#!/bin/bash function buildRPM() { # Arguments: # ${1} == the name of the rpm. lookupRPM "${1}" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: '${1}' is not a recognized AWIPS II RPM." exit 1 fi /usr/bin/rpmbuild -ba \ --define '_topdir %(echo ${AWIPSII_TOP_DIR})' \ --define '_baseline_workspace %(echo ${WORKSPACE})' \ --define '_uframe_eclipse %(echo ${UFRAME_ECLIPSE})' \ --define '_awipscm_share %(echo ${AWIPSCM_SHARE})' \ --define '_build_root %(echo ${AWIPSII_BUILD_ROOT})' \ --define '_component_version %(echo ${AWIPSII_VERSION})' \ --define '_component_release %(echo ${AWIPSII_RELEASE})' \ --define '_component_build_date %(echo ${COMPONENT_BUILD_DATE})' \ --define '_component_build_time %(echo ${COMPONENT_BUILD_TIME})' \ --define '_component_build_system %(echo ${COMPONENT_BUILD_SYSTEM})' \ --buildroot ${AWIPSII_BUILD_ROOT} \ ${RPM_SPECIFICATION}/component.spec if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to build RPM ${1}." exit 1 fi return 0 } # This script will build all of the 32-bit rpms. # Ensure that we are on a machine with the correct architecture. architecture=`uname -i` if [ ! "${architecture}" = "i386" ]; then echo "ERROR: This build can only be performed on a 32-bit Operating System." exit 1 fi # Determine which directory we are running from. path_to_script=`readlink -f $0` dir=$(dirname $path_to_script) common_dir=`cd ${dir}/../common; pwd;` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to find the common functions directory." exit 1 fi # source the common functions. source ${common_dir}/lookupRPM.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to source the common functions." exit 1 fi source ${common_dir}/usage.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to source the common functions." exit 1 fi source ${common_dir}/rpms.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to source the common functions." exit 1 fi source ${common_dir}/systemInfo.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to retrieve the system information." exit 1 fi # prepare the build environment. source ${dir}/buildEnvironment.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to prepare the build environment." exit 1 fi export LIGHTNING=true # Determine if the optional '-nobinlightning' argument has been specified. if [ "${2}" = "-nobinlightning" ]; then LIGHTNING=false fi if [ "${1}" = "-custom" ]; then buildRPM "awips2-java" buildRPM "awips2-postgresql" buildRPM "awips2-psql" buildRPM "awips2-tools" unpackHttpdPypies if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi buildRPM "awips2-httpd-pypies" exit 0 fi if [ "${1}" = "-delta" ]; then buildCAVE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi buildRPM "awips2-alertviz" buildEDEX if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi buildRPM "awips2-python-dynamicserialize" buildRPM "awips2-python-ufpy" buildRPM "awips2-adapt-native" buildRPM "awips2-aviation-shared" buildRPM "awips2-cli" buildRPM "awips2-database" buildRPM "awips2-database-server-configuration" buildRPM "awips2-database-standalone-configuration" buildRPM "awips2-data.hdf5-gfe.climo" buildRPM "awips2-gfesuite-client" buildRPM "awips2-gfesuite-server" buildRPM "awips2-hydroapps-shared" buildRPM "awips2-localapps-environment" buildRPM "awips2-maps-database" buildRPM "awips2-notification" buildRPM "awips2-pypies" buildRPM "awips2-data.hdf5-topo" buildRPM "awips2-data.gfe" buildRPM "awips2" buildRPM "awips2-rcm" buildLocalizationRPMs if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi exit 0 fi if [ "${1}" = "-full" ]; then buildCAVE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi buildRPM "awips2-alertviz" buildEDEX if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi buildRPM "awips2-python" buildRPM "awips2-python-cherrypy" buildRPM "awips2-python-dynamicserialize" buildRPM "awips2-python-h5py" buildRPM "awips2-python-jimporter" buildRPM "awips2-python-matplotlib" buildRPM "awips2-python-nose" buildRPM "awips2-python-numpy" buildRPM "awips2-python-pil" buildRPM "awips2-python-pmw" buildRPM "awips2-python-pupynere" buildRPM "awips2-python-qpid" buildRPM "awips2-python-scientific" buildRPM "awips2-python-scipy" buildRPM "awips2-python-tables" buildRPM "awips2-python-thrift" buildRPM "awips2-python-tpg" buildRPM "awips2-python-ufpy" buildRPM "awips2-python-werkzeug" buildRPM "awips2-python-pygtk" buildRPM "awips2-python-pycairo" buildRPM "awips2-adapt-native" buildRPM "awips2-aviation-shared" buildRPM "awips2-cli" buildRPM "awips2-database" buildRPM "awips2-database-server-configuration" buildRPM "awips2-database-standalone-configuration" buildRPM "awips2-data.hdf5-gfe.climo" buildRPM "awips2-data.gfe" buildRPM "awips2-gfesuite-client" buildRPM "awips2-gfesuite-server" buildRPM "awips2-hydroapps-shared" buildRPM "awips2-localapps-environment" buildRPM "awips2-maps-database" buildRPM "awips2-notification" buildRPM "awips2-pypies" buildRPM "awips2-data.hdf5-topo" buildRPM "awips2" buildRPM "awips2-rcm" buildLocalizationRPMs if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi buildQPID if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi buildRPM "awips2-ant" unpackHttpdPypies if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi buildRPM "awips2-httpd-pypies" buildRPM "awips2-java" #buildRPM "awips2-ldm" buildRPM "awips2-postgresql" buildRPM "awips2-psql" buildRPM "awips2-tools" exit 0 fi if [ "${1}" = "-ade" ]; then buildRPM "awips2-eclipse" buildRPM "awips2-java" buildRPM "awips2-ant" buildRPM "awips2-python" buildRPM "awips2-python-cherrypy" buildRPM "awips2-python-dynamicserialize" buildRPM "awips2-python-h5py" buildRPM "awips2-python-jimporter" buildRPM "awips2-python-matplotlib" buildRPM "awips2-python-nose" buildRPM "awips2-python-numpy" buildRPM "awips2-python-pil" buildRPM "awips2-python-pmw" buildRPM "awips2-python-pupynere" buildRPM "awips2-python-qpid" buildRPM "awips2-python-scientific" buildRPM "awips2-python-scipy" buildRPM "awips2-python-tables" buildRPM "awips2-python-thrift" buildRPM "awips2-python-tpg" buildRPM "awips2-python-ufpy" buildRPM "awips2-python-werkzeug" buildRPM "awips2-python-pygtk" buildRPM "awips2-python-pycairo" buildQPID -ade if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi # Package the ade. # Create the containing directory. ade_directory="awips2-ade-${AWIPSII_VERSION}-${AWIPSII_RELEASE}" if [ -d ${WORKSPACE}/${ade_directory} ]; then rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/${ade_directory} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi fi mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/${ade_directory} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi # Copy the rpms to the directory. cp -v ${AWIPSII_TOP_DIR}/RPMS/i386/* \ ${AWIPSII_TOP_DIR}/RPMS/noarch/* \ ${WORKSPACE}/${ade_directory} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi awips2_ade_directory="${WORKSPACE}/rpms/awips2.ade" # Copy the install and uninstall script to the directory. cp -v ${awips2_ade_directory}/tar.ade/scripts/*.sh \ ${WORKSPACE}/${ade_directory} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi # Tar the directory. pushd . > /dev/null 2>&1 cd ${WORKSPACE} tar -cvf ${ade_directory}.tar ${ade_directory} popd > /dev/null 2>&1 RC=$? if [ ${RC} -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi exit 0 fi if [ "${1}" = "-viz" ]; then buildCAVE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi buildRPM "awips2-alertviz" exit 0 fi if [ "${1}" = "-edex" ]; then buildEDEX if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi exit 0 fi if [ "${1}" = "-qpid" ]; then buildQPID if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi exit 0 fi if [ "${1}" = "-ldm" ]; then # Ensure that the user has root privileges. if [ ! ${UID} = 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: You must have root privileges to build ldm." exit 1 fi buildRPM "awips2-ldm" exit 0 fi if [ "${1}" = "-package" ]; then repository_directory="awips2-repository-${AWIPSII_VERSION}-${AWIPSII_RELEASE}" if [ -d ${WORKSPACE}/${repository_directory} ]; then rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/${repository_directory} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi fi mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/${repository_directory}/${AWIPSII_VERSION}-${AWIPSII_RELEASE} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi cp -r ${AWIPSII_TOP_DIR}/RPMS/* \ ${WORKSPACE}/${repository_directory}/${AWIPSII_VERSION}-${AWIPSII_RELEASE} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi rpms_directory="${WORKSPACE}/rpms" comps_xml="${rpms_directory}/common/yum/arch.x86/comps.xml" cp -v ${comps_xml} ${WORKSPACE}/${repository_directory} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi pushd . > /dev/null cd ${WORKSPACE} tar -cvf ${repository_directory}.tar ${repository_directory} RC=$? popd > /dev/null if [ ${RC} -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi exit 0 fi usage exit 0