/***************************************************************************** * meta.h * * DESCRIPTION * This file contains the code necessary to handle the meta data that * comes out of the GRIB2 decoder. This includes parsing the integer arrays * to create a meta structure, and providing routines to write the meta * structure to disk. * * HISTORY * 9/2002 Arthur Taylor (MDL / RSIS): Created. * * NOTES ***************************************************************************** */ #ifndef META_H #define META_H #include /* Include type.h for uChar and sChar */ #include "degrib_inc/type.h" #ifdef MEMWATCH #include "degrib_inc/memwatch.h" #endif #ifndef GRIB2BIT_ENUM #define GRIB2BIT_ENUM /* See rule (8) bit 1 is most significant, bit 8 least significant. */ enum {GRIB2BIT_1=128, GRIB2BIT_2=64, GRIB2BIT_3=32, GRIB2BIT_4=16, GRIB2BIT_5=8, GRIB2BIT_6=4, GRIB2BIT_7=2, GRIB2BIT_8=1}; #endif #ifndef UNITCONVERT_ENUM #define UNITCONVERT_ENUM typedef enum { UC_NONE, UC_K2F, UC_InchWater, UC_M2Feet, UC_M2Inch, UC_MS2Knots } unit_convert; #endif /* For GRIB1 GDS Types. */ enum { GB1S2_LATLON = 0, GB1S2_MERCATOR = 1, GB1S2_LAMBERT = 3, GB1S2_POLAR = 5 }; #define GRIB2MISSING_1 (int) (0xff) #define GRIB2MISSING_2 (int) (0xffff) #define GRIB2MISSING_4 (long int) (0xffffffff) #define NUM_UGLY_WORD 5 #define NUM_UGLY_ATTRIB 5 typedef struct { uChar numValid; /* (0..5) How many valid "types" */ uChar wx[NUM_UGLY_WORD]; /* (see WxCode) */ uChar cover[NUM_UGLY_WORD]; /* (see WxCover) */ uChar intens[NUM_UGLY_WORD]; /* (see WxIntens) */ uChar vis[NUM_UGLY_WORD]; /* 255 no vis, otherwise in units of 1/32 SM * so 6SM -> 192. P6SM -> 224 */ uChar f_or[NUM_UGLY_WORD]; /* true if OR, or MX was a hazzard. */ uChar attrib[NUM_UGLY_WORD][NUM_UGLY_ATTRIB]; /* (see WxAttrib) */ uChar minVis; /* vis[] should be constant, but just in case * we use the minimum value. */ uChar f_valid; /* 1 valid may be not-used, 2 valid and used, * 0 invalid may be not-used, * temporarily 3 (invalid and used). */ long int validIndex; /* Which index this is, counting only used * valid indexes. If it is not used it is -1 */ char *english[NUM_UGLY_WORD]; /* The english translation of ugly string. */ uChar wx_inten[NUM_UGLY_WORD]; /* A code to represent the wx and intensity for an "ugly word". */ long int HazCode[NUM_UGLY_WORD]; /* A code to represent all the attributes. */ int SimpleCode; /* Simple weather code for this ugly string. */ char *errors; /* if STORE_ERRORS, then it contains any error * messages found while parsing this string. */ } UglyStringType; typedef struct { char **data; /* Array of text strings (aka "ugly strings) */ long int dataLen; /* number of text strings in data. */ int maxLen; /* Max Length of all of the "ugly strings" * It includes 1 for the \0 character. */ UglyStringType *ugly; /* The parsed Ugly string. */ int maxEng[NUM_UGLY_WORD]; /* Max length of english phrases for all ugly * word number X. */ } sect2_WxType; typedef struct { double *data; /* Array of actual values (cast from int or float to double). */ long int dataLen; /* Number of elements in data. */ } sect2_UnknownType; enum { GS2_NONE, GS2_WXTYPE, GS2_UNKNOWN }; typedef struct { /* void *ptr; */ /* Pointer to section 2 data. */ sect2_WxType wx; /* wx data. */ sect2_UnknownType unknown; /* unknown type of section 2 data. */ uChar ptrType; /* Which structure is valid. GS2_WXTYPE => wx GS2_UNKNOWN => unknown */ } sect2_type; enum { CAT_TEMP, CAT_MOIST, CAT_MOMENT, CAT_MASS, CAT_SW_RAD, CAT_LW_RAD, CAT_CLOUD, CAT_THERMO_INDEX, CAT_KINEMATIC_INDEX, CAT_TEMP_PROB, CAT_MOISTURE_PROB, CAT_MOMENT_PROB, CAT_MASS_PROB, CAT_AEROSOL, CAT_TRACE, CAT_RADAR, CAT_RADAR_IMAGERY, CAT_ELECTRO, CAT_NUCLEAR, CAT_PHYS_ATMOS }; enum { TEMP_TEMP, TEMP_VIRT, TEMP_POTENTIAL, TEMP_PSEUDO_POTENTIAL, TEMP_MAXT, TEMP_MINT, TEMP_DEW_TEMP, TEMP_DEW_DEPRESS, TEMP_LAPSE, TEMP_ANOMALY, TEMP_LATENT_FLUX, TEMP_SENSIBLE_FLUX, TEMP_HEAT, TEMP_WINDCHILL, TEMP_MIN_DEW_DEPRESS, TEMP_VIRT_POTENTIAL }; enum { CLOUD_ICE, CLOUD_COVER, CLOUD_CONVECT_COVER, CLOUD_LOW, CLOUD_MEDIUM, CLOUD_HIGH, CLOUD_WATER, CLOUD_AMNT, CLOUD_TYPE, CLOUD_THUDER_MAX, CLOUD_THUNDER_COVER, CLOUD_BASE, CLOUD_TOP, CLOUD_CEIL }; enum { MOMENT_WINDDIR, MOMENT_WINDSPD, MOMENT_U_WIND, MOMENT_V_WIND, MOMENT_STREAM, MOMENT_VEL_POTENT, MOMENT_MONT_STREAM, MOMENT_SIGMA_VERTVEL, MOMENT_VERTVEL_PRESS, MOMENT_VERTVEL_GEOMETRIC, MOMENT_ABS_VORT, MOMENT_ABS_DIV, MOMENT_REL_VORT, MOMENT_REL_DIV, MOMENT_POT_VORT, MOMENT_VERT_U_SHEAR, MOMENT_VERT_V_SHEAR, MOMENT_U_FLUX, MOMENT_V_FLUX, MOMENT_MIX_ENERGY, MOMENT_BOUNDARY_DISSPATE, MOMENT_MAX_WINDSPD, MOMENT_GUSTSPD, MOMENT_U_GUSTSPD, MOMENT_V_GUSTSPD }; enum { MOIST_SPEC_HUMID, MOIST_REL_HUMID, MOIST_HUMID_MIX, MOIST_PRECIP_WATER, MOIST_VAPOR_PRESS, MOIST_SAT_DEFICIT, MOIST_EVAP, MOIST_PRECIP_RATE, MOIST_PRECIP_TOT, MOIST_LARGE_SCALE, MOIST_CONVECT_PRECIP, MOIST_SNOWAMT, MOIST_SNOWRATE_WATER, MOIST_SNOWAMT_WATER, MOIST_CONVECT_SNOW, MOIST_LARGE_SCALE_SNOW, MOIST_SNOWMELT, MOIST_SNOWAGE, MOIST_ABS_HUMID, MOIST_PRECIP_TYPE, MOIST_INTEGRATE_WATER, MOIST_CONDENSATE, MOIST_CLOUDMIX_RATIO, MOIST_ICEMIX_RATIO, MOIST_RAINMIX_RATIO, MOIST_SNOWMIX_RATIO, MOIST_HORIZ_CONVERGE, MOIST_MAXREL_HUMID, MOIST_MAXABS_HUMID, MOIST_TOT_SNOW, MOIST_PRECIP_WATER_CAT, MOIST_HAIL, MOIST_GRAUPEL }; enum { OCEAN_CAT_WAVES, OCEAN_CAT_CURRENT, OCEAN_CAT_ICE, OCEAN_CAT_SURF, OCEAN_CAT_SUBSURF }; enum { OCEAN_WAVE_SPECTRA1, OCEAN_WAVE_SPECTRA2, OCEAN_WAVE_SPECTRA3, OCEAN_WAVE_SIG_HT_WV_SWELL, OCEAN_WAVE_DIR_WV, OCEAN_WAVE_SIG_HT_WV, OCEAN_WAVE_PD_WV, OCEAN_WAVE_DIR_SWELL, OCEAN_WAVE_SIG_HT_SWELL, OCEAN_WAVE_PD_SWELL, OCEAN_WAVE_PRIM_DIR, OCEAN_WAVE_PRIM_PD, OCEAN_WAVE_SEC_DIR, OCEAN_WAVE_SEC_PD }; typedef struct { uChar processID; /* Statistical process method used. */ uChar incrType; /* Type of time increment between intervals */ uChar timeRangeUnit; /* Time range unit. */ long int lenTime; /* Range or length of time interval. */ uChar incrUnit; /* Unit of time increment. */ long int timeIncr; /* Time increment between intervals. */ } sect4_IntervalType; typedef struct { /* Used to store data where unpacked value = value / 10**factor */ long int value; /* scale value in equation */ sChar factor; /* scale factor in equation. */ } ScaleType; typedef struct { /* See Template 4.30. */ unsigned short int series; /* Satellite series of band. */ unsigned short int numbers; /* Satellite numbers of band. */ uChar instType; /* Instrument type of band */ ScaleType centWaveNum; /* scaled value for central wave number of band. */ } sect4_BandType; enum { GS4_ANALYSIS, GS4_ENSEMBLE, GS4_DERIVED, GS4_STATISTIC = 8, GS4_PROBABILITY = 9, GS4_RADAR = 20, GS4_SATELLITE = 30 }; typedef struct { unsigned short int templat; /* The section 4 template number. */ uChar cat; /* General category of Meteo Product. */ uChar subcat; /* Specific subcategory of Meteo Product. */ uChar genProcess; /* What type of generate process (Analysis, Forecast, Probability Forecast, etc). */ uChar bgGenID; /* Background generating process id. */ uChar genID; /* Analysis/Forecast generating process id. */ uChar f_validCutOff; /* 1 if cutOff is valid, 0 if cutoff missing. */ long int cutOff; /* Data Cutoff in seconds after reference time (see sect 1 for reference time). */ double foreSec; /* forecast "projection time" in seconds. */ uChar fstSurfType; /* Type of the first fixed surface. */ double fstSurfValue; /* Value of first fixed surface. */ uChar fstSurfScale; /* Scale factor used when storing value. */ uChar sndSurfType; /* Type of the second fixed surface. */ double sndSurfValue; /* Value of second fixed surface. */ uChar sndSurfScale; /* Scale factor used when storing value. */ time_t validTime; /* The ending time, or valid time, in seconds UTC. This is specified in template 4.8, 4.9, for the others it is refTime + foreSec. */ /* The following are somewhat template specific. */ uChar typeEnsemble; /* The type of Ensemble forecast Template 4.1, (Code Table 4.5) */ uChar perturbNum; /* Perturbation number, Template 4.1 */ uChar numberFcsts; /* Number of forecasts in Ensemble. Template, 4.1, 4.2 */ uChar derivedFcst; /* Derived Forecast (from Ensemble). Template 4.2 */ uChar numInterval; /* Number of time intervals. Template 4.8,4.9 */ long int numMissing; /* Number of missing values. Template 4.8,4.9 */ sect4_IntervalType *Interval; /* Stores the array of time intervals. Template 4.8,4.9 */ uChar numBands; /* Number of Spectral Bands. Template 4.30 */ sect4_BandType *bands; /* Holds info about each Band Template 4.30 */ uChar foreProbNum; /* Forecast Probability number (Template 4.9) */ uChar numForeProbs; /* Total # of forecast probabilities (4.9) */ uChar probType; /* Type of probability range. (Template 4.9) 0 below lower limit. 1 above upper limit. 2 between lower (inclusive) and upper limit (exclusive) 3 above lower limit. 4 below upper limit. */ ScaleType lowerLimit; /* Lower Limit probability field. Template 4.9*/ ScaleType upperLimit; /* Upper Limit probability field. Template 4.9*/ } sect4_type; /* This is the structure needed for the PDS (Product Definition Section) * for GRIB2. I hope to combine stuff, but there is a lot more to GRIB2 * than GRIB1 */ typedef struct { /* Section 0 Data */ uChar prodType; /* 0 is meteo product, 1 is hydro, 2 is land 3 is space, 10 is oceanographic. */ /* Section 1 Data */ unsigned short int center, subcenter; /* Who produced it. */ uChar mstrVersion; /* Master table version. */ uChar lclVersion; /* Local table version. */ uChar sigTime; /* Significance of reference time */ time_t refTime; /* Reference time in seconds UTC */ uChar operStatus; /* What is operational status of data. */ uChar dataType; /* What type of data. (analysis, forecast, analysis & forecast, ...) */ /* Rest of PDS. */ uChar f_sect2; /* 1 if sect2 exists, 0 otherwise. */ long int sect2NumGroups; /* total number of groups in section 2 data. */ sect2_type sect2; /* sect 2 info */ sect4_type sect4; /* sect 4 info */ } pdsG2Type; /* This is the structure needed for the PDS (Product Definition Section) * for GRIB1 */ typedef struct { uChar mstrVersion; /* Parameter Table Version #. */ uChar center, subcenter; /* Who produced it. */ uChar genProcess; /* Generating Process ID. ?Sect 4? */ uChar cat; /* General category of Meteo Product. */ uChar gridID; /* The Grid Defin ID number (GRIB1 specific) */ uChar levelType; /* Type of level. ?sect 4 fstSurf? */ int levelVal; /* Value of level. */ time_t refTime; /* Reference time in seconds UTC */ time_t P1; /* Period of time1 ?sect 4 valid time? */ time_t P2; /* Period of time2 */ time_t validTime; /* Valid time in seconds UTC */ uChar timeRange; /* Time Range Indicator. */ /* Specific for averages or accumulations. (determined by timeRange) */ int Average; /* number included in average. */ uChar numberMissing; /* number missing from averages. */ } pdsG1Type; /* This is the structure and enumerated types needed for the GDS (Grid * Definition Section. In GRIB2 the GDS was in section 3, in GRIB1 it was in * section 2. */ enum { GS3_LATLON = 0, GS3_MERCATOR = 10, GS3_POLAR = 20, GS3_LAMBERT = 30, GS3_ORTHOGRAPHIC = 90, GS3_EQUATOR_EQUIDIST = 110, GS3_AZIMUTH_RANGE = 120}; /* Note: It appears that compilers break up a struct based on the largest element type. In this case a double. So to avoid wasted memory, we need things to stop at 8 byte borders. long int, double, long int is larger than long int, long int, double. */ typedef struct { sInt4 numPts; /* Number of data points. Typically Nx * Ny, but for some exotic grids they don't have Nx,Ny */ uChar projType; /* Projection type / template type. Valid choices 0(lat/lon), 10(mercator), 20(Polar Stereo), 30(Lambert Conformal), in future maybe 90, 110, 120. */ /* Shape of Earth */ uChar f_sphere; /* 1 is a sphere, => majEarth == minEarth */ double majEarth, minEarth; /* semi major and minor axis of earth in km. */ /* Projection info. */ sInt4 Nx, Ny; /* Dimensions of grid. */ double lat1, lon1; /* lat,lon position of first grid point. */ /* resFlag: moved to save memory. */ double orientLon; /* Where up is North. (0 for lat/lon grids) */ double Dx, Dy; /* Mesh delta x,y in degrees or meters. */ double meshLat; /* Where the mesh size is defined (0 for lat/lon grids.) */ uChar resFlag; /* Table 7 GRIB1 : Section 2 */ uChar center; /* For lambert and polar stereographic, answers: (south/north?) and (bi-polar?) */ uChar scan; /* describes how the grid was traversed when it was stored. (ie top/down left/right etc.) Internally we use 0100. (start lower left) */ double lat2, lon2; /* lat,lon position of last grid point. (0 if unused) */ /* Specific to Lambert Conformal grids. */ double scaleLat1, scaleLat2; /* The tangent latitude. If different: then the latitude where the scale should be equal, which allows one to compute the correct tangent latitude. (0 for lat/lon and mercator, 90 for north polar stereographic). */ double southLat, southLon; /* Not needed. 0 except lambert. (and rotated lat/lon) */ /* Following is for stretched Lat/Lon grids. */ double poleLat, poleLon; /* Pole of stretching. */ double stretchFactor; /* Factor of stretching. */ int f_typeLatLon; /* 0 regular, 1 stretch, 2 stretch / rotate. */ double angleRotate; /* Rotation angle. */ } gdsType; typedef struct { uChar projType; /* Projection type / template type. Valid choices 0(lat/lon), 10(mercator), 20(Polar Stereo), 30(Lambert Conformal), in future maybe 90, 110, 120. */ double majEarth, minEarth; /* semi major and minor axis of earth in km. */ } gdsType2; enum { GS5_SIMPLE = 0, GS5_CMPLX = 2, GS5_CMPLXSEC = 3, GS5_SPECTRAL = 50, GS5_HARMONIC = 41, GS5_JPEG2000 = 40000, GS5_PNG = 40010 }; typedef struct { sInt4 packType; /* What kind of packing was used. */ float refVal; /* The refrence value for the grid, also the * minimum value? */ short int ESF; /* Power of 2 scaling factor. */ short int DSF; /* Decimal Scale Factor */ uChar fieldType; /* 0 data was float, 1 if int. */ uChar f_maxmin; /* boolean, if min/max are valid*/ double min, max; /* Min / Max values in data. */ uChar missManage; /* Missing value management 0 none, 1 primary, 2 primary & secondary. */ double missPrim, missSec; /* primary and secondary missing values. */ long int numMissing; /* Number of missing values detected, both primary and secondary. */ } gridAttribType; typedef struct { uChar GribVersion; /* 1 if GRIB1, 2 if GRIB2 */ char wfo[5]; /* Name of wfo that generated the data. */ pdsG1Type pds1; /* Product Definition section for GRIB1. */ pdsG2Type pds2; /* Product Definition section for GRIB2. */ gdsType gds; /* Grid Definition section (sect3 for GRIB2) */ gridAttribType gridAttrib; /* Attributes of the Grid (min/max values etc) */ char *element; /* A short char look up of variable type. */ char *comment; /* A more descriptive look up of variable type. */ char *unitName; /* Unit if not the one specified in the GRIB2 * document, otherwise NULL. */ int convert; /* Enum type of unit conversions (meta.h), Conversion method for this variable's unit. */ char *shortFstLevel; /* Short description of the level of this data (above ground) (500 mb), etc */ char *longFstLevel; /* Long description of the level of this data (above ground) (500 mb), etc */ char refTime[20]; /* When forecast was issued. */ char validTime[20]; /* When forecast is valid. */ long int deltTime; /* validTime - refTime in seconds. */ /* int *size_wx; */ /* (idat[0] + 2) * sizeof (int) */ /* char **release_datetime; *//* pds2.refTime + pds2.cutOffHour */ } grib_MetaData; void MetaInit (grib_MetaData *meta); void MetaSect2Free (grib_MetaData * meta); void MetaFree (grib_MetaData *meta); int ParseTime (time_t * AnsTime, int year, uChar mon, uChar day, uChar hour, uChar min, uChar sec); int ParseSect4Time2sec (long int time, int unit, double *ans); /* Possible error messages left in errSprintf() */ int MetaParse (grib_MetaData * meta, long int *is0, long int ns0, long int *is1, long int ns1, long int *is2, long int ns2, float *rdat, long int nrdat, long int *idat, long int nidat, long int *is3, long int ns3, long int *is4, long int ns4, long int *is5, long int ns5, long int grib_len, float xmissp, float xmisss, int simpVer); void ParseGrid (gridAttribType * attrib, double **Grib_Data, long int *grib_DataLen, long int Nx, long int Ny, int scan, long int *iain, long int ibitmap, long int *ib, double unitM, double unitB, uChar f_wxType, sect2_WxType * WxType, uChar f_subGrid, int startX, int startY, int stopX, int stopY); /* Possible error messages left in errSprintf() */ /* int MetaPrintGDS (gdsType * gds, char **ans); */ /* Possible error messages left in errSprintf() */ int MetaPrint (grib_MetaData *meta, char **ans, sChar decimal, sChar f_unit); #endif