Mutable Database | YES | NO | Doesn't affect output PNGs |
Viewable Database Types | YES | YES | Affect overall available set of types |
Filtered Data Mask | YES | YES | Normally only used for ifpIMAGE |
Normally the mutable database name is set to "_Fcst" for the forecast database. It is unusual, except for testing, to set this field to a different value._model type_model _model_time type_model_time
The "_model" format is used when the database does not have a specified type and a specific model time does not matter. Be sure to include the underscore character for this format. The "type_model" format is used when the database to be edited has a specified type (e.g., D2D for D2D models). The formats with the time are not normally used but are useful when you want to edit a specific database that is not a singleton. The format for the time string is yyyymmdd_hhmm. An example of the time string for November 8, 1999 at 1200z is 19991108_1200.
mutableModel = "_Fcst"
The standard databases have a database type of '' (no value). This value must be included in the list of "dbTypes". D2D model databases have a type of "D2D". Virtual databases, such as those used for the Virtual ISC weather elements, have a type of "V".
You may want to adjust this list to always exclude certain categories of databases from being displayed on the GFE.
dbTypes = ['', 'D2D', 'V']
BOU_Wind_mask = "BOU"
BOU_mask = "CWA"
Wind_mask = "CWA"
mask = "CWA"