/** * This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company, * pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government. * * U.S. EXPORT CONTROLLED TECHNICAL DATA * This software product contains export-restricted data whose * export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination * to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires * an export license or other authorization. * * Contractor Name: Raytheon Company * Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340 * Mail Stop B8 * Omaha, NE 68106 * 402.291.0100 * * See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for * further licensing information. **/ package com.raytheon.viz.volumebrowser.vbui; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import com.raytheon.viz.volumebrowser.vbui.DataListsProdTableComp.DataSelection; import com.raytheon.viz.volumebrowser.widget.MenuContributionItem; import com.raytheon.viz.volumebrowser.xml.MenuContribution; /** * * This is a singleton class that is used to bridge the gap between the toolbar * "menu" items and the Volume Browser GUI controls. * *
 * Date         Ticket#    Engineer    Description
 * ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
 * May 27, 2009 #2161      lvenable     Initial creation
 * Jan 24, 2013 #1516      rferrel     Methods to change/get 
 *                                      Active Data Selection.
* * @author lvenable * @version 1.0 */ public class MenuItemManager { /** * Class instance. */ private static MenuItemManager classInstance; /** * Sources menu item map. */ private HashMap> sourcesMenuItemMap; /** * Fields menu item map. */ private HashMap> fieldsMenuItemMap; /** * Planes menu item map. */ private HashMap> planesMenuItemMap; /** * Callback when a menu action takes place. */ private IDataMenuAction menuActionCB; /** * Constructor. */ private MenuItemManager() { initData(); } /** * Get an instance of this class. * * @return An instance of this class. */ public static synchronized MenuItemManager getInstance() { // If the RangeUtil has not been created // then create a new instance. if (classInstance == null) { classInstance = new MenuItemManager(); } return classInstance; } /** * Set the menu update callback. * * @param menuActionCB * Menu action callback. */ public void setMenuUpdateCallback(IDataMenuAction menuActionCB) { this.menuActionCB = menuActionCB; } /** * Initialize the data. */ private void initData() { sourcesMenuItemMap = new HashMap>(); fieldsMenuItemMap = new HashMap>(); planesMenuItemMap = new HashMap>(); } /** * Add a menu contribution item to a data map. * * @param key * Item key. * @param mci * Menu contribution item. */ public void addMenuContribItem(String key, MenuContributionItem mci) { /* * Determine which map to put the data. */ if (menuActionCB.getActiveDataSelection() == DataSelection.SOURCES) { addToMap(sourcesMenuItemMap, mci); } else if (menuActionCB.getActiveDataSelection() == DataSelection.FIELDS) { addToMap(fieldsMenuItemMap, mci); } else if (menuActionCB.getActiveDataSelection() == DataSelection.PLANES) { addToMap(planesMenuItemMap, mci); } } /** * Add data to the map. * * @param map * Data map. * @param mci * Menu contribution item. */ private void addToMap(HashMap> map, MenuContributionItem mci) { /* * If the map does not contain the key then create a new map entry else * add the menu contribution item to the existing entry. */ if (map.containsKey(mci.getMenuContribution().xml.key) == false) { ArrayList array = new ArrayList(); array.add(mci); map.put(mci.getMenuContribution().xml.key, array); } else { boolean enabled = map.get(mci.getMenuContribution().xml.key).get(0) .isEnabled(); mci.enableMenu(enabled); // The key exists so just update the array with the object. map.get(mci.getMenuContribution().xml.key).add(mci); } } /** * Action taken when a menu item is selected. * * @param menuText * Menu text. * @param menuContrib * Menu contribution item. */ public void menuItemSelectedAction(String menuText, MenuContribution menuContrib) { /* * Determine which data section the menu item was selected and then * process the action. */ if (menuActionCB.getActiveDataSelection() == DataSelection.SOURCES) { handleMenuItemSelected(sourcesMenuItemMap, menuText, menuContrib); } else if (menuActionCB.getActiveDataSelection() == DataSelection.FIELDS) { handleMenuItemSelected(fieldsMenuItemMap, menuText, menuContrib); } else if (menuActionCB.getActiveDataSelection() == DataSelection.PLANES) { handleMenuItemSelected(planesMenuItemMap, menuText, menuContrib); } } /** * Handle the menu selection by disabling the menu items with the same key. * * @param map * Data map. * @param menuText * Menu text. * @param menuContrib * Menu contribution item. */ private void handleMenuItemSelected( HashMap> map, String menuText, MenuContribution menuContrib) { /* * Check if the map contains the key (it should). */ if (map.containsKey(menuContrib.xml.key) == true) { /* * Disable the menus that have the same key. */ ArrayList array = map .get(menuContrib.xml.key); for (MenuContributionItem mci : array) { mci.enableMenu(false); } menuActionCB.addToList(menuText, menuContrib); } } /** * Clear all of the data maps. */ public void clearAllMaps() { clearSourcesMap(); clearFieldsMap(); clearPlanesMap(); } /** * Clear the Sources data maps. */ public void clearSourcesMap() { sourcesMenuItemMap.clear(); } /** * Clear the Fields data maps. */ public void clearFieldsMap() { fieldsMenuItemMap.clear(); } /** * Clear the Planes data maps. */ public void clearPlanesMap() { planesMenuItemMap.clear(); } /** * Enable all of the menu items for Sources, Fields, and Planes. */ public void enableAllMenuItems() { enableSourcesMenus(); enableFieldsMenus(); enablePlanesMenus(); } /** * Enable the Sources menu items. */ public void enableSourcesMenus() { enableMenus(sourcesMenuItemMap); } /** * Enable the Fields menu items. */ public void enableFieldsMenus() { enableMenus(fieldsMenuItemMap); } /** * Enable the Planes menu items. */ public void enablePlanesMenus() { enableMenus(planesMenuItemMap); } /** * Enable the menus for the specified data map (Sources, Fields, or Planes). * * @param map * Data map. */ private void enableMenus( HashMap> map) { Set keys = map.keySet(); String key; ArrayList array; for (Iterator iterator = keys.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { key = iterator.next(); array = map.get(key); for (MenuContributionItem menuContributionItem : array) { menuContributionItem.enableMenu(true); } } } /** * Disable menu item(s) associated with the specified key. There can be * multiple menu items that share the same key. * * @param key * Item key. * @param selection * Data selection type (Sources, Fields, or Planes). */ public void disableMenuItem(String key, DataSelection selection) { /* * Determine the data selection type and then disable the proper menus. */ if (selection == DataSelection.SOURCES) { findAndDisableMenuItem(key, sourcesMenuItemMap); } else if (selection == DataSelection.FIELDS) { findAndDisableMenuItem(key, fieldsMenuItemMap); } else if (selection == DataSelection.PLANES) { findAndDisableMenuItem(key, planesMenuItemMap); } } /** * Find the menus matching the key and disable them. * * @param key * Item key. * @param map * Data map. */ private void findAndDisableMenuItem(String key, HashMap> map) { ArrayList array = map.get(key); if (array == null) { return; } for (MenuContributionItem menuContributionItem : array) { menuContributionItem.enableMenu(false); } } /** * Get map of available keys for the specified data selection type (Sources, * Fields, or Planes). * * @param selectedType * The data selection type (Sources, Fields, or Planes). * @return Map of keys for the specified data selection. */ public HashMap getMapOfKeys(DataSelection selectedType) { if (selectedType == DataSelection.SOURCES) { return getKeysAsMap(sourcesMenuItemMap); } else if (selectedType == DataSelection.FIELDS) { return getKeysAsMap(fieldsMenuItemMap); } else if (selectedType == DataSelection.PLANES) { return getKeysAsMap(planesMenuItemMap); } return new HashMap(); } /** * Get a map of keys from the specified map. * * @param map * Data map. * @return Map of keys. */ private HashMap getKeysAsMap( HashMap> map) { HashMap newKeyMap = new HashMap(); Set keys = map.keySet(); for (String keyStr : keys) { newKeyMap.put(keyStr, null); } return newKeyMap; } /** * Mark the menu item as having data. * * @param key * Data key. */ public Collection menuItemHasData(String key) { if (sourcesMenuItemMap.containsKey(key) == true) { changeImage(sourcesMenuItemMap, true, key); return sourcesMenuItemMap.get(key); } else if (fieldsMenuItemMap.containsKey(key) == true) { changeImage(fieldsMenuItemMap, true, key); return fieldsMenuItemMap.get(key); } else if (planesMenuItemMap.containsKey(key) == true) { changeImage(planesMenuItemMap, true, key); return planesMenuItemMap.get(key); } return null; } /** * Mark all of the menu item as having no data. */ public void markAllMenuItemsToNoData() { changeImages(sourcesMenuItemMap, false); changeImages(fieldsMenuItemMap, false); changeImages(planesMenuItemMap, false); } /** * Mark the all menu items of the map to have data or to not have data * according to the flag passed in. * * @param map * Data map. * @param flag * True to mark all menu items to show data is available, false * to mark all menu items to show data is not available. */ private void changeImages( HashMap> map, boolean flag) { Set keys = map.keySet(); String key; ArrayList array; for (Iterator iterator = keys.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { key = iterator.next(); array = map.get(key); for (MenuContributionItem menuContributionItem : array) { menuContributionItem.markDataAvailable(flag); } } } /** * Change the "inventory" image of the specified menu item. * * @param map * Data map. * @param flag * True will mark menu as having data; false will mark menu as * menu having no data. * @param key * Key to the menu item to be marked. */ private void changeImage( HashMap> map, boolean flag, String key) { ArrayList array; array = map.get(key); for (MenuContributionItem menuContributionItem : array) { menuContributionItem.markDataAvailable(flag); } } /** * * Convenience methods to print all of the data. * * Can remove when no longer needed... */ public void printAllMenuInformation() { System.out.println("******************* Sources Menu ***************"); printMenu(sourcesMenuItemMap); System.out.println("******************* Fields Menu ****************"); printMenu(fieldsMenuItemMap); System.out.println("******************* Planes Menu ****************"); printMenu(planesMenuItemMap); } /** * Print out the entries of the desired map. * * @param map */ private void printMenu(HashMap> map) { Set keys = map.keySet(); String key; ArrayList array; for (Iterator iterator = keys.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { key = iterator.next(); array = map.get(key); for (MenuContributionItem menuContributionItem : array) { System.out.println("key = " + key + "\t\t" + "Menu Text = " + menuContributionItem.getMenuItemText()); } } } /** * * @param data * the data selection for which to obtain data * @return an array of menu contribution items that have data available and * are not currently selected */ public ArrayList getAvailableItems(DataSelection data) { ArrayList availableItems = new ArrayList(); HashMap> menuItemMap = null; switch (data) { case FIELDS: menuItemMap = fieldsMenuItemMap; break; case PLANES: menuItemMap = planesMenuItemMap; break; case SOURCES: menuItemMap = sourcesMenuItemMap; break; } for (ArrayList menuItems : menuItemMap.values()) { // don't worry about the multiple menus associated with a single key MenuContributionItem menuItem = menuItems.get(0); if (menuItem.isAvailable()) { availableItems.add(menuItem); } } return availableItems; } /** * Obtain all the keys for lat/lon entries of the Planes Menu Item map. * * @return latLonKeys * */ public List getLatLonKeys() { List latLonKeys = new ArrayList(); for (ArrayList menuContributions : planesMenuItemMap .values()) { for (MenuContributionItem menuContribution : menuContributions) { MenuContribution menuItem = menuContribution .getMenuContribution(); if (menuItem.xml.key.startsWith("Lat") || menuItem.xml.key.startsWith("Lon")) { latLonKeys.add(menuItem.xml.key); } } } // add the keys that include all lats and all lons latLonKeys.add("LATS"); latLonKeys.add("LONS"); return latLonKeys; } /** * Obtain the Active Data Selection. * * @return dataSelection */ public DataSelection getActiveDataSelection() { return menuActionCB.getActiveDataSelection(); } /** * Set the Active Data Selection. * * @param dataSelection */ public void setActiveDataSelection(DataSelection dataSelection) { menuActionCB.setActiveDataSelection(dataSelection); } }