# This script will update any FFMPSourceConfig.xml files
# to use grid data in place of grib
# This update needs to be performed with build ???.
# This update is only for edex servers which host FFMPSourceConfig.xml files

echo ""
echo "Press Enter to perform the updates Ctrl-C to quit."
read done

files=`find /awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static -iname FFMPSourceConfig.xml`

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "FATAL: Update Failed!"
exit 1

for f in $files; do
	echo Updating $f
	bf=$f.bak.`date +%m%d%y`
	cp $f $bf
	# reconstruct data uris from grib to grid
	awk -F '/' '
	/<dataPath>\/grib/ {print $1 "/grid/" $3 "/" $4 "/.*/.*/.*/" $5 "/" $6 "/" $7 "/" $8 "/" $11 "/" $12; next;}
	{gsub(/<plugin>grib<\/plugin>/,"<plugin>grid</plugin>"); print; }
	' $bf > $f

echo "INFO: The update finished successfully."
exit 0