
A Procedure for Separating the Hazard grid into individual hazard elements

How It Works


The SeparateHazards procedure takes each individual hazard from the Hazards grid, and splits it into individual temporary hazards grid. In complex situations, this allows the forecaster to modify a single hazard, without disturbing the actual Hazard grid. Once modified, the forecaster uses MergeHazards to composite the individual, temporary hazard grids back into the Hazard grid.

In the following example, a Winter Storm Warning (WS.W) exists with a combined Wind Chill Advisory (WC.Y). The forecaster would like to extend the period of the Wind Chill Advisory, without affecting the Winter Storm Warning.

Combined Hazards Separate Hazards

First, the forecaster selects SeparateHazards from the Hazards Menu.

Separate Hazards Menu 

This tool provides no user feedback, it simply breaks the Hazard grid from the forecast database into it's individual elements. During the time that the forecaster has the elements separated, the Hazard grid remains locked, to prevent others from affecting the same grids.

The temporary grids will be named in the format:

"hazVTECWithoutDotoptionalETN" (ie., hazWSW1). Notice in the example below, the Hazard grid has been separated into a hazWCY and hazWSW grid.

Initial Temp Grids

To modify only the Wind Chill Advisory, the forecast would either use the MakeHazards tool, or standard GFE editing tools like pencil, or stretching of grids to add or remove zones and change the start or end time of the Wind Chill Advisory. Notice in the example below, the southwest portion of the Wind Chill Advisory has been removed, and the advisory for the northeast has been extended, as evidenced by the length of the hazWCY grid.

Modifed Temp Grid

Finally, the forecaster runs the MergeHazards tool to recombine the temporary Hazard grids back into the actual Hazards grid. Notice that the changed Wind Chill Advisory has now been merged with the unchanged Winter Storm Watch.

Recombined Hazards

How It Works

The SeparateHazards procedure looks at the Hazards grids inventory and contents and separates each hazard into its own weather element.  The software ensures that the grids haven't already been separated and then before proceding will lock the entire Hazards weather element.   While your Hazards grids have been separated, no other forecaster will be able to edit the Hazards grid.

The weather elements created as temporary grids and cannot be saved to the ifpServer.