/* include file containing all AODT library global variables */ #include "../inc/odtlib.h" /* include file containing all AODT library variable definitions */ #include "../inc/odtlibdefs-x.h" /* include file containing format statements for shared functions */ #include "../inc/odtlibfuncs.h" int aodtv64_historydeleterec(int *deleted,int *modified) /* Subroutine to delete records within history file structure/file dependent upon the date/time values previously entered into the AODT library Inputs : none Outputs: number of deleted and modified records within history structure/file Return : 66 : successful delete of record(s) */ { int iok,iret,mods; iok=aodtv64_deletehistoryrec(&mods); *deleted=iok; *modified=mods; iret=66; return iret; }