GFE/ifpIMAGE Configuration File
GFE Font Sizes

The fonts for the GFE and ifpIMAGE programs can be overridden from their defaults by enabling entries in this section of the configuration file.  If you want to change fonts for the display of a particular weather element, such as contour label size, refer to the weather element font specifier section.

The numbers used in this section refer to the five fonts (numbered 0 through 4).

You can change the font sizes for the following components in the GFE and ifpIMAGE:

  • Spatial Editor Color Bar Scale font (for scalar and vector-type elements)
  • Spatial Editor Color Bar Label font (for weather-type elements)
  • Spatial Editor Color Bar Pickup Value font
  • Spatial Editor Legend font
  • Temporal Editor Data Selector font
  • Temporal Editor Sample font
  • Spatial Editor Sample font
  • Spatial Editor Marker font
  • Grid Manager weather element identifier font
  • Grid Manager source identifier (single character within a grid block) font
  • Time Scale font
  • Pickup Value Dialog label font (for scalar and vector-type elements)
  • Pickup Value Dialog pickup value font
  • The format for all of the entires is componentName_font = fontSize, where fontSize is a number from 0 through 4.  The number identifies the font (TextFont0 through TextFont4) to use for the writing of text to the display.

    The following table defines the various components, their entries, and the software default.

    Config Entry Name
    Software Default
    Spatial Editor Color Bar Scale Font (scalar and vector) ColorBarScale_font 1
    Spatial Editor Color Bar Scale Font (weather) ColorBarWxLabel_font 2
    Spatial Editor Color Bar Pickup Value Indicator ColorBarPickUp_font 3
    Spatial Editor Legend SELegend_font 3
    Spatial Editor Samples SESample_font 2
    Spatial Editor Marker SEMarker_font 3
    Temporal Editor Data Selector (weather element name) TEDataSelector_font 1 For best results, use fontSizes 0-3
    Temporal Editor Sample Font (used in the display of the data values) TESample_font 1
    Grid Manager Weather Element identifier TimeBlockLabel_font 3
    Grid Manager Grid Source font TimeBlockSource_font 1 For best results, use fontSizes 0-1
    Time Scale (scale labels) TimeScale_font 2 For best results, use fontSizes 0-3
    Pickup Value Dialog label (scalar and vector) SetValueContLabel_font 2
    Pickup Value Dialog pickup value label SetValuePickUp_font 3
    ColorBarScale_font = 1
    ColorBarWxLabel_font = 2
    ColorBarPickUp_font = 3
    SESample_font = 2
    SEMarker_font = 3
    SELegend_font = 3
    TEDataSelector_font = 1
    TESample_font = 1
    TimeBlockLabel_font = 3
    TimeBlockSource_font = 1
    TimeScale_font = 2
    SetValueContLabel_font = 2
    SetValuePickUp_font = 3

    The default fonts used for the display of meteorological data can also be set in the configuration file. The user can control the fonts used in the following types of displays:

  • bounded area visualization of weather
  • map background labels
  • contour labeling
  • contour tool "white" lines labeling
  • The format for all of the entires is displayType_font = fontSize, where fontSize is a number from 0 through 4.  The number identifies the font (TextFont0 through TextFont4) to use for the writing of text to the display.

    The following table defines the various display types, their entries, and the software default.

    Display Type
    Config Entry Name
    Software Default
    Bounded Area labels (weather) BoundedArea_font 2
    Contour labels (scalar) Contour_font 2
    Contour Tool "White" lines labeling Cline_font 2
    Map Background labels Map_font 2
    BoundedArea_font = 2
    Cline_font = 2
    Map_font = 2
    Contour_font = 2


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