn('!'*42) api = (1,6) if hdf5 is None: autostr = "(path not specified)" else: autostr = "(located at %s)" % hdf5 if sys.platform.startswith('win'): if hdf5 is None: fatal("HDF5 directory must be specified on Windows") shutil.copy(op.join(hdf5, 'dll', 'hdf5dll18.dll'), localpath('h5py','hdf5dll18.dll')) shutil.copy(op.join(hdf5, 'dll', 'zlib1.dll'), localpath('h5py', 'zlib1.dll')) shutil.copy(op.join(hdf5, 'dll', 'szlibdll.dll'), localpath('h5py', 'szlibdll.dll')) print "*"*49 print "Build: Building for HDF5 %s.%s %s" % (api[0], api[1], autostr) print "*"*49 def identical(src, dst): if not op.isfile(src) or not op.isfile(dst): return False ident = False src_f = open(src,'r') dst_f = open(dst,'r') if src_f.read() == dst_f.read(): ident = True src_f.close() dst_f.close() return ident src_files = [localpath('api%d%d' % api, x+'.c') for x in MODULES] dst_files = [localpath('h5py', x+'.c') for x in MODULES] if not all(op.exists(x) for x in src_files): fatal("Cython rebuild required ('python setup.py cython')") for src, dst in zip(src_files, dst_files): if identical(src, dst): debug("Skipping %s == %s" % (src, dst)) else: debug("Copying %s -> %s" % (src, dst)) shutil.copy(src, dst) #self.force = True # If any files are out of date, we need to # recompile the whole thing for consistency build_ext.run(self) class cleaner(clean): def run(self): c_files = [localpath('h5py', x+'.c') for x in MODULES] so_files = [localpath('h5py', x+'.so') for x in MODULES] ext_files = [localpath('buildconf.pickle'), localpath('configure.pickle')] for path in c_files+so_files+ext_files: try: os.remove(path) except Exception: debug("Failed to clean up file %s" % path) else: debug("Cleaning up %s" % path) clean.run(self) class doc(Command): """ Regenerate documentation. Unix only, requires epydoc/sphinx. """ description = "Rebuild documentation" user_options = [('rebuild', 'r', "Rebuild from scratch")] boolean_options = ['rebuild'] def initialize_options(self): self.rebuild = False def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): import shutil buildobj = self.distribution.get_command_obj('build') buildobj.run() pth = op.abspath(buildobj.build_lib) if self.rebuild and op.exists('docs/build'): shutil.rmtree('docs/build') cmd = "export H5PY_PATH=%s; cd docs; make html" % pth retval = os.system(cmd) if retval != 0: fatal("Can't build documentation") if op.exists('docs/html'): shutil.rmtree('docs/html') shutil.copytree('docs/build/html', 'docs/html') CMD_CLASS = {'cython': cython, 'build_ext': hbuild_ext, 'configure': configure, 'clean': cleaner, 'doc': doc} # --- Setup parameters -------------------------------------------------------- cls_txt = \ """ Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable Intended Audience :: Developers Intended Audience :: Information Technology Intended Audience :: Science/Research License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License Programming Language :: Python Topic :: Scientific/Engineering Topic :: Database Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules Operating System :: Unix Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows """ short_desc = "Read and write HDF5 files from Python" long_desc = \ """ The h5py package provides both a high- and low-level interface to the HDF5 library from Python. The low-level interface is intended to be a complete wrapping of the HDF5 API, while the high-level component supports access to HDF5 files, datasets and groups using established Python and NumPy concepts. A strong emphasis on automatic conversion between Python (Numpy) datatypes and data structures and their HDF5 equivalents vastly simplifies the process of reading and writing data from Python. Supports HDF5 versions 1.6.5 through 1.8.4. On Windows, HDF5 is included in the installer. """ if os.name == 'nt': package_data = {'h5py': ['*.pyx', '*.dll'], 'h5py.tests': ['data/*.hdf5', 'data/*.h5']} else: package_data = {'h5py': ['*.pyx'], 'h5py.tests': ['data/*.hdf5', 'data/*.h5']} setup( name = 'h5py', version = VERSION if not sys.platform.startswith('win') else VERSION.partition('-')[0], description = short_desc, long_description = long_desc, classifiers = [x for x in cls_txt.split("\n") if x], author = 'Andrew Collette', author_email = '"h5py" at the domain "alfven.org"', maintainer = 'Andrew Collette', maintainer_email = '"h5py" at the domain "alfven.org"', url = 'http://h5py.alfven.org', download_url = 'http://code.google.com/p/h5py/downloads/list', packages = ['h5py','h5py.tests', 'h5py.tests.low', 'h5py.tests.high'], package_data = package_data, ext_modules = EXTENSIONS, requires = ['numpy (>=1.0.1)'], cmdclass = CMD_CLASS, test_suite = 'h5py.tests' )