LDM README FILE INTRODUCTION: This package contains the source-code for the Unidata Program Center's Local Data Manager (LDM). RELEASE IDENTIFICATION: The release identifier for this package is in the file VERSION and has the following form: .. where: Is the major release-number (e.g., 6). Changes to this component indicate a major departure from previous releases (such as a change to the LDM protocol). Such changes are often not compatible with previous releases. Is the minor release-number (e.g., 1). Changes to this component indicate the addition of new features. The package remains compatible with previous releases having the same major release-number. Is the revision-level (e.g., 0). Changes to this component indicate bug-fixes and/or performance improvments that are functionally compatible with previous releases having the same major and minor release-numbers. LEGAL: Licensing and copyright information are contained in the file COPYRIGHT, which is in the top-level source directory. INFORMATION: HOMEPAGE -- INCLUDING INSTALLATION & CONFIGURATION INSTRUCTIONS: The homepage of the LDM package is http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/ldm/ Click on the appropriate release identifier to go the release-specific homepage, where you will find detailed LDM installation and configuration instructions as well as other useful information. CHANGE LOG: Changes to the package are documented in the file CHANGE_LOG, which is in the top-level source-directory. RELEASE NOTES: Release-specific aspects are documented in the file RELEASE_NOTES, which is in the top-level source-directory. LDM DECODERS: LDM-compatible decoders for local processing of received data products are available seperately from the Unidata Program Center. These include Unidata decoders, GEMPAK decoders and MCIDAS decoders. See Unidata Decoders: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/decoders/ GEMPAK Decoders: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/gempak/ McIDAS Decoders: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/mcidas/mcidd/ SUPPORT: If you are a licensed Unidata member, then you may obtain support by sending an email inquiry to support-ldm@unidata.ucar.edu. Please include a description of the type of platform (hardware and operating system) and any relevant information that can help us answer your question (error messages, symptoms, etc.).