ifpServerStats User's Guide

May 13, 2004

Table of Contents


Running the ifpServerStats Program

Example Output


The ifpServerStats program is a utility to output certain statistics about the ifpServer.  The output includes information about the network transactions, database sizes, and BASE/SITE/USER configurations.  The output is sent to stdout and may be rerouted to a file if desired.

Running the ifpServerStats Program

The command line syntax is:
ifpServerStats -h hostname -p rpcPortNumber -t -d -f -c -q
A sample command line is:
ifpServerStats -h abc.fsl.noaa.gov -p 98000000 -q -c
Option Syntax Optional or Mandatory Description
-h hostname Mandatory (see note) Specifies the host, upon which the ifpServer is running
-p port Mandatory (see note) Specifies the port, upon which the ifpServer is running
-t Optional If specified, outputs the transaction information.
-d Optional If specified, outputs the database sizing information.
-f Optional If specified, outputs the base/site/user configuration information.
-c Optional If specified, outputs the client connection information
-q Optional If specified, outputs the client queue information
Note: If none of the -t, -d -f, -q, or -c switches are given, then all information will be output.
Note: The -h and -p switches are predefined to match your GFESuite installation, such that they will point to the ifpServer specified on installation.  Thus the -h and -p switches are not necessary for normal running of this program.  However, if you wish to connect to a different server, then you will need to specify the -h and -p.   If environment variables ${CDSHOST} or ${CDSPORT} are defined, then the default server and port will be determined from the environment variables, unless overridden with the user specified -h and -p switches.


Example Data

The following shows some example output and how it is interpreted. The output is divided into four sections: network, client, database sizing, and base/site/user configuration.

ifpServerStats -h abc.fsl.noaa.gov -p 98000000

Network Information

The first section displays the network message types, the number of calls made since 0000Z, the average, minimum, and maximum time in seconds for each call.

WsId: 389696393:mark:ifpServer:10342:0
Protocol Version: 20010105
Network Process Statistics
---Rpc Message Type----   NumCall  AveTime  MinTime  MaxTime
Register Client                 1   0.0005   0.0005   0.0005
Get Map Projections             1   0.0155   0.0155   0.0155

Network Statistics
-------Network Event-------           Number
RPC: Success                                 2

Port Identifier: 98000044

Client Information

The Client Table displays information about each connection to the server, how many notifications are queued, and the length of the queue in messages and time.

Connection Statistics
 FD NR  ConnDurat  QueueDur  Workstation Identifier
 -- --  ---------  --------  ----------------------
  9  0  0.00:00:00 00:00:00 mark@camper.fsl.noaa.gov:ifpServerStats:14689:0

Client Table
______ _____
[** Connection ** wsid= 389696393:mark:ifpServerStats:10361:0
 fd= 5 notifyRequested=0
 connDuration=0 queueDuration=0

Previous Queue Statistics:
QueueName   TotalQueued  MaxOnQueue  MaxTimeQueued MinTimeQueued AveTimeQueued
  Lock             0           0        0.0000         0.0000       0.0000
  Grid             0           0        0.0000         0.0000       0.0000
  DbInv            0           0        0.0000         0.0000       0.0000
  Sample           0           0        0.0000         0.0000       0.0000
  Reference        0           0        0.0000         0.0000       0.0000
  Color            0           0        0.0000         0.0000       0.0000
  TextFile         0           0        0.0000         0.0000       0.0000

Current Queue Statistics:
QueueName   TotalQueued  MaxOnQueue  MaxTimeQueued MinTimeQueued AveTimeQueued
  Lock             0           0        0.0000         0.0000       0.0000
  Grid             0           0        0.0000         0.0000       0.0000
  DbInv            0           0        0.0000         0.0000       0.0000
  Sample           0           0        0.0000         0.0000       0.0000
  Reference        0           0        0.0000         0.0000       0.0000
  Color            0           0        0.0000         0.0000       0.0000
  TextFile         0           0        0.0000         0.0000       0.0000

Queue Contents:
LOCK Queue: [ ]
GRID Queue: [ ]
DBINV Queue: [ ]
SAMPLE Queue: [ ]
REFERENCE Queue: [ ]
COLOR Queue: [ ]
TEXTFILE Queue: [ ]


Client Queue Information

The client queue information displays information about each connected client that has notifications enabled.  It shows the current, and the total number of notifications processed for the client, as well as the length of time that queue entries have been available.

Client Queue Statistics
Client #:0
 wsid= mark@camper.fsl.noaa.gov:gfe:7482:0
 fd= 7 protocolVer= 20030223 notifyReq=1 connDur=0.00:31:03 queueDur=00:00:00

Previous Queue Statistics:
QueueName   TotalQueued  MaxOnQueue  MaxTimeQueued MinTimeQueued AveTimeQueued
  Lock            57           6        2.9953         0.0769       1.5776
  Grid           327         112        2.8861         0.0008       0.9391
  DbInv            1           1        0.0224         0.0224       0.0224
  UserMsg          4           1        2.8678         1.8457       2.3077

Current Queue Statistics:
QueueName   TotalQueued  MaxOnQueue  MaxTimeQueued MinTimeQueued AveTimeQueued
 ----- No Current Queue -----

Database Sizing Information

The database sizing statistics display information about each GRID database, the size of the grids for the storage araas, the number of grid slots in the database, number used, and the percent full of each database.  Databases will automatically increase in size.  The D2D-style databases will show the number of inventory slots vs. the number of grids in the database.

Database Sizing Statistics
 Database Identifier                       Storage Area Name   Total Used %Full
 -------------------                       -----------------   ----- ---- -----
BOU_GRID_D2D_AVN_20030307_0600            D2D netCDF           1242 1214  97.7%
BOU_GRID_D2D_AVN_20030307_1200            D2D netCDF           1242  992  79.9%
BOU_GRID_D2D_ETA12_20030307_1200          D2D netCDF            318  209  65.7%
BOU_GRID_D2D_ETA_20030307_0000            D2D netCDF           1968 1431  72.7%
BOU_GRID_D2D_ETA_20030307_1200            D2D netCDF           1968 1431  72.7%
BOU_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000              byte37x37              17    7  41.2%
BOU_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000              float37x37            227   61  26.9%
BOU_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000              byte37x37               0    0   0.0%
BOU_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000              float37x37              0    0   0.0%
BOU_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000              HistoryUse            214   62  29.0%
BOU_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000              WxUse                  17    7  41.2%


Base/Site/User Configuration

The Base/Site/User configuration details goes through each data type in the server and displays the user name (e.g., BASE, SITE, mark), the name of the file, the coded filename, and whether the file overrides the BASE or SITE configuration.

BASE/SITE/USER Configuration Details
**** Configuration Files for [TEXT/SELECTTR] ****

  Files in [BASE]
                                                                   BASE SITE
     name                    coded filename                         Override
  ------------------        ---------------                        ---- ----
  Day 3                    Day_CA3.SELECTTR
  Day 4                    Day_CA4.SELECTTR
  Day 5                    Day_CA5.SELECTTR
  Today                    Today.SELECTTR
  Tomorrow                 Tomorrow.SELECTTR
  Tomorrow Night           Tomorrow_CANight.SELECTTR
  Tonight                  Tonight.SELECTTR

**** Configuration Files for [TEXT/BUNDLE] ****

  Files in [BASE]
                                                                   BASE SITE
     name                    coded filename                         Override
  ------------------        ---------------                        ---- ----
  FireWx                   FireWx.BUNDLE
  Gweight                  Gweight.BUNDLE
  Public                   Public.BUNDLE