<%-- - This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company, - pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government. - - U.S. EXPORT CONTROLLED TECHNICAL DATA - This software product contains export-restricted data whose - export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination - to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires - an export license or other authorization. - - Contractor Name: Raytheon Company - Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340 - Mail Stop B8 - Omaha, NE 68106 - 402.291.0100 - - See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for - further licensing information. - - JSP for modifying the purge time and the length of logs to keep - -
 - Date         Ticket#    Engineer    Description
 - ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
 - Aug 16, 2012            mnash     Initial creation
- - @author mnash - @version 1.0 - --%> <%@ page import="org.jivesoftware.util.ParamUtils" %> <%@ page import="org.jivesoftware.util.JiveGlobals" %> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ page import="java.lang.*" %> <%@ page import="java.net.URLEncoder" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core_rt" prefix="c" %> <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/fmt_rt" prefix="fmt" %> <% webManager.init(request, response, session, application, out ); %> <% // Get parameters String LOG_FREQ = "detailedlogfreq"; String LOG_TTL = "detailedlogttl"; // was this request a save request? boolean save = request.getParameter("save") != null; // was it successful, will determine later based on any error messages boolean success = false; // grab the global for the frequency of purge time (currently set as, otherwise set to 60) int logfreqtime = JiveGlobals.getIntProperty(LOG_FREQ, 60); // grab the global for the amount of time to keep (currently set as, otherwise set to 21600) int logttltime = JiveGlobals.getIntProperty(LOG_TTL, 21600); // see if a parameter was sent for log frequency, otherwise use global value int logfreq = ParamUtils.getIntParameter(request,LOG_FREQ,logfreqtime); // see if a parameter was sent for log time to keep, otherwise use global value int logttl = ParamUtils.getIntParameter(request,LOG_TTL, logttltime); // Handle a save, we need to set those properties in the JiveGlobals class Map errors = new HashMap(); if (save) { // do validation if (logfreq <= 0) { errors.put(LOG_FREQ,LOG_FREQ); } if (logttl <= 0) { errors.put(LOG_TTL, LOG_TTL); } if (errors.isEmpty()) { JiveGlobals.setProperty(LOG_FREQ,Integer.toString(logfreq)); JiveGlobals.setProperty(LOG_TTL,Integer.toString(logttl)); success = true; } else { success = false; } } %> Detailed Room Logging

Use the form below to configure logging for chat rooms

<% if (success) { %>
Success Successfully update logging settings.

<% } else if (errors.isEmpty() == false) { %>
error <% if (errors.get(LOG_FREQ) != null || errors.get(LOG_TTL) != null) { %> An invalid value was entered. Please enter a valid value. <% } %>
<% } %>
Logging Information
Detailed logging purge frequency (seconds) ">
Detailed logging time to keep (seconds) ">