/* * The Python Imaging Library * $Id: Quant.c 2284 2005-02-07 20:58:58Z fredrik $ * * image quantizer * * history: * 1998-09-10 tjs Contributed * 1998-12-29 fl Added to PIL 1.0b1 * 2004-02-21 fl Fixed bogus free() on quantization error * 2005-02-07 fl Limit number of colors to 256 * * Written by Toby J Sargeant . * * Copyright (c) 1998 by Toby J Sargeant * Copyright (c) 1998-2004 by Secret Labs AB. All rights reserved. * * See the README file for information on usage and redistribution. */ #include "Imaging.h" #include #include #include #include #include "Quant.h" #include "QuantDefines.h" #include "QuantHash.h" #include "QuantHeap.h" #define NO_OUTPUT typedef struct { unsigned long scale; } PixelHashData; typedef struct _PixelList { struct _PixelList *next[3],*prev[3]; Pixel p; unsigned int flag:1; int count; } PixelList; typedef struct _BoxNode { struct _BoxNode *l,*r; PixelList *head[3],*tail[3]; int axis; int volume; unsigned long pixelCount; } BoxNode; #define _SQR(x) ((x)*(x)) #define _DISTSQR(p1,p2) \ _SQR((int)((p1)->c.r)-(int)((p2)->c.r))+ \ _SQR((int)((p1)->c.g)-(int)((p2)->c.g))+ \ _SQR((int)((p1)->c.b)-(int)((p2)->c.b)) #define MAX_HASH_ENTRIES 65536 #define PIXEL_HASH(r,g,b) \ (((unsigned int)(r) )*463 ^ \ ((unsigned int)(g)<< 8)*10069 ^ \ ((unsigned int)(b)<<16)*64997) #define PIXEL_UNSCALE(p,q,s) \ ((q)->c.r=(p)->c.r<<(s)), \ ((q)->c.g=(p)->c.g<<(s)), \ ((q)->c.b=(p)->c.b<<(s)) #define PIXEL_SCALE(p,q,s)\ ((q)->c.r=(p)->c.r>>(s)), \ ((q)->c.g=(p)->c.g>>(s)), \ ((q)->c.b=(p)->c.b>>(s)) static unsigned long unshifted_pixel_hash(const HashTable h, const void *p) { Pixel *pixel=(Pixel *)&p; unsigned long hash=PIXEL_HASH(pixel->c.r, pixel->c.g, pixel->c.b); return hash; } static int unshifted_pixel_cmp(const HashTable h, const void *a, const void *b) { Pixel *pixel1=(Pixel *)&a; Pixel *pixel2=(Pixel *)&b; if (pixel1->c.r==pixel2->c.r) { if (pixel1->c.g==pixel2->c.g) { if (pixel1->c.b==pixel2->c.b) { return 0; } else { return (int)(pixel1->c.b)-(int)(pixel2->c.b); } } else { return (int)(pixel1->c.g)-(int)(pixel2->c.g); } } else { return (int)(pixel1->c.r)-(int)(pixel2->c.r); } } static unsigned long pixel_hash(const HashTable h,const void *p) { PixelHashData *d=(PixelHashData *)hashtable_get_user_data(h); Pixel *pixel=(Pixel *)&p; unsigned long hash=PIXEL_HASH(pixel->c.r>>d->scale, pixel->c.g>>d->scale, pixel->c.b>>d->scale); return hash; } static int pixel_cmp(const HashTable h,const void *a,const void *b) { PixelHashData *d=(PixelHashData *)hashtable_get_user_data(h); Pixel *pixel1=(Pixel *)&a; Pixel *pixel2=(Pixel *)&b; unsigned long A,B; A=PIXEL_HASH(pixel1->c.r>>d->scale, pixel1->c.g>>d->scale, pixel1->c.b>>d->scale); B=PIXEL_HASH(pixel2->c.r>>d->scale, pixel2->c.g>>d->scale, pixel2->c.b>>d->scale); return (A==B)?0:((Ascale=0; timer=timer3=clock(); for (i=0;iMAX_HASH_ENTRIES) { d->scale++; #ifndef NO_OUTPUT printf ("rehashing - new scale: %d\n",(int)d->scale); #endif timer2=clock(); hashtable_rehash_compute(hash,rehash_collide); timer2=clock()-timer2; #ifndef NO_OUTPUT printf ("rehash took %f sec\n",timer2/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #endif timer+=timer2; } } #ifndef NO_OUTPUT printf ("inserts took %f sec\n",(clock()-timer)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #endif #ifndef NO_OUTPUT printf ("total %f sec\n",(clock()-timer3)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #endif return hash; } static void destroy_pixel_hash(HashTable hash) { PixelHashData *d=(PixelHashData *)hashtable_get_user_data(hash); if (d) free(d); hashtable_free(hash); } /* 1. hash quantized pixels. */ /* 2. create R,G,B lists of sorted quantized pixels. */ /* 3. median cut. */ /* 4. build hash table from median cut boxes. */ /* 5. for each pixel, compute entry in hash table, and hence median cut box. */ /* 6. compute median cut box pixel averages. */ /* 7. map each pixel to nearest average. */ static int compute_box_volume(BoxNode *b) { unsigned char rl,rh,gl,gh,bl,bh; if (b->volume>=0) return b->volume; if (!b->head[0]) { b->volume=0; } else { rh=b->head[0]->p.c.r; rl=b->tail[0]->p.c.r; gh=b->head[1]->p.c.g; gl=b->tail[1]->p.c.g; bh=b->head[2]->p.c.b; bl=b->tail[2]->p.c.b; b->volume=(rh-rl+1)*(gh-gl+1)*(bh-bl+1); } return b->volume; } static void hash_to_list(HashTable h, const void *key, const void *val, void *u) { PixelHashData *d=(PixelHashData *)hashtable_get_user_data(h); PixelList **pl=(PixelList **)u; PixelList *p; Pixel *pixel=(Pixel *)&key; int i; Pixel q; int count=*(int *)&val; PIXEL_SCALE(pixel,&q,d->scale); p=malloc(sizeof(PixelList)); if (!p) return; p->flag=0; p->p=q; p->count=count; for (i=0;i<3;i++) { p->next[i]=pl[i]; p->prev[i]=NULL; if (pl[i]) pl[i]->prev[i]=p; pl[i]=p; } } static PixelList * mergesort_pixels(PixelList *head, int i) { PixelList *c,*t,*a,*b,*p; if (!head||!head->next[i]) { if (head) { head->next[i]=NULL; head->prev[i]=NULL; } return head; } for (c=t=head;c&&t;c=c->next[i],t=(t->next[i])?t->next[i]->next[i]:NULL); if (c) { if (c->prev[i]) c->prev[i]->next[i]=NULL; c->prev[i]=NULL; } a=mergesort_pixels(head,i); b=mergesort_pixels(c,i); head=NULL; p=NULL; while (a&&b) { if (a->p.a.v[i]>b->p.a.v[i]) { c=a; a=a->next[i]; } else { c=b; b=b->next[i]; } c->prev[i]=p; c->next[i]=NULL; if (p) p->next[i]=c; p=c; if (!head) head=c; } if (a) { c->next[i]=a; a->prev[i]=c; } else if (b) { c->next[i]=b; b->prev[i]=c; } return head; } static int test_sorted(PixelList *pl[3]) { int i,n,l; PixelList *t; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { n=0; l=256; for (t=pl[i];t;t=t->next[i]) { if (lp.a.v[i]) return 0; l=t->p.a.v[i]; } } return 1; } static int box_heap_cmp(const Heap h, const void *A, const void *B) { BoxNode *a=(BoxNode *)A; BoxNode *b=(BoxNode *)B; return (int)a->pixelCount-(int)b->pixelCount; } #define LUMINANCE(p) (77*(p)->c.r+150*(p)->c.g+29*(p)->c.b) static int splitlists(PixelList *h[3], PixelList *t[3], PixelList *nh[2][3], PixelList *nt[2][3], unsigned long nCount[2], int axis, unsigned long pixelCount) { unsigned long left; PixelList *l,*r,*c,*n; int i; int nRight,nLeft; int splitColourVal; #ifdef TEST_SPLIT { PixelList *_prevTest,*_nextTest; int _i,_nextCount[3],_prevCount[3]; for (_i=0;_i<3;_i++) { for (_nextCount[_i]=0,_nextTest=h[_i];_nextTest&&_nextTest->next[_i];_nextTest=_nextTest->next[_i],_nextCount[_i]++); for (_prevCount[_i]=0,_prevTest=t[_i];_prevTest&&_prevTest->prev[_i];_prevTest=_prevTest->prev[_i],_prevCount[_i]++); if (_nextTest!=t[_i]) { printf ("next-list of axis %d does not end at tail\n",_i); exit(1); } if (_prevTest!=h[_i]) { printf ("prev-list of axis %d does not end at head\n",_i); exit(1); } for (;_nextTest&&_nextTest->prev[_i];_nextTest=_nextTest->prev[_i]); for (;_prevTest&&_prevTest->next[_i];_prevTest=_prevTest->next[_i]); if (_nextTest!=h[_i]) { printf ("next-list of axis %d does not loop back to head\n",_i); exit(1); } if (_prevTest!=t[_i]) { printf ("prev-list of axis %d does not loop back to tail\n",_i); exit(1); } } for (_i=1;_i<3;_i++) { if (_prevCount[_i]!=_prevCount[_i-1] || _nextCount[_i]!=_nextCount[_i-1] || _prevCount[_i]!=_nextCount[_i]) { printf ("{%d %d %d} {%d %d %d}\n", _prevCount[0], _prevCount[1], _prevCount[2], _nextCount[0], _nextCount[1], _nextCount[2]); exit(1); } } } #endif nCount[0]=nCount[1]=0; nLeft=nRight=0; for (left=0,c=h[axis];c;) { left=left+c->count; nCount[0]+=c->count; c->flag=0; nLeft++; c=c->next[axis]; if (left*2>pixelCount) { break; } } if (c) { splitColourVal=c->prev[axis]->p.a.v[axis]; for (;c;c=c->next[axis]) { if (splitColourVal!=c->p.a.v[axis]) { break; } c->flag=0; nLeft++; nCount[0]+=c->count; } } for (;c;c=c->next[axis]) { c->flag=1; nRight++; nCount[1]+=c->count; } if (!nRight) { for (c=t[axis],splitColourVal=t[axis]->p.a.v[axis];c;c=c->prev[axis]) { if (splitColourVal!=c->p.a.v[axis]) { break; } c->flag=1; nRight++; nLeft--; nCount[0]-=c->count; nCount[1]+=c->count; } } #ifndef NO_OUTPUT if (!nLeft) { for (c=h[axis];c;c=c->next[axis]) { printf ("[%d %d %d]\n",c->p.c.r,c->p.c.g,c->p.c.b); } printf ("warning... trivial split\n"); } #endif for (i=0;i<3;i++) { l=r=NULL; nh[0][i]=nt[0][i]=NULL; nh[1][i]=nt[1][i]=NULL; for (c=h[i];c;c=n) { n=c->next[i]; if (c->flag) { /* move pixel to right list*/ if (r) r->next[i]=c; else nh[1][i]=c; c->prev[i]=r; r=c; } else { /* move pixel to left list */ if (l) l->next[i]=c; else nh[0][i]=c; c->prev[i]=l; l=c; } } if (l) l->next[i]=NULL; if (r) r->next[i]=NULL; nt[0][i]=l; nt[1][i]=r; } return 1; } static int split(BoxNode *node) { unsigned char rl,rh,gl,gh,bl,bh; int f[3]; int best,axis; int i; PixelList *heads[2][3]; PixelList *tails[2][3]; unsigned long newCounts[2]; BoxNode *left,*right; rh=node->head[0]->p.c.r; rl=node->tail[0]->p.c.r; gh=node->head[1]->p.c.g; gl=node->tail[1]->p.c.g; bh=node->head[2]->p.c.b; bl=node->tail[2]->p.c.b; #ifdef TEST_SPLIT printf ("splitting node [%d %d %d] [%d %d %d] ",rl,gl,bl,rh,gh,bh); #endif f[0]=(rh-rl)*77; f[1]=(gh-gl)*150; f[2]=(bh-bl)*29; best=f[0]; axis=0; for (i=1;i<3;i++) { if (besttail[_i]->next[_i]) { printf ("tail is not tail\n"); printf ("node->tail[%d]->next[%d]=%p\n",_i,_i,node->tail[_i]->next[_i]); } if (node->head[_i]->prev[_i]) { printf ("head is not head\n"); printf ("node->head[%d]->prev[%d]=%p\n",_i,_i,node->head[_i]->prev[_i]); } } for (_i=0;_i<3;_i++) { for (_nextCount[_i]=0,_nextTest=node->head[_i];_nextTest&&_nextTest->next[_i];_nextTest=_nextTest->next[_i],_nextCount[_i]++); for (_prevCount[_i]=0,_prevTest=node->tail[_i];_prevTest&&_prevTest->prev[_i];_prevTest=_prevTest->prev[_i],_prevCount[_i]++); if (_nextTest!=node->tail[_i]) { printf ("next-list of axis %d does not end at tail\n",_i); } if (_prevTest!=node->head[_i]) { printf ("prev-list of axis %d does not end at head\n",_i); } for (;_nextTest&&_nextTest->prev[_i];_nextTest=_nextTest->prev[_i]); for (;_prevTest&&_prevTest->next[_i];_prevTest=_prevTest->next[_i]); if (_nextTest!=node->head[_i]) { printf ("next-list of axis %d does not loop back to head\n",_i); } if (_prevTest!=node->tail[_i]) { printf ("prev-list of axis %d does not loop back to tail\n",_i); } } for (_i=1;_i<3;_i++) { if (_prevCount[_i]!=_prevCount[_i-1] || _nextCount[_i]!=_nextCount[_i-1] || _prevCount[_i]!=_nextCount[_i]) { printf ("{%d %d %d} {%d %d %d}\n", _prevCount[0], _prevCount[1], _prevCount[2], _nextCount[0], _nextCount[1], _nextCount[2]); } } } #endif node->axis=axis; if (!splitlists(node->head, node->tail, heads, tails, newCounts, axis, node->pixelCount)) { #ifndef NO_OUTPUT printf ("list split failed.\n"); #endif return 0; } #ifdef TEST_SPLIT if (!test_sorted(heads[0])) { printf ("bug in split"); exit(1); } if (!test_sorted(heads[1])) { printf ("bug in split"); exit(1); } #endif left=malloc(sizeof(BoxNode)); right=malloc(sizeof(BoxNode)); if (!left||!right) { return 0; } for(i=0;i<3;i++) { left->head[i]=heads[0][i]; left->tail[i]=tails[0][i]; right->head[i]=heads[1][i]; right->tail[i]=tails[1][i]; node->head[i]=NULL; node->tail[i]=NULL; } #ifdef TEST_SPLIT if (left->head[0]) { rh=left->head[0]->p.c.r; rl=left->tail[0]->p.c.r; gh=left->head[1]->p.c.g; gl=left->tail[1]->p.c.g; bh=left->head[2]->p.c.b; bl=left->tail[2]->p.c.b; printf (" left node [%3d %3d %3d] [%3d %3d %3d]\n",rl,gl,bl,rh,gh,bh); } if (right->head[0]) { rh=right->head[0]->p.c.r; rl=right->tail[0]->p.c.r; gh=right->head[1]->p.c.g; gl=right->tail[1]->p.c.g; bh=right->head[2]->p.c.b; bl=right->tail[2]->p.c.b; printf (" right node [%3d %3d %3d] [%3d %3d %3d]\n",rl,gl,bl,rh,gh,bh); } #endif left->l=left->r=NULL; right->l=right->r=NULL; left->axis=right->axis=-1; left->volume=right->volume=-1; left->pixelCount=newCounts[0]; right->pixelCount=newCounts[1]; node->l=left; node->r=right; return 1; } static BoxNode * median_cut(PixelList *hl[3], unsigned long imPixelCount, int nPixels) { PixelList *tl[3]; int i; BoxNode *root; Heap h; BoxNode *thisNode; h=ImagingQuantHeapNew(box_heap_cmp); root=malloc(sizeof(BoxNode)); if (!root) { ImagingQuantHeapFree(h); return NULL; } for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for (tl[i]=hl[i];tl[i]&&tl[i]->next[i];tl[i]=tl[i]->next[i]); root->head[i]=hl[i]; root->tail[i]=tl[i]; } root->l=root->r=NULL; root->axis=-1; root->volume=-1; root->pixelCount=imPixelCount; ImagingQuantHeapAdd(h,(void *)root); while (--nPixels) { do { if (!ImagingQuantHeapRemove(h,(void **)&thisNode)) { goto done; } } while (compute_box_volume(thisNode)==1); if (!split(thisNode)) { #ifndef NO_OUTPUT printf ("Oops, split failed...\n"); #endif exit (1); } ImagingQuantHeapAdd(h,(void *)(thisNode->l)); ImagingQuantHeapAdd(h,(void *)(thisNode->r)); } ImagingQuantHeapFree(h); done: return root; } static void free_box_tree(BoxNode *n) { PixelList *p,*pp; if (n->l) free_box_tree(n->l); if (n->r) free_box_tree(n->r); for (p=n->head[0];p;p=pp) { pp=p->next[0]; free(p); } free(n); } static int checkContained(BoxNode *n,Pixel *pp) { if (n->l&&n->r) { return checkContained(n->l,pp)+checkContained(n->r,pp); } if (n->l||n->r) { #ifndef NO_OUTPUT printf ("box tree is dead\n"); #endif return 0; } if ( pp->c.r<=n->head[0]->p.c.r && pp->c.r>=n->tail[0]->p.c.r && pp->c.g<=n->head[1]->p.c.g && pp->c.g>=n->tail[1]->p.c.g && pp->c.b<=n->head[2]->p.c.b && pp->c.b>=n->tail[2]->p.c.b) { return 1; } return 0; } static int annotate_hash_table(BoxNode *n,HashTable h,unsigned long *box) { PixelList *p; PixelHashData *d=(PixelHashData *)hashtable_get_user_data(h); Pixel q; if (n->l&&n->r) { return annotate_hash_table(n->l,h,box) && annotate_hash_table(n->r,h,box); } if (n->l||n->r) { #ifndef NO_OUTPUT printf ("box tree is dead\n"); #endif return 0; } for (p=n->head[0];p;p=p->next[0]) { PIXEL_UNSCALE(&(p->p),&q,d->scale); if (!hashtable_insert(h,(void *)q.v,(void *)*box)) { #ifndef NO_OUTPUT printf ("hashtable insert failed\n"); #endif return 0; } } if (n->head[0]) (*box)++; return 1; } static int _sort_ulong_ptr_keys(const void *a, const void *b) { unsigned long A=**(unsigned long **)a; unsigned long B=**(unsigned long **)b; return (A==B)?0:((A*(skRow[k]));k--) { skRow[k]=skRow[k-1]; } if (k!=j) skRow[k]=skElt; } } return 1; } static int build_distance_tables(unsigned long *avgDist, unsigned long **avgDistSortKey, Pixel *p, unsigned long nEntries) { unsigned long i,j; for (i=0;i1) { printf ("pixel in two boxes\n"); for(i=0;i<3;i++) free (avg[i]); free(count); return 0; } #endif if (!hashtable_lookup(medianBoxHash,(void *)pixelData[i].v,(void **)&paletteEntry)) { #ifndef NO_OUTPUT printf ("pixel lookup failed\n"); #endif for(i=0;i<3;i++) free (avg[i]); free(count); return 0; } if (paletteEntry>=nPaletteEntries) { #ifndef NO_OUTPUT printf ("panic - paletteEntry>=nPaletteEntries (%d>=%d)\n",(int)paletteEntry,(int)nPaletteEntries); #endif for(i=0;i<3;i++) free (avg[i]); free(count); return 0; } avg[0][paletteEntry]+=pixelData[i].c.r; avg[1][paletteEntry]+=pixelData[i].c.g; avg[2][paletteEntry]+=pixelData[i].c.b; count[paletteEntry]++; } p=malloc(sizeof(Pixel)*nPaletteEntries); if (!p) { for(i=0;i<3;i++) free (avg[i]); free(count); return 0; } for (i=0;i=nPaletteEntries) { #ifndef NO_OUTPUT printf ("scream\n"); #endif return 0; } avg[0][qp[i]]+=pixelData[i].c.r; avg[1][qp[i]]+=pixelData[i].c.g; avg[2][qp[i]]+=pixelData[i].c.b; count[qp[i]]++; } for (i=0;i { unsigned long bestmatch,bestdist,dist; HashTable h2; printf ("nearest neighbour search (full search)..."); fflush(stdout); timer=clock(); h2=hashtable_new(unshifted_pixel_hash,unshifted_pixel_cmp); for (i=0;inew),pixel); if (data->secondPixel || newDistdata->furthestDistance) { data->furthestDistance=oldDist; data->furthest.v=pixel->v; } } int quantize2(Pixel *pixelData, unsigned long nPixels, unsigned long nQuantPixels, Pixel **palette, unsigned long *paletteLength, unsigned long **quantizedPixels, int kmeans) { HashTable h; unsigned long i; unsigned long mean[3]; Pixel *p; DistanceData data; unsigned long *qp; unsigned long *avgDist; unsigned long **avgDistSortKey; p=malloc(sizeof(Pixel)*nQuantPixels); if (!p) return 0; mean[0]=mean[1]=mean[2]=0; h=hashtable_new(unshifted_pixel_hash,unshifted_pixel_cmp); for (i=0;i 256) /* FIXME: for colors > 256, consider returning an RGB image instead (see @PIL205) */ return (Imaging) ImagingError_ValueError("bad number of colors"); if (strcmp(im->mode, "L") != 0 && strcmp(im->mode, "P") != 0 && strcmp(im->mode, "RGB")) return ImagingError_ModeError(); p = malloc(sizeof(Pixel) * im->xsize * im->ysize); if (!p) return ImagingError_MemoryError(); /* collect statistics */ /* FIXME: maybe we could load the hash tables directly from the image data? */ if (!strcmp(im->mode, "L")) { /* greyscale */ /* FIXME: converting a "L" image to "P" with 256 colors should be done by a simple copy... */ for (i = y = 0; y < im->ysize; y++) for (x = 0; x < im->xsize; x++, i++) p[i].c.r = p[i].c.g = p[i].c.b = im->image8[y][x]; } else if (!strcmp(im->mode, "P")) { /* palette */ pp = im->palette->palette; for (i = y = 0; y < im->ysize; y++) for (x = 0; x < im->xsize; x++, i++) { v = im->image8[y][x]; p[i].c.r = pp[v*4+0]; p[i].c.g = pp[v*4+1]; p[i].c.b = pp[v*4+2]; } } else if (!strcmp(im->mode, "RGB")) { /* true colour */ for (i = y = 0; y < im->ysize; y++) for (x = 0; x < im->xsize; x++, i++) p[i].v = im->image32[y][x]; } else { free(p); return (Imaging) ImagingError_ValueError("internal error"); } switch (mode) { case 0: /* median cut */ result = quantize( p, im->xsize*im->ysize, colors, &palette, &paletteLength, &newData, kmeans ); break; case 1: /* maximum coverage */ result = quantize2( p, im->xsize*im->ysize, colors, &palette, &paletteLength, &newData, kmeans ); break; default: result = 0; break; } free(p); if (result) { imOut = ImagingNew("P", im->xsize, im->ysize); for (i = y = 0; y < im->ysize; y++) for (x=0; x < im->xsize; x++) imOut->image8[y][x] = (unsigned char) newData[i++]; free(newData); pp = imOut->palette->palette; for (i = j = 0; i < (int) paletteLength; i++) { *pp++ = palette[i].c.r; *pp++ = palette[i].c.g; *pp++ = palette[i].c.b; *pp++ = 255; } for (; i < 256; i++) { *pp++ = 0; *pp++ = 0; *pp++ = 0; *pp++ = 255; } free(palette); return imOut; } else { return (Imaging) ImagingError_ValueError("quantization error"); } }