#!/bin/bash # DR3708 updates collaboration config to support blacklists IFS=$'\n' files=`find /awips2/edex/data/utility/cave_static/*/*/collaboration/ -name 'config.xml'` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "No files found." exit 1 fi echo "" echo "Press Enter to perform the updates Ctrl-C to quit." read done MY_DIR=`dirname $0` for f in $files; do echo "Updating $f" xml=$(python $MY_DIR/util/updateCollaborationConfig.py $f) if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo "ERROR: Problem updating file $f" elif [[ -n $xml ]] then echo $xml | xmllint --format - > $f echo "Successfully updated" else echo "No update needed for $f" fi done