# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Calculates the Wind Chill from temperature(C) and windSpeed(km/h)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

import numpy
from numpy import power
def calculate(T,wSpd):

    # T and DpT have to be in C for the below calculation
    badValue = numpy.where(T > 16,1,0)
    noChill = numpy.where(wSpd < 6.4,1,0)
    wSpd = numpy.where(wSpd > 128.75, 128.75, wSpd)
    wSpd = numpy.power(wSpd,0.16)
    Wc = 13.12 + 0.6215 * T - 11.37 * wSpd + 0.3965 * T * wSpd
    #Returned in Celsius
    return numpy.where(badValue == 1, -9999.0, numpy.where(noChill == 1, T,Wc))