RPS List defaultRPS.VCP90.rps created 2007:06:20:15%:52:19 ... 21 products An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval, Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and multCut The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c' Reflectivity (Z) Z 180 256 15 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N Reflectivity (Z) Z 180 256 15 - 10 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N Reflectivity (Z) Z 180 256 15 - 30 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N Reflectivity (Z) Z 180 256 15 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N Velocity (V) V 182 256 15 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N Velocity (V) V 182 256 15 - 10 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N Velocity (V) V 182 256 15 - 30 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N Velocity (V) V 182 256 15 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N Reflectivity (Z) Z 186 256 30 - 6 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 8 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N Storm Track (STI) STI 58 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N Tornadic Vortex Sig (TVS) TVS 61 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N