GFE/ifpIMAGE Configuration File
Dialog and Menu Configuration

GFE Configuration Item
Applicable to GFE
Applicable to ifpIMAGE
Set Pickup Value Dialog Zoom Configuration YES NO
Maximum Set Delta Dialog Values YES NO
Interpolate Dialog Mode YES NO
List of Publish Dialog Time Periods YES NO
Preselected Publish Dialog Weather Element Group YES NO
Create From Scratch Dialog Defaults YES NO
Interpolation Dialog Defaults YES NO
Wx/Discrete: Show Description YES

Weather Set Value Dialog Default Values

Set Pickup Value Dialog Zoom Configuration

The pickup value dialog is used to enter values for use in the assign value edit tool.  This dialog was previously called "set value."  The pickup value dialog has the ability of a one-level zoom factor.  Clicking button 1 over the dialog will zoom in or zoom out only one level, i.e., either you see the entire parameter range, or you see the zoomed in range.  The amount of zoom is defined by the zoom factors specified in this section.  The software can be configured to provide an overall zoom for all parameters with individual overrides for certain weather elements.

The SetValue_zoom defines the factor to use by all weather elements, if they aren't explicitly specified by weather element.  The value can be intrepreted as the visible range in the dialog.  A value of 4 indicates that 1/4 of the weather element's maximum range will be displayed when the dialog is zoomed in. For example, if temperature bounds are -30 to +130 degrees, which is a range of 160 degrees, and the zoom factor is 4, then the dialog will only show 40 degree range when zoomed in.

Individual weather elements can specify different zoom factors.  The format of this entry is weatherElementName_SetValue_zoom.  For those weather elements that are not surface-based, the format is weatherElementName_level_SetValue_zoom. An example for QPF is shown below:

SetValue_zoom = 4
QPF_SetValue_zoom = 10


Maximum Set Delta Dialog Values

The default range of the Set Discrepancy Dialog is 20% of the weather element's range.  This may be changed on a per weather element basis using this configuration item.  The item specified is the maximum value that appears in the dialog.  The format of the entry is weName_MaxDeltaDialogValue.  For those weather elements that are not surface-based, the format is weatherElementName_level_MaxDeltaDialogValue.

Sky_MaxDeltaDialogValue = 40.0


Interpolate Dialog Mode

The Interpolate Dialog Mode has two options, "Gaps" and "Edited".  These correspond to the entries on the InterpolateDialog, "By Gaps", and "Based on Edited Data".  The default if not specified is to bring up the dialog with the "By Gaps" selected.  This behavior can be changed using this configuration item.

InterpolateDialogMode = "Gaps"

List of Publish Dialog Time Periods

The list of entries that appear on the Publish Dialog are listed in this field.  The entries must be valid user-defined Time Ranges or they will be ignored.

PublishTimes = ['example1']


Preselected Publish Dialog Weather Element Group

The weather elements in the  group named in this entry will be highlighted upon initial startup of the Publish Dialog.  The default is that none is specified, so that the currently loaded weather elements are selected.

PublishDialogInitialWEGroup = "Public"


Interpolation Dialog Defaults

The Interpolation Dialog provides the specification of the interval and duration.  These two entries in the configuration file will change the defaults of the interval and duration.

By default, the dialog is shown with a minimum interval and duration.  This can be changed. If the duration is specified, then the interval must also be specified. The units are hours and must range between 1 and 24.

InterpolateDefaultInterval = 1
InterpolateDefaultDuration = 1


Create from Scratch Dialog Defaults

The Create from Scratch Dialog provides the specification of the interval and duration.  These two entries in the configuration file will change the defaults of the interval and duration.

By default, the dialog is shown with a minimum interval and duration.  This can be changed. If the duration is specified, then the interval must also be specified. The units are hours and must range between 1 and 24.

CreateScratchDefaultInterval = 1
CreateScratchDefaultDuration = 1

Wx/Discrete: Show Description

Controls the default setting for the "show description"  option for the Weather Set Value Dialog and Discrete Set Value Dialogs.   In addition to the two dialogs, the Spatial Editor Color Bar and Temporal Editor Data Pane's MB3 Popup Menu items Set Common Values To, Set Recent Values To..., and Set Session Values To... also will contain the descriptive information. 

The option may be interactively set through the GFE -> View Preferences -> Wx/Discrete: Show Description menu item.

WxDiscrete_Description = 1

Weather Set Value Dialog Default Values

This section of the configuration file controls the default intensity and coverage/probability values that will be displayed on the weather set value (pickup value) dialog when creating a new weather key.  If not specified in the gfe configuration file, the intensity and coverage/probability values are defaulted to the first intensity and coverage/probability values defined in the's Weather Definition.   The format of these entries is weatherTypeSymbol_defaultCoverage and weatherTypeSymbol_defaultIntensity.

R_defaultCoverage = "Wide"
RW_defaultCoverage = "Sct"
S_defaultCoverage = "Wide"
SW_defaultCoverage = "Sct"

R_defaultIntensity = "-"
RW_defaultIntensity = "-"
S_defaultIntensity = "-"
SW_defaultIntensity = "-"

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