GFE/ifpIMAGE Configuration File
Intersite Coordination

GFE Configuration Item
Applicable to GFE
Applicable to ifpIMAGE
Preselected Send ISC Dialog Weather Element Group YES NO
Send ISC Dialog DialogTimes Configuration YES NO
Limiting Times of Sending Grids YES NO
Limiting Weather Elements to Send YES NO

Preselected Send ISC Dialog Weather Element Group

The weather elements in the  group named in this entry will be highlighted upon initial startup of the Send ISC Dialog.  The default is that none is specified, so that the currently loaded weather elements are selected.

SendISCGridDialogInitialWEGroup = "Public"

Send ISC Dialog Times Configuration

The list of entries that appear on the Send ISC Dialog are listed in this field.  The entries must be valid user-defined Time Ranges or they will be ignored.

SendISCTimes = ['Day 3', 'Day 5']

Limiting the Times of Grids to Send

By default, the sending of ISC grids is not limited to any time range, other than what is specified on the Publish Dialog or Send ISC Dialog.  To save on processing and communication traffic, the time range may be trimmed by specifying the following two configuration items.  These items are in hours from the current time.  For example, if you wanted to make sure that no grids were sent from the past and no grids past 7 days, the configuration entries would be:

ISC_sendLimitBeforeCurrentTime = 0
ISC_sendLimitAfterCurrentTime = 7*24

Limiting the Weather Elements to Send

By default, the sending of ISC grids is not limited by weather element. Sites request what elements they wish. To save on processing and communication traffic, the weather elements may be trimmed by specifying an "ISC_neverSendParms" entry.  Even if the user selects these weather elements for sending, they will not be sent.

ISC_neverSendParms = ['T', 'Td']