block data bdgparm c character*62 t128a(13),t128b(15),t128c(15),t128d(15),t128e(15), + t128f(15),t128g(15),t128h(15),t128i(10) include 'grib_pm' C C ================================= RCS keyword statements ========== CHARACTER*68 RCSKW1,RCSKW2 COMMON / RCSBDGPARM / RCSKW1,RCSKW2 DATA RCSKW1,RCSKW2 / ' .$Source: /fs/hseb/ob82/ohd/pproc/src/gribit/RCS/bdgparm.f,v $ . $', ' .$Id: bdgparm.f,v 1.1 2006/10/19 16:06:04 dsa Exp $ . $' / C =================================================================== C c equivalence (gtab128(128),t128a(1)),(gtab128(141),t128b(1)), + (gtab128(156),t128c(1)),(gtab128(171),t128d(1)), + (gtab128(186),t128e(1)),(gtab128(201),t128f(1)), + (gtab128(216),t128g(1)),(gtab128(231),t128h(1)), + (gtab128(246),t128i(1)) c c gribparm file - 03/06/2001 c c modified by David T. Miller, RSIS, Sept 2007 c added parameters 232-235 for EMPE c-1:-1:-1:0 TABLE 0 - NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ORIGINATING CENTERS data num0 / 10 / data gtab0/ +'07:US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) ', +'08:US National Weather Service - NWSTG (WMC) ', +'09:US National Weather Service - Other (Field Stations) ', +'53:Canadian Meteorological Service - Montreal (RSMC) ', +'55:San Francisco ', +'57:US Air Force - Global Weather Center ', +'58:US Navy - Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center ', +'59:NOAA Forecast Systems Lab, Boulder CO ', +'60:National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder CO', +'64:Honolulu '/ c-1:9:-1:A TABLE A - GENERATING PROCESS OR MODEL - ORIGINATING CENTER 9 data numa / 20 / data gtaba/ +'150:NWS River Forecast System (NWSRFS) ', +'151:NWS Flash Flood Guidance System (NWSFFGS) ', +'152:Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE) - 1 hr dur ', +'154:Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE) - 6 hr dur ', +'155:Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE) - 24hr dur ', +'156:Process 1 (P1) Precipitation Estimation - automatic ', +'157:Process 1 (P1) Precipitation Estimation - manual ', +'158:Process 2 (P2) Precipitation Estimation - automatic ', +'159:Process 2 (P2) Precipitation Estimation - manual ', +'160:Multisensor Precipitation Estimation (MPE) - automatic ', +'161:Multisensor Precipitation Estimation (MPE) - manual ', +'165:Enhanced MPE - automatic ', +'166:Bias Enhanced MPE - automatic ', +'170:Post Analysis of Precipitation Estimation (aggregate) ', +'171:XNAV Aggregate Precipitation Estimation ', +'172:Mountain Mapper Precipitation Estimation ', +'180:Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) ', +'185:NOHRSC_OPPS ', +'190:Satellite Autoestimator Precipitation ', +'191:Satellite Interactive Flash Flood Analyzer (IFFA) '/ c-1:9:-1:C TABLE C - SUB-CENTERS FOR CENTER 9 US NWS FIELD STATIONS data num9c / 137 / ccc data gtab9c/ equivalence (gtab9c(1),misc) equivalence (gtab9c(17),wfos1) equivalence (gtab9c(115),wfos2) character*62 misc(16)/ +'150:KTUA:Arkansas-Red River RFC Tulsa OK ', +'151:PACR:Alaska-Pacific RFC Anchorage AK ', +'152:KSTR:Colorado Basin RFC Salt Lake City UT ', +'153:KRSA:California-Nevada RFC Sacramento CA ', +'154:KORN:Lower Mississippi RFC Slidel LA ', +'155:KRHA:Middle Atlantic RFC State College PA ', +'156:KKRF:Missouri Basin RFC Pleasant Hill MO ', +'157:KMSR:North Central RFC Chanhassen MN ', +'158:KTAR:Northeast RFC Taunton MA ', +'159:KPTR:Northwest RFC Portland OR ', +'160:KTIR:Ohio Basin RFC Wilmington OH ', +'161:KALR:Southeast RFC Peachtree GA ', +'162:KFWR:West Gulf RFC Fort Worth TX ', +'163:NOHR:Chanhassen MN ', +'170:KNES:Satellite Analysis Branch ', +'200:KOHD:Office of Hydrologic Development '/ character*62 wfos1(98)/ +'001:KABR:Aberdeen SD WFO ', +'002:KALY:Albany NY WFO ', +'003:KABQ:Albuquerque NM WFO ', +'004:KAMA:Amarillo TX WFO ', +'005:PAFC:Anchorage AK WFO ', +'006:KFFC:Atlanta GA WFO ', +'007:KEWX:Austin/San Antonio TX WFO ', +'008:KLWX:Baltimore MD/Washington DC WFO ', +'009:KBYZ:Billings MT WFO ', +'010:KBGM:Binghamton NY WFO ', +'011:KBMX:Birmingham AL WFO ', +'012:KBIS:Bismarck ND WFO ', +'013:KBOI:Boise ID WFO ', +'014:KBOX:Boston MA WFO ', +'015:KBRO:Brownsville TX WFO ', +'016:KBUF:Buffalo NY WFO ', +'017:KBTV:Burlington VT WFO ', +'018:KILX:Central Illinois WFO ', +'019:KCTP:Central Pennsylvania WFO ', +'020:KCHS:Charleston SC WFO ', +'021:KRLX:Charleston WV WFO ', +'022:KCYS:Cheyenne WY WFO ', +'023:KLOT:Chicago IL WFO ', +'024:KILN:Cincinnati OH WFO ', +'025:KCLE:Cleveland OH WFO ', +'026:KCAE:Columbia SC WFO ', +'027:KCRP:Corpus Christi TX WFO ', +'028:KFWD:Dallas/Ft. Worth TX WFO ', +'029:KBOU:Denver/Boulder CO WFO ', +'030:KDMX:Des Moines IA WFO ', +'031:KDTX:Detroit MI WFO ', +'032:KDDC:Dodge City KS WFO ', +'033:KDLH:Duluth MN WFO ', +'034:KFGF:Eastern North Dakota WFO ', +'035:KEPZ:El Paso TX WFO ', +'036:KLKN:Elko NV WFO ', +'037:KEKA:Eureka CA WFO ', +'038:PAFG:Fairbanks AK WFO ', +'039:KFGZ:Flagstaff AZ WFO ', +'040:KGGW:Glasgow MT WFO ', +'041:KGLD:Goodland KS WFO ', +'042:KGJT:Grand Junction CO WFO ', +'043:KGRR:Grand Rapids MI WFO ', +'044:KTFX:Great Falls MT WFO ', +'045:KGRB:Green Bay WI WFO ', +'046:KGSP:Greenville/Spartanburg SC WFO ', +'047:PGUA:Guam WFO ', +'048:KGID:Hastings NE WFO ', +'049:PHFO:Honolulu HI WFO ', +'050:KHGX:Huston/Galveston TX WFO ', +'051:KIND:Indianapolis IN WFO ', +'052:KJKL:Jackson KY WFO ', +'053:KJAN:Jackson MS WFO ', +'054:KJAX:Jacksonville FL WFO ', +'055:PAJK:Juneau AK WFO ', +'056:KEAX:Kansas City MO WFO ', +'057:KMRX:Knoxville/TriCities TN W ', +'058:KARX:LaCrosse WI WFO ', +'059:KLCH:Lake Charles LA WFO ', +'060:KVEF:Las Vegas NV WFO ', +'061:KLZK:Little Rock AR WFO ', +'062:KLOX:Los Angeles CA WFO ', +'063:KLMK:Louisville KY WFO ', +'064:KLUB:Lubbock TX WFO ', +'065:KMQT:Marquette MI WFO ', +'066:KMFR:Medford OR WFO ', +'067:KMLB:Melbourne FL WFO ', +'068:KMEG:Memphis TN WFO ', +'069:KMFL:Miami FL WFO ', +'070:KMAF:Midland/Odessa TX WFO ', +'071:KMKX:Milwaukee WI WFO ', +'072:KMPX:Minneapolis/StPaul MN ', +'073:KMSO:Missoula MT WFO ', +'074:KMOB:Mobile AL WFO ', +'075:KMHX:Morehead City NC WFO ', +'076:KOHX:Nashville TN WFO ', +'077:KAPX:North Central Lower Michigan WFO ', +'078:KLIX:New Orleans LA WFO ', +'079:KOKX:New York City NY WFO ', +'080:KIWX:Northern Indiana WFO ', +'081:KLBF:North Platte NE WFO ', +'082:KOUN:Norman/Oklahoma City OK WFO ', +'083:KOAX:Omaha NB WFO ', +'084:KPAH:Paducah KY WFO ', +'085:KPDT:Pendleton OR WFO ', +'086:KPHI:Philadelphia PA WFO ', +'087:KPSR:Phoenix AZ WFO ', +'088:KPBZ:Pittsburgh PA WFO ', +'089:KPIH:Pocatello/Idaho Falls ID WFO ', +'090:KGYX:Portland ME WFO ', +'091:KPQR:Portland OR WFO ', +'092:KPUB:Pueblo CO WFO ', +'093:KDVN:Quad Cities IA WFO ', +'094:KRAH:Raleigh/Durham NC WFO ', +'095:KUNR:Rapid City IA WFO ', +'096:KREV:Reno NV WFO ', +'097:KRIW:Riverton WY WFO ', +'098:KRNK:Roanoke VA WFO '/ character*62 wfos2(23)/ +'099:KSTO:Sacramento Valley CA WFO ', +'100:KSLC:Salt Lake City UT WFO ', +'101:KSJT:San Angelo TX WFO ', +'102:KSGX:San Diego CA WFO ', +'103:KMTR:San Francisco CA WFO ', +'104 KHNX:San Joaquin CA WFO ', +'105:TSJU:San Juan PR WFO ', +'106:KSEW:Seattle/Tacoma WA WFO ', +'107:KSHV:Shreveport LA WFO ', +'108:KFSD:Sioux Falls SD WFO ', +'109:KOTX:Spokane WA WFO ', +'110:KSGF:Springfield MO WFO ', +'111:KLSX:St. Louis MO WFO ', +'112:KTAE:Tallahassee FL WFO ', +'113:KTBW:Tampa Bay FL WFO ', +'114:KTOP:Topeka KS WFO ', +'115:KTWC:Tucson AZ WFO ', +'116:KTSA:Tulsa OK WFO ', +'117:KAKQ:Wakefield VA WFO ', +'118:KICT:Wichita KS WFO ', +'119:KILM:Wilmington DE WFO ', +'120:KCAR:Caribou ME WFO ', +'121:KEYW:Key West FL WFO '/ c c-1:7:-1:2 TABLE 2 - PARAMETERS & UNITS FOR CENTER 7 US NWS NCEP data num2 / 6 / data gtab2 / +'011:TMP: Temperature [K] ', +'015:TMAX: Maximum temperature [K] ', +'016:TMIN: Minimum temperature [K] ', +'061:APCP: Total precipitation [kg/m2] ', +'065:WEASD:Water equiv. of snow depth [kg/m2] ', +'066:SNOD: Snow depth [m] '/ c c-1:9:-1:128 TABLE 128 - PARAMETERS & UNITS FOR CENTER 9 c US NWS FIELD STATIONS data num128 /128 / data t128a / +'128:NONE:undefined ', +'129:NONE:undefined ', +'130:NONE:undefined ', +'131:PRES:Pressure [Pa] ', +'132:NONE:undefined ', +'133:NONE:undefined ', +'134:NONE:undefined ', +'135:NONE:undefined ', +'136:NONE:undefined ', +'137:NONE:undefined ', +'138:NONE:undefined ', +'139:NONE:undefined ', +'140:NONE:undefined '/ c data t128b / +'141:TMP:Temperature [K] ', +'142:NONE:undefined ', +'143:NONE:undefined ', +'144:NONE:undefined ', +'145:NONE:undefined ', +'146:NONE:undefined ', +'147:NONE:undefined ', +'148:NONE:undefined ', +'149:NONE:undefined ', +'150:NONE:undefined ', +'151:NONE:undefined ', +'152:NONE:undefined ', +'153:NONE:undefined ', +'154:NONE:undefined ', +'155:NONE:undefined '/ c data t128c / +'156:NONE:undefined ', +'157:NONE:undefined ', +'158:NONE:undefined ', +'159:NONE:undefined ', +'160:NONE:undefined ', c +'161:WIND:Wind speed [m/s] ', +'162:NONE:undefined ', +'163:NONE:undefined ', +'164:NONE:undefined ', +'165:NONE:undefined ', +'166:NONE:undefined ', +'167:NONE:undefined ', +'168:NONE:undefined ', +'169:NONE:undefined ', +'170:NONE:undefined '/ c data t128d / +'171:NONE:undefined ', +'172:NONE:undefined ', +'173:NONE:undefined ', +'174:NONE:undefined ', +'175:NONE:undefined ', +'176:NONE:undefined ', +'177:NONE:undefined ', +'178:NONE:undefined ', +'179:NONE:undefined ', +'180:NONE:undefined ', +'181:RH:Relative humidity [%] ', +'182:NONE:undefined ', +'183:NONE:undefined ', +'184:NONE:undefined ', +'185:NONE:undefined '/ c data t128e / +'186:NONE:undefined ', +'187:NONE:undefined ', +'188:NONE:undefined ', +'189:NONE:undefined ', +'190:NONE:undefined ', c +'191:APCP:Total precipitation [kg/m**2] ', +'192:EF25M:Cond 25% pcpn amt fractile past 24 hrs [kg/m**2] ', +'193:EF50M:Cond 50% pcpn amt fractile past 24 hrs [kg/m**2] ', +'194:PCTP1:Pct pcpn in 1st 6-h sub-period of 24 hr prd [%] ', +'195:PCTP2:Pct pcpn in 2nd 6-h sub-period of 24 hr prd [%] ', +'196:PCTP3:Pct pcpn in 3rd 6-h sub-period of 24 hr prd [%] ', +'197:PCTP4:Pct pcpn in 4th 6-h sub-period of 24 hr prd [%] ', +'198:POP:Prob of 0.01 in of precip [%] ', +'199:NONE:undefined ', +'200:NONE:undefined '/ c data t128f / +'201:NONE:undefined ', +'202:NONE:undefined ', +'203:NONE:undefined ', +'204:NONE:undefined ', +'205:ASD:Accumulated snow depth [m] ', +'206:NONE:undefined ', +'207:SC:Snow cover [non-dim] ', +'208:SCE:Snow cover by elevation [100 m] ', +'209:SWE:Snow water equivalent [2 cm] ', +'210:SWEPN:Snow water equivalent percent of normal [%] ', c +'211:NONE:undefined ', +'212:NONE:undefined ', +'213:NONE:undefined ', +'214:NONE:undefined ', +'215:NONE:undefined '/ c data t128g / +'216:NONE:undefined ', +'217:NONE:undefined ', +'218:NONE:undefined ', +'219:NONE:undefined ', +'220:NONE:undefined ', c +'221:FFG01:1-hour flash flood guidance [kg/m2] ', +'222:FFG03:3-hour flash flood guidance [kg/m2] ', +'223:FFG06:6-hour flash flood guidance [kg/m2] ', +'224:FFG12:12-hour flash flood guidance [kg/m2] ', +'225:FFG24:24-hour flash flood guidance [kg/m2] ', +'226:FFR01:1-hour flash flood runoff value [kg/m2] ', +'227:FFR03:3-hour flash flood runoff value [kg/m2] ', +'228:FFR06:6-hour flash flood runoff value [kg/m2] ', +'229:FFR12:12-hour flash flood runoff value [kg/m2] ', +'230:FFR24:24-hour flash flood runoff value [kg/m2] '/ c data t128h / +'231:NONE:undefined ', +'232:PR:DHR Precip Rate [mm/hr] ', +'233:PR:Bias DHR Precip Rate [mm/hr] ', +'234:STPA:Digital Storm Total Precip [kg/m2] ', +'235:STPA:Digital Storm Total Precip, Bias [kg/m2] ', +'236:NONE:undefined ', +'237:QPE01:1-hour Quantitative Precip Estimate [kg/m2] ', +'238:NONE:undefined ', +'239:QPE06:6-hour Quantitative Precip Estimate [kg/m2] ', +'240:NONE:undefined ', c +'241:NONE:undefined ', +'242:QPE24:24-hour Quantitative Precip Estimate [kg/m2] ', +'243:NONE:undefined ', +'244:NONE:undefined ', +'245:NONE:undefined '/ c data t128i / +'246:NONE:undefined ', +'247:QPF06:6-hour Quantitative Precipitation Forecast [kg/m2] ', +'248:NONE:undefined ', +'249:NONE:undefined ', +'250:QPF24:24-hour Quantitative Precipitation Forecast [kg/m2] ', c +'251:NONE:undefined ', +'252:NONE:undefined ', +'253:NONE:undefined ', +'254:NONE:undefined ', +'255:NONE:undefined '/ c end