GenerateCyclone Tool

The GenerateCyclone tool creates wind grids for tropical depression events. When a cyclone is classified as a tropical depression, The TCM text bulletin from the Tropical Prediction Center (TPC) contains only the forecast center and maximum sustained winds; no wind radii are provided. The Generate Cyclone tools allows forecasters to add wind radii thus injecting more detail to this wind forecast so that they can create more realistic wind grids more easily.

Defining Radii in a Text File

The GenerateCyclone tool was derived from the TCMWind tool. To use it, the forecaster must first define the location and strength of the cyclone as a function of time in a text file. The format of the file is very similar to the format of the TCM product. A simple example is shown below...

FORECAST VALID 09/0900Z 25.4N 81.7W
10 KT......100NE 100SE 100SW 90NW.
20 KT.......90NE 90SE 90SW 90NW.
30 KT.......85NE 85SE 85SW 75NW.

FORECAST VALID 09/1800Z 28.2N 85.8W
10 KT......100NE 100SE 100SW 90NW.
20 KT.......90NE 90SE 90SW 90NW.
30 KT.......85NE 85SE 85SW 75NW.

There are three main parts to the text file: the valid time and location, max sustained winds, and the radii.

1. Forecast Valid Time and Location


FORECAST VALID 09/0900Z 25.4N 81.7W

(valid time) (lat, lon)

The forecast valid time and location must precede the radii information. It must contain the phrase “FORECAST VALID” followed by the time in the format dd/hhmmZ, where dd is the day of the month, hh is the hour, mm is the minute (this should always be 00), and the Z means that the time is in GMT. The center location of the storm follow the time and must be in the format “aa.aN bbb.bW”, where aa.a is the latitude in degrees and tenths north and bbb.b is the longitude in degrees and tenths west. The “N” and the “W” are required for proper decoding of the text.

Since the month and year are optional, the tool will generally create grids containing the cyclone within the current month. When the tool finishes you may need to scroll the Grid Manager backward or forward in time to view your grids since they could be plotted many days before or after the current time window.

2. Max Sustained Winds



(max wind) (gust value is not used)

The Max Sustained Wind line indicates the maximum sustained winds for the cyclone. It has the format MAX WIND xxx KT...GUSTS yyy KT, where xxx is the maximum sustained wind and yyy is the gusts. The maximum sustained wind value and the latitude is used to calculate a radius of maximum wind (RMW) and is added to the list of radii. The maximum gust is not used by the tool.

3. Wind Radii


10 KT......100NE 100SE 100SW 90NW.

(wind value) ...(radii in each direction in nautical miles)

The wind radii actually define the wind radii values for a specified wind speed. It has the following format: NN KT.......aNE bSE cSW dNW, where NN is the wind speed value in knots and a, b, c, and d are the values of the radii for the northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest quadrants, respectively, all expressed in nautical miles. All quadrants must be listed and all must use the standard NE, SE, SW, NW indicators for each quadrant for the tool to work properly.

Note that unlike the TCM bulletins, you can add any wind value you want not just 34, 50, and 64 KT, and you may enter as many wind values as you like. However, for best results, carry the same wind values through to the end of the forecast. For example, if you define a 25 knot radius in the first forecast period, define a 25 knot radius for the rest of the forecast periods as well. The code that performs the interpolation works much better when the same wind speed values are used throughout the forecast period.

Preparing to run the tool

Before the tool can be successfully executed, the text file containing all of the information about the cyclone must be prepared. It's recommended that a template be stored in the text database under some product that will never be transmitted. Forecasters will edit this template, perhaps copying in the current TCM, add radii to some of the forecaster periods, and save the file under a different text database product name. This new name should be used when running the GenerateCyclone tool.

Additional data from TPC

The Tropical Prediction Center produces additional data that more precisely predicts the radius of maximum wind and the outermost closed isobar. The GenerateCyclone tool can ingest this this data which will generally improve the quality of the wind grids that it produces. However, in order to download the data from the TPC web site, you must configure and run a set of scripts before running the GenerateCyclone tool. These scripts download the data for you and place it in the AWIPS text database. Once stored in the database, the tool will automatically read the additional data and use it as part of the algorithm that generates the cyclone wind data. Please see the appendix on page 6 for detailed information on how to set up and run these scripts.

Once the scripts are set up, forecasters should follow these steps:

Running the tool

The GenerateCyclone tool is invoked from the GFE by selecting from the main menu bar: Populate->GenerateCyclone. A GUI menu displays immediately and looks like the figure below.

GenerateCyclone user interface

The menu allows the forecaster to enter the following information:



The following instructions list the steps required to download additional data from TPC and store it in the AWIPS text database. All files are included with the distribution tar file that came with the GenerateCyclone tool.

Assumptions: User fxa in ds1 can ssh into ls1 as LDAD with no password
prompting. If it can't, see your ITO or AWIPS Focal Point. Also, these
scripts are needed to run the GenerateCyclone Procedure to populate
your wind grids with TPC TCM guidance for tropical depressions where
no wind radii is provided.

1) Edit the .csh and .pl scripts to edit your local choice for the
ldir (AWIPS Local directory where scripts reside inside AWIPS) and
rdir (LDAD Local Directory where ftp script will reside)
variables. Place all the scripts in the tar package in the AWIPS
directory (ldir).

2) Place ftp script in the LDAD working directory (rdir).

3) Add the following entries to your trigger table in ds1 substituting your office ID:

MIATCMAT1 /your/awips/local/dir/tcm_2ndfile.csh MIATCMAT1
(/your/awips/local/dir same as ldir). MIATCMAT2
/your/awips/local/dir/tcm_2ndfile.csh MIATCMAT2 MIATCMAT3
/your/awips/local/dir/tcm_2ndfile.csh MIATCMAT3 MIATCMAT4
/your/awips/local/dir/tcm_2ndfile.csh MIATCMAT4 MIATCMAT5
/your/awips/local/dir/tcm_2ndfile.csh MIATCMAT5

Localize ds1 triggers (mainScript.csh -trigger) as fxa.

4) When the TCMs are stored in the database, the script
tcm_2ndfile.csh call its companion perl script. This script decodes
from the TCM the storm number and year (AL##YYYY), where AL stands for
atlantic, ## for storm number, and YYYY year). This information is
used by the perl script to remotely run as ldad the ftp script in
ldad. The ftp script downloads from TPC ftp directory the atcf file
corresponding to the TCM triggering the script. In the case of
tropical depressions where no wind radii information is contained in
the TCM, this atcf file contains the necessary circulation information
needed by the GFE GenerateCyclone Procedure to create a depression in
the wind grids.

5) Example: If AL##YYYY in the TCM file is AL102004, then the
corresponding atcf file is stored in the AWIPS text database as
AL102004. When you run the GenerateCyclone Procedure in GFE, you will
enter the 9 letter PIL for the TCM and AL102004 will be pulled from
the text database provided you have set up these scripts. The
procedure will call both products from the text database, decode them,
and generate the depression circulation in the grids.